Keeping You Close

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Queen blinked several times when King just entered his lab and laid your sleeping body on the bed " What the hell.." mumbled the round man " Her knee is dislocated and and her arm is broken in the wrist and a little further up." he said brushing a few stray strands of hair from your face " Did you do this? Seriously? I thought you had the hots for her but look at you hahaha you sadistic bastard." laughed Queen and his fellow All-star gave him a glare " Just patch her up." he spat and walked out of the room.

You groaned in pain as you woke up, your vision was blurry and your eyes puffy from crying, the bed that you were laying on was much more softer than the one in the room you had been previously kept.  Rubbing the sleep from your eyes you were greeted with a completely unfamiliar room, the lights were dim and you had to crawl out of bed " Already up and running?" asked a voice that send shivers, you gulped a lump that was stuck at your throat and turned to look at the man. King was sitting next to a table mask and all the leather attire off, instead he was wearing a plain white shirt and a pair of black pants " I figured it would be best for you to be moved in my room." he said and gave you a look " I believe you don't have any complains." he said and you shook your head fearing that if you disagreed he would break another on of your limbs. The man patted a chair next to him and pointed at a warm plate of food that was next to him " Come eat, you look exhausted. Some warm food will help you." he said and you frowned looking at your patched leg and arm " My dominant hand is busted, along with my leg." you mumbled and the man got up.

He stood in front of you and you tried to move back but he placed an arm under you and held you up in his arm " Want me to feed you as well?" he asked with a slight hint of amusement in his voice " I believe I can manage." you said grabbing the utensil, no more words were exchanged between you and you started eating. You took a moment to inspect the man without his mask on ' His handsome and obviously nuts.' you thought as your eyes moved from his long white hair, to his red eyes, to his well shaped jaw and down his tan masculine neck " Full already?" he asked not looking up from his papers, you turned away and shoved a bite in your mouth " Isn't that too much paper work for a pirate crew?" you asked as the man looked over his papers " We do other business as well, being a pirate doesn't mean that you only sail the seas. We sell weapons and there is also." he stopped and gave you a look as if you did something wrong " What? I just asked a question. You could have not answered." you said messing a bit with your food.

" Well you're gonna learn about it at some point. Kaido-sama is working together with someone else to create artificial devil fruits." he said and you jumped up " WHAT!" you yelled in a mix of surprise and pain as you used your injured foot, King lifted you up so that you wouldn't put anymore pressure to it " Be more careful." he said but you ignored him " Can you really make artificial Devil Fruits?" you asked holding yourself from his arms " It's still in progress." he said and he let out a sight seeing the stars in your eyes " We will see the first results when Joker comes." he said and you raised an eyebrow " Is he also a member of the crew?" you asked and the man shook his head " His a man that Kaido has taken quiet a likin to, one of the Shichibukai, Donquixote Donflamingo." he said and you stared at him with wide eyes " THE PINK CHICKEN!?" you yelled cursing at the fuck that the Shichibukai seemed to be everywhere. King narrowed his eyes " You know him?" he asked voice low and grip threatening " W-we run into each other once. He came to offer something to Oyaji." you said and the man seemed to relax a bit " Only that?" he asked and you nodded as he leaned closer to you " Good then." he said his lips touching yours.

Hyori was sitting in her room with Otoko sleeping on her lap, Denjiro knocked on her door " Enter." she said and the man walked in " Is something the matter?" she asked him " You seem upset." she said as he sat down " I just learned a few things from Sasaki..." he said and the woman waited for him to continue " The traveler, ( Y/n) is a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, they worry that they may come to get her." he said and Hiyori looked at him surprised " That is good isn't it? If the Whitebeard pirates come and declare was to Kaido then we will have a chance to attack! " she said and gave her companion an inspecting look " Even though these are good news I can see that you are upset. Why is that?" she asked and the man shook his head " It is nothing, please do not be troubled." he said and the woman pouted " Even though I talk to you about my problems you share nothing with me. I thought we could talk openly to each other." she said and the man gave in. Denjiro let out a sight " It is just that ( Y/n). She tried to escape and King caught her." he said and gritted his teeth and the small pause made Hiyori worry " He...he broke one of her arms and one of her legs." he said and Hiyori felt a shiver run down his spine " I took a liking towards her as I noticed you did as well. Is there a way to help her?" she asked and the man shook his head " King is keeping her by his side and even moved her to his quarters. The man seems obsessed with her." he said and Hiyori lowered her head " Nothing can stop their cruelty." she mumbled and Denjiro nodded " We already knew that much. I just wish I was able to help her somehow." he mumbled.

You pushed yourself away from the man " You......YOU REALLY HAVE A SCREW LOOSE!" you yelled and the man rose an eyebrow " YOU ALMOST KILLED ME A FEW HOURS  AGO AND NOW THIS!?" you yelled holding yourself from the side of the table, King moved to grab you again but you moved back " What I did is nothing to what Kaido-sama would have done to you. I was just looking out for you." he said and you tried not to look at him straight in the eyes " k-kissing me isn't necessary for looking out for me." you said and the man sat back down " I did that because I want you." he simply stated and you felt the temperature of your body rise as you stared at him dumbfounded  " Damn you're  bold." you mumbled and let out a yelp when he pulled you on top of him.

" You do not understand how I feel about you. It irritates me how Yamato is constantly with you, how Sasaki gets so close to you when you hang out together, how Who'swho is observing you from the shadows and Page1's idiotic behaviour whenever you enter the room. I will do anything to keep you by my side, I will kill anyone who tries to take you away." he stated as his hand rested on your waste " A-and what if...what if I want to leave ?" you asked trying to keep your composure. When he frowned you realized your mistake, he let out a frustrated sigh as his other hand slid slowly to your uninjured kneed " I'll make sure you won't." he whispered giving it a light squeeze and hooking his hand underneath it before pushing you up " One way or another." he whispered again as he placed a small kiss on your lips and started trailing them down your neck.


Doffy pops up every given moment. Wonder how things turn out when he comes to Wano   (。◝‿◜。)

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