Right Here Right Now I'm Making My Feelings Clear

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You kept staring at the picture, it was like your survival instinct wanted you to harm Matias ' I want to find another traveler to ask about it but the last ones I met were completely nuts.' you thought with a sight dropping back to the sand " What are you doing all the way out here?" asked Ace standing over you and you blinked in surprise " Wanted some piece and quiet to think." you said sitting back up " I have to leave tomorrow. Oyaji wants me to check something out, might pass by Orz." he said and your eyes shined " Oh take me with you. I wanna see how his doing!" you said and the boy shrugged " Sorry but no can do. Your commander and our captain have placed you under island arrest." he said and you pouted " Yea I forgot about that." you mumbled and he laughed at your expression. The two of you just sat there for a bit before he cleared his throat " Here." he said handing you a red bead bracelet one that matched the necklace he was wearing " I...it was like today last year that you appeared on the ship." he said seeing your questioning stare and he felt his cheeks turn pink " And you never told us your birthday so it's like a....birthday present." he said messing with the sand. A smile made it's way on your face and you put it on " Thank you. How does it look?" you asked streaching you hand " Beautiful." he said looking at you.

He let out a sight and you turned to look at him " I like you." he blurted out and you blinked several times before chuckling " Jeez don't tease me like that I almost got a heart attack." you said but the boy did not laugh instead he kept staring straight into your eyes " I'm not teasing you or joking. I mean it. I like you...." he said face red " I tried to say to you several times but someone always poped up." he said and you just stood there " You like me as a crewmate right? As a friend? " you asked not really getting it. A few flames popped from the male's hair duo to his frustration " I'm gonna make this as simple as possible for you, but you have no right to hit me after." he said and just like he had done a couple months before he cupped your cheek and with his free hand pulled you closer from your back, his lips touched yours and then he pulled back before kissing you again.

You flinched feeling the tip of  his tongue softly touch your lips, hearing something clattering you both turned around to find Jinbei staring at you in shock, two cups thrown in the sand, the fishman quickly collected himself and gathered his things " My apologizes." he said bowing his head a bit and quickly leaving. You covered your face with your hands, the embarrassment was too much, Ace rubbed the back of his neck " I'm not expecting an answer here and now. I just wanted to make my feelings known before anyone else." he mumbled and you shakily took a cigarete out, he lit it for you.

It was awkward being in the same room with Jinbei, you greeted each other " About what you saw-" " It's alright. I should have figured out that you and Ace-san had that kind of relationship. I just wanted to apologize to you about yesterday , Marco explained to me that you have a problem with your memory and you can be sensitive about some things." he said and you shook your head " Firstly me and Ace aren't like that now." you said not wanting the man to misunderstand your friends confession  " Ah is that so, glad to hear it." he said and you raised an eyebrow " What Marco said is true I do have a sort of trouble with my memory. The person in the picture is a good friend of mine that I am searching for." you said and he nodded " Both of them?" he asked and you titled your head to the side " Both?" you questioned " Yes there is another person in the picture." he said and you quickly pulled out the photograph. Indeed, next to Matias who was in the middle there was another person but no matter how hard you tried you couldn't put a name to the face " Who the hell is that?" you mumbled.

Ace stood in front of the other two " So you told her." said Izo and the youngest male nodded " And what was her answer-yoi?" asked Marco and Ace rubbed the back of his head " She didn't reject me but she also didn't accept it." he said and the other two seemed relived at the last statement, the freckled male decided not to mention the kiss. Marco stood up " It was a good move, now we won't be able to say anything to her. If we do it will be too overwhelming."  said Izo  letting out a dry chuckle " You sly brat. You're a tough opponent-yoi." said Marco " But don't think just because of that we will give up." they said and Ace shrugged " It all depends on her in the end." he said and yawned " Got to go sleep. I'm leaving tomorrow." he said leaving the room.

 " FIRST THING IN THE MORNING AND YOU'RE ALREADY CAUSING TROUBLE!" yelled Marco pulling you out of the barrel that you were hiding " I WAAAAANNNNAAA GGOOOOO!" you whined and he huffed looking down at you " You are still being punished for sneaking out last time!  Can't you wait for a month or two to be at sea again?" he asked and you let out another whine. Thatch laughed along with Ace seeing the blond drag you out of the smaller boat " I know you're gonna miss me but you don't have to cause trouble for your commander. Plus Oyaji is gonna get mad at you." said the freckled male and you gulped " Fine. Have a safe trip." you said and he nodded following some of his crewmates in the boat " See you soon." he said and you waved at him " See you soon." you said.

Thatch caught you dozing off " And what is bothering our precious little lady?" he asked placing a desert in front of you " It's nothing. That looks tasty." you said ready to take a bite but the man took it away " Liars  don't get desert." he said and smirked seeing you frown. He patted your shoulder " I told you before. We're all here for you." he said and you nodded, letting out a sight you rubbed your hands together " Back at the island the man we met was also reincarnated here. Completely out of his mind but for some reason the things he said clicked in my head." you said and stopped " The sacrifice that Luda mentioned....I think the sacrifice is Matias." you said

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