Little Tricks

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Kaido and Orochi stayed behind to discuss you don't know what, the only thing you caught was that a business partner will be coming in a few days to talk about some big plans  ' Probably how to ruin peoples lives.' you thought and entered the banquet hall with King right behind you, the masked man went to sit at a corner while Sasaki pulled you to his group. Kyoshiro passed you a glass of sake and you politely declined ' The drinks here are 10 times stronger than home. Can't  handle them.' you thought as Sasaki was pulled away from your side " If I pour it for you it will taste sweeter." said Komurasaki and you gulped " Here~" she said holding the red cup to your lips. You gulped it down and cringed at the strong burn but tried to keep a straight face " Cute." you heard Kyoshiro mumble from next to you and chuckled along with the consort who offered you her pipe. Giving him a slight glare you exhaled a cloud of smoke to his direction and  gulped down another glass while looking him straight in the eye " Oyabun wanna play a little bet with me?" you asked and his smile stretched " I don't  see why not. Salami has told me that you are quiet the gambler." he said and you smirked.

The challenge had picked the interest of everyone in the room, Komurasaki covered her face with her sleeve " My my are you really going to challenge him? How daring you are!" she said hugging your arm. A crowd gathered around the the two of you as man pulled out a pair of dice and you pulled a pack of cards " Cards?" he asked and you nodded, he reted his head in his arm as he mentioned for you to shuffle the cards " Hey what's the bet?" asked someone from the crowd and you made a face seeing Sasaki's pleading face " Erase Sasaki's dept." you said and Kyoshiro nodded " Sure. Now...what should I ask?" he mumbled to himself. Komrasaki leaned closer to you " How about spending a day with us?" she asked and the blue haired man nodded " That sounds good." he said and you nodded " If they let me." you said sending a glance to were King and Queen sat " I can arrange that." he said and with that you started shuffling.

You felt cold sweat running down your face ' I can't believe this. I'm losing.' you thought staring at the cards that were laid down, Sasaki was almost in tears " What is wrong with you? You have to win! Try cheating!" he whispered yelled " I am!" you whispered yelled back. The blue haired man chuckled and laid down his cards " Royal flush." he said and your face turned white '  Unbelievable. I had that ace on me.' you thought hand reaching for the card only to not find it there, your eyes widen and moved to Komurasaki who had moved from your side to Kyoshiro's and she hid her smile behind her sleeve ' THESE SNEAKY-' your thoughts were interrupted by a pat on your head " Nice try, you played good." he said and you felt your face grow red from the  embarrassment. Komurasaki sat down next to you and offered you a drink " From the look on your face I'm guessing that this is the first time you lost. But don't worry, I'll make sure to take care of you." she said and you smiled at her " Maybe I lost on purpose so I could spend a whole day with the most beautiful woman in the country." you said and the woman blinked in surprise before chuckling " Ah you're also a charmer." she said " Only for you." you replied. Kyoshiro came back " It's settle in one of the following days Sasaki will come drop you off." he said and you nodded going to comfort Sasaki.

As the green haired male cried you heard someone laugh behind you " Well that was pretty bad." said Who's who and you shot him a glare " Easy there, when it comes to cheating no one can do it better than Kyoshiro." he said motioning to get up " King wants to talk with you in private." he said and the two of you began walking threw the hallways of the castle, you looked outside towards the garden and the city " Don't even think about it." came King's voice and Who's who chuckled " Are you dumb? The moment you get out of the castle gates you'll get blown to bits." he said letting out smoke on your face  " I was just admiring the view." you said swatting the smoke away. King narrowed his eyes at the male and pulled you inside the room " Leave." he said to him and Who's who nodded, you stood in the middle of the room and looked around " Don't try to run, even if you're not in Onigashima the place is filled with our men and if you manage to reach the sea you will drown. This is just a warning if you thought of escaping even at the cost of your arm." he said looking at you up down  " Unless I find a good opportunity I won't try to escape, I'll be ready for when my old man comes to rescue me." you said with a smirk and the man raised an eyebrow underneath his mask " Your old man?" he asked with a scoff " And who might that old man be for you to have so much confidence that he will come to rescue you?" he asked mockingly " Shirohige." you said and the man let out a sound similar to a laugh " Why is that everyone's reaction?" you mumbled lifting you clothes up and showing him your side where a small tattoo of the simplified jolly roger was.

King was not laughing anymore, he grabbed you by your collar " If this is some sort of joke you're in deep trouble." he spat eyes narrowed " Nope. I appeared in Mobby after my death and after a while I became a member of the crew, part of the first division." you said and his grip around you tighten. Then as a sudden realization hit him he dropped you to the floor " I was worried for nothing." he said and you gave him a questionable look " Whitebeard didn't come to help out Oden even thought he was part of his crew. What makes you think that he would come for you? A brat that he had by his side for only a year?" he asked and you felt your stomach drop. The man let out a sight and gave your head a mocking pat " If the thought of the Whitebeard pirates coming to rescue you comforts you then keep fooling yourself." he said and gave you a pitiful look " But it would be better if you became more cooperative with us and did as Kaido-sama asked you. You have protentional and are  quiet strong to be placed in the Tobi Roppo, take this opportunity and join us." he said and you gritted your teeth " The only man that I would follow other than Oyaji is someone that would  be able to surpass him." you said and you sent him a glare " And your captain ain't making the cut." you spat and Kings eyes narrowed before he walked to the door " I'll let you think about it for a bit, we have plenty of time for you to decide." he said slamming the sliding door behind him.

A few moments later Sasaki entered " Hey I was looking all over the place for you." he said placing an arm over your shoulders as you placed a cigarette in your mouth  " Huh?! You seem gloomy. Did King scold you?" he asked with a chuckle " Sasaki...can you leave alone for a moment?" you asked pulling out your lighter with shaky hands to light the cigarette  and the man seemed a little taken aback by your tone " S-sure. Just hurry it up, seems like you got quiet the fan club." he said in a failed attempt to lift your spirits. Once he was gone you let the tears that you had been holding fall ' He was messing with you. There is no way that they would just leave you.' you thought remembering your moments on the ship, you took a drag and let out the smoke with a sharp exhale before crashing the nicotine stick in your hand  ' They had parted ways with Oden years before he was killed that's why...' you gritted your teeth and cursed trying to whip your tears. It felt like a huge weight had suddenly fallen on you and made you drop to your knees, your tears staining the tatami floors ' Did they....' you thought clenching your fists and placing your head on the ground ' Will they really leave me?' you thought letting out a sobs that were covered by the laughter and music that came from the main hall.

" Where are you going with that Devil Fruit?" asked the first division captain " Answer me Ace!" he yelled and the younger male gritted his teeth " I have to do something." he spat and Marco let out a sight of frustration " And what were you thinking of doing exactly?" he asked walking closer to him " Shanks wanted this fruit right? And even for a short that he knew her they got along so....In exchange for the fruit I will ask him to bring her back." he said and Marco grabbed his arm " Before you start scolding me I know that Oyaji might get mad but...someone has to do something! If you care as much as you claim you do, you'll let me." he said and Marco let go of him " Go, But I'm not covering up for you." he said and Ace smiled " I'll make sure she comes back." said the freckled male getting ready to jump in his boat " You better." said the blond.

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