No Turning Back

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Next morning you said your goodbyes to Mr.Toto and started heading back, not even halfway in the desert Luffy stopped and laid to the ground " I quit." he stated making you look at him in surprise, you blinked a few times letting the statement sink in " What do you mean Luffy-san?" asked Vivi as you frowned " We don't have time for your childish antics. We're heading back." you said " Exactly as ( Y/n)-swan says, we're taking the same way we took yesterday, to go to Katorea and stop the rebellion. If 1.000.000 people clash it's all over. THIS IS FOR VIVI-CHAN! COME ON!" says Sanji  " Booooring." said the captain making you raise an eyebrow at the boy's serious look.

" Vivi." he called getting the princess's attention " I want to beat the crap out of Crocodile. If we stop the guys that are rebelling will we stop Crocodile? We can't do anything if we go to this place. We're pirates, you'd be better off without us." he said ' I...was not expecting him to make sense.' you thought sweatdropping " Sometimes he hits the bullseye without even thinking." said the cook. Before the princess could argue the captain spoke again " You just don't want anyone to die in this war. The people of your country, or us, or anyone. You're talking about a fight against one of the Shichibukai, in which over a million people will be in battle and all you want is for no one to die. That's naïve." he said " STOP LUFFY! YOU HAVE TO THINK OF VIVI-CHAN'S FEELINGS-" you cut the navigator of by raising your hand infront of her.

The princess frowned " What's wrong with that! What's wrong with not wanting people to die!?" she asked " People die." stated Luffy simply, just as those words left his mouth Vivi punched him sending him flying ' Damn. She sure can pack a punch.' you thought as the boy rolled in the sand " STOP TALKING LIKE THAT! DON'T YOU DARE SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT AGAIN! THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT WE'RE TRYING TO STOP! YOU CAN'T BLAME THE REBELS OR THE ARMY FOR THIS! WHY SHOULD ANYONE DIE!? THIS IS ALL CROCODILE'S FAULT!" yelled the princess receiving a punch straight on the face by Luffy " THEN WHY ARE YOU RISKING YOUR LIFE!? EVEN I CAN TELL WHAT THIS COUNTRY NEEDS THE MOST JUST BY LOOKING AT THE SITUATION! YOU THINK RISKING ONE LIFE IS ENOUGH?" he yelled as the two wresteled in the sand " THEN WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO RISK? THERE'S NOTHING ELSE I HAVE-"  " WHY DON'T YOU TRY RISKING OUR LIVES TOO? I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS?!" yelled the captain. Tears run down the girl's face " Look at you, you're crying. You're the one that want's to kill him the most. Tell me. Tell me where Crocodile is." said Luffy putting his hat on.

With that said and done you change course to Rainbase a gambling town " ( Y/n) mam I emm..." mumbled Usopp making you give him a glare, your eyes soften seeing the familiar black blades " I fixed them." he whimpered and shrieked as you snatched them away from his hands " I made some improvements as well." he whimpered leaving a folded piece of paper before hiding behind Nami. You kept going and you could spot the town in the far distance " Are you really fine with this?" asked the swordsman from next to you making you raise an eyebrow " You said Crocodile saved your life are you fine with fighting against him?" he asked again and you nodded " I do not take kindly on trying to overthrown a peaceful country with good leaders that care about it's people. Wish more places back home were like Alabasta." you said looking at the princess with a fond smile " I see, let's hope you won't hesitate." said the swordsman walking ahead of you. Even though you had said that you didn't like the idea of fighting Crocodile, he made your days at Dressrosa a little brighter, even though he knew about your meetings with Law and your plan to escape he said nothing to Donflamingo and when he caught you escaping he hid you and nursed you instead of handing you to the sadistic blond.

" YES CROCODILE! YOUR ASS IS GRASS!" yelled Luffy at the sight of the town " You'll have to keep a low profile, those guys probably now that we're here." you warned the captain " You really think so?" asked Zoro " Well we met Mr.2 and we know Mr.3 is here so I think we should assume that they know." said the princess " So what?" scoffed the captain " They know our faces so like I said try to keep a low profile." you groaned feeling slightly irritated " Why?" asked the boy " We have no idea where Baroque Works fighters could be hiding. There is no way we can get Crocodile if we're caught first." explained the sniper " Assassination is their specialty." added Zoro " OK CROCODILE YOUR ASS IS GRASS!" yelled the captain once more " WERE YOU LISTENING TO US!?" you and Usopp yelled smacking his head.

You watched the cloud of smoke that the sniper and captain left behind them " And he is gone....again." you sighed seeing Luffy's back disappear in the crowd " Leave them be. There are hopeless." said Nami dismissively " Oh wait they are coming back." you said and you felt your eyebrow twitch "   Oh crap! The Marines are after them!" said Sanji " Are you kidding? Why are they running over here then!?" panicked the ginger " I think we should start running as well." you said as Luffy brought the marines closer and closer " HEY! HEY! GUYS! THE MARINES ARE COMING!" yelled Luffy running up to you " YOU BROUGHT THEM HERE!" yelled Zoro " This isn't good. Running like this will get us spotted by Baroque Works." said Sanji as you and the swordsman spotted a couple of them " Think it's too late." said the green haired male " Let's go then! To where Crocodile is!" said Luffy " It was your eagerness that got us in this mess in the first place." you huffed and Vivi pointed at a building ahead of you, on top of it was a crocodile ' Are they for real? First Doffy with the flamingo ship and now this guy?' you thought sweatdroping.

All of you decided to split up and meet up in the casino, much to your relief noone followed you and you managed to get mixed with the crowd, or that's what you thought until the barrel of a gun touched your back and another one was pointed at your head " Well well if it isn't the queen of Dressrosa." mocked one of the assassins and you felt your eyebrow twich " Sorry your highness but you'll have to come with us." said the other one " Don't call me that." you grumbled " What was that?" asked one of them " I SAID DON'T CALL ME THAT!" you yelled grabbing the gun that was pointed at your head and moving to the side causing the guy that was behind you to shoot his coworker, you used the back of the gun to knock the other one out and then calmly proceeded to your destination ' Guess there is no turning back now. Sorry Croc but I'll have to knock you out.' you thought as you opened the door of the casino.

' SHIT!' you thought as you watched the Strawhat crew and Smoker making a ruckus up ahead, you carefully followed after them trying not to get distracted by the various games the establishment had to offer ' There is a time and place for everything ( Y/n), this is important. You need to stay focused.' you thought as the roulette beckoned you to come over ' Maybe just a round....NO A WHOLE ASS COUNTRY IS AT STACKE YOU GAMBLING ADDICT!' you thought quickly walking forward and covering the sides of your face so that you wouldn't get distracted.

You sighed once you found the door that they were all gathered ' Dumbasses.' you thought seeing them all in a cage ' Vivi isn't here, nor Sanji and Chopper. And he hasn't noticed me.' you thought seeing Crocodile on his chair. Biting your lip your hand went to the handle of your sword and you pulled the blade out. 

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