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You screamed as the ground grew closer and closer " SIS HOLD ON TO SOMEONE!" yelled Leilani " MY ARMS AREN'T FUNCTIONING!" you yelled back, a cloud of smoke rose at the spot you all landed, your eyes span around " I died again, no way I survived this on top of everything else." you groaned as the dizziness faded " HAaaha, that was fun." said the boy in the straw-hat " IT WASN'T!" you and the green haired male snapped " Now where are the other's?" wondered Luffy " Don't ignore us damnit!" you barked sliding in front of him " Who the hell are you anyway?" you asked looking the boy up and down " You do seem kinda familiar." you mumbled leaning in to inspect his face " I'm Monkey D Luffy, I'll become king of the pirates." he said with a huge grin, you chuckled a bit at the last part making the boy frown. " Oi! Don't laugh!" he snapped " Sorry sorry...wait you said Luffy?" you asked him and he nodded " Yea. Why?" he asked and your face brightened " ARE YOU ACE'S LITTLE BROTHER!?" you asked him happily and the boy's huge grin returned " YOU KNOW ACE!?" he asked and you nodded " Yea! We're in the same crew." you said tone becoming a bit weak at the end " He talks a lot about you. He was reall-" your sentence was cut short when you felt your knees give out.

" Hey! What happened?" he asked as he caught you, Granny walked up to you placing her hand on your forehead " Her fever has gone up again, should have seen it coming after using Haki and that little flying trip." said the old lady " Chopper! He can help her!" said the boy. He turned around hearing someone call his name " LUFFY-SAN!" called Vivi as she run up to him " Luffy-san there you are, oh! You have found the queen." she said in surprise seeing you " Please don't call me that." you huffed trying to stay awake " Vivi you were with Chopper right? Where is he?" asked Luffy and the girl pointed at the direction she came from " There is a small restaurant just up ahead, I'm glad I found you so soon, thanks to that cloud of dust, it was obviously something that only Luffy-san could have caused." she said and you sweat-droped at her bluntness. 

It was decided that you and the green haired male would return to the pirate ship, while Luffy and the princess went to gather the crew, something that seemed almost impossible since the male kept taking wrong turns and going the opposite way " IT WAS LEFT GOD DAMNIT! HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE!" you yelled from his back pulling his cheeks " I swear sick or not if she keeps this up I'm going to drop her." he mumbled to himself but you heard him loud an clear. With a huff you grabbed his hair making him freeze in place " Since you're hopeless I'm gonna pull a Remi on you." you said pulling a strand of his hair, one of his legs rose up making him yell in surprise and you smile in victory " HA! It works!" you laughed.

Zoro glared at your sleeping form in the bed while rubbing his head " Crazy woman." he groaned heading outside, once he opened the door Chopper jumped on his face " Where is she? Where is she!!?" yelled the doctor looking left and right as the vice captain ripped him off his face " Your sleeping beauty is in there." he said pointing inside the room dismissively " She's a queen not a princess." said Nami as Chopper run inside " What difference does that make?" asked the green haired male turning to face the girl, he sweat dropped seeing that her eyes had turned to Bellies and she was panting with excitement  " Seeing your face is enough of an explanation." he said and yawned " Now that this is all over I'm gonna take a nap." he said going to his usual spot to lay down. The vice captain felt his eyebrow as a deadly aura was aimed towards him " Stupid marimo getting to carry a queen. Moss head." grumbled Sanji angry tears running down his face.

The next time you woke you were feeling a lot better, no headaches nor too much pain in your arms, you could partly move them, only your wrists ands hands being unable to move without causing you unbearable pain " Ah you're up. How are you feeling?" asked the reindeer, your eyes turned to hearts seeing the cute little creature with the blue nose ' A SMALL REINDEER! HIS NOSE IS A DIFFERENT COLOR LIKE RUDOLF!' you thought but composed yourself " I'm feeling just fine thank you. Where you the one that took care of me?" you asked him and he nodded " Yes, I'm the doctor on this pirate ship!" he said sounding proud and you couldn't help but smile at his cuteness. The sound of waves hitting against wood caught your attention " Excuse me but we have set sail?" you asked and Chopper nodded " Yes, you have been asleep for a couple of days and we're in a hurry so we had to go." he explained and you groaned " I'm really happy that you're up, the others have been dying to meet you. So after a check up can I let them in?" he asked and you nodded.

' All the questions I had for that old lady and the kid....I WANNA GET ANSWERS!' you thought as Chopper hummed happily while looking at some papers " Everything looks fine, you should be able to regain movement in your wrists in a couple of days as well. I'm going to call the others-" he said opening the door. A ginger haired girl, a long nosed boy, Luffy and a blond man with a swirly eyebrow dropped to the floor  " Hello...there." you said giving the group a small awkward smile " SHE'S A BEAUTY!" yelled the blond male his eyes turning to hearts as well as the smoke from his cigarette " From what you and Zoro said I thought she would have been scary but she looks relatively harmless. Better be on alert though." said the long nosed boy mumbling the last part " Hey! Hey ! How did you knock those guys out without touching them? How do you know Ace?" asked Luffy crawiling to the edge of your bed " Enough of this, we have important things to talk about. You can ask her whatever you want later." said the ginger girl pushing the group out " But Nami!" whine the straw-hat wearing boy " LATER!" yelled the ginger slamming the door shut.

" They're an odd group aren't they?" asked another girl with blue hair and you recognized her from a newspaper that you had read " How are you feeling?" she asked sitting down on a stool next to your bed " I'm feeling fine thank you." you replied and the girl nodded " I know it might sound rude considering that you have now just woken up and still recovering but I need to discuss something really important with you." she said her small smile fading to a more serious look " Please continue, I'm curious at what may the princess of Alabasta want from me." you said making her and the other girl look at you in slight surprise " Your highness, I know that your husband is a powerful man and I wish to ask for his and your help to stop Crocodile, the man that had kidnapped you." she said and you gave her a puzzled look " Crocodile is trying dispose of my father King Cobra and take over Alabasta using various schemes and his statues as a Shichibukai to get away with it." she explained and then went into further detail of what she had went threw and discovered.

You let out a sigh " So, can you ask from your husband to help us?" she said and you shook your head " You are asking the wrong person to help." you said and that answer seemed to piss off the ginger girl " Why!? Is it that much to ask for!?" she asked raising her voice " Nami-san please calm down." said the princess " Miss Don-" " Don't call me that." you snapped at her " Let me make it a little more clear to you why you're asking the wrong person. Donflamingo became the king of Dressrosa by similar means. By disposing of it's royal family in a way that painted them to be mad villainess and causing the death of many innocent and using his status as a Shichibukai and..... to get away with it. I did not wish to marry him, he was the one that kidnapped me and after putting explosive cuffs on me I was forced to stay by his side. My arms became like this on my escape attempt, Crocodile saved me, but I never thought he would be that kind of a man. " you said you said looking from your burnt hands to the shocked girls " If you contact him the only scenario that I can think off is that he will appear here, slaughter  you all and if I don't get killed off as well he will most probably drag me back to Dressrosa, considering how vile he can get I would rather die." you said and Vivi lowered her head.

" I'm not a queen and my name is not Donquixote. I'm ( Y/n) and I'm a member of The Whitebeard Pirates First Division and I am willing to lend you my strength. " you said and the girl's head shot up " Do you really mean this?" she asked hopefully and you nodded " Yea, you see I have a strong dislike for people trying to overturn peaceful countries. You can also see it as payback for saving my life." you said giving her a small smile " Crocodile also saved your life, the guy that is trying to overturn the peaceful country, how do we know you won't turn on us?" asked Nami looking at you with distrust " I will simply pay him back by not killing him." you said looking at her right in the eyes " Also there has been something that I've been wanting to ask you." you said tone still serious " Yes what is it?" asked Vivi  " That giant ducky....Can I pet it?" you asked with stars in your eyes " Eh...Yes of course." she said a little taken aback, once the animal came close you pouted " I forgot I still can't use my hands." you mumbled sadly as the ginger gave you a sympathetic pat on the back.

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