Welcome To The Flower Capital

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Yamato was helping to keep your spirits lifted, reading the tales of Oden taught you a lot, it turned out that the card that Shank's had given you belonged to an old member of the Roger Pirates who was also a traveler, Oden had tried to explain the man's set of powers but he didn't understand it quiet well, one thing that he said was :

" According to what Rebin has said the powers are unlocked once you have accepted the freedom that has been offered to you, control  the paths can be granted to the person but if the traveler consumes a Devil Fruit they lose the access to the paths because they get bound by the fruits curse and therefore are not free anymore." 

You and Yamato tried to find a way to unlock those powers, you meditated, you did exercises, tried to read their mind " Are you feeling anything?" they asked as you were doing a handstand with one arm " My muscles getting ripped." you groaned and they shook their head " No like something spiritual? Are you seeing anything?" they asked " The other side." you groaned in pain " Huh? But this is your other side." said Yamato as you dropped to the ground " I'm sure there is more." you said closing your eyes " Where do the people that die here go?" you asked and opened them only to find Yamato over you " I have no idea." they said and let themselves fall on top of you " Ah man trying to figure these things out is so tiring." they said as you yelled at them to get off " Your boobs are suffocating me!" you huffed streching your head to breath and they laughed hugging you tighter.

" What is going on here Lord Yamato?" asked King from the door " King..." said Yamato standing up and pulling you with them " I wasn't aware that the two of you were....acquainted." said the masked man and you could sense some kind of annoyance in his voice. King stepped in the room " I have to cut your fun short. Kaido-sama is going to the capital and he wants you present as well." he said and from his tone you understood you didn't have much of a choice " Put these on. I will be waiting for you outside. " he said leaving a pair of clothes on your bed ( pin.it/7rG8GCp ). Yamato looked at you up and down " Here don't forget this." they said wrapping the sash around your waist and you thanked them " Be careful, I didn't like the way King was looking at you." they said and you dismissed their worries " His always grumpy, nothing out of the ordinary." you said before walking to the door " See you later." you said and gave them a wave.

You were tense even though Sasaki was next to you, two other members of the Tobi Roppo were giving you intense stare's, you moved closer to the green haired man when Page 1 started breathing heavily " Hey....are they like ok?" you asked him and he sweat dropped " Probably though I ain't sure about Page 1." he said and wrapped an arm around your shoulder " Don't mind them. Hey once we get to the capital I'll introduce you to Kyojiro. Maybe you can help me pay off my dept by beating him in a few rounds." he said and you titled your head to the side " What's in it for me?" you asked and Sasaki flinched " You little- After everything I've done!" he said sounding a bit hurt and you chuckled " I'm kidding, Sure I'll help you out and in exchange you can give me a tour around Onigashima." you said " Sure-" " Absolutely not." cut off King standing behind you " Sasaki do I have to remind you that she is a hostage?" he asked glaring down at the man " I thought it would be fine, since she stopped trying to escape." replied the green haired male and King mumbled an insult under his breath " What the hell is stuck up his ass today?" and flinched feeling his glare move to you.

Arriving at the port of the capital you stared in awe " JAPAN!" you yelled in shock seeing the buildings and the people, in your time here you had seen several islands similar to places back in your world but not so similar to the point that you could call them identical " Japan?" asked Sasaki and you nodded " Yea it's a country in East Asia." you said and the man gave you a look " It's not time for geography lessons. Let's go." said King taking hold of your arm and placing a cuff on it " You move 20 meters away from the castle and you'll get blow up." he said and you glared at him " And what if I decide to cut my arm off?" you said and the man scoffed " You wouldn't." he said and seeing your stubborn glare narrowed his eyes " You won't!" he ordered.

The country was rather colorful but you couldn't help but notice the looks of fear that the people were giving the pirate crew, that is if they were brave enough to look at their direction. Even before entering the palace you could hear the music and chattering " I am pleased to see that you could come Kaido!" said a man with purple hair " That is the Shogun of the country. Oroshi." whispered someone in your ear, you turned around to she one of the masked members of the Tobi Roppo ' That guy...Who's who wasn't his name?' you thought as he grinned down at you " He doesn't say much, the only reason he's still alive is because of KAido-sama." he said and you turned back ahead hearing Orochi let a yell of surprise " You must be the traveler that I heard about. So nice to see you. You're quiet the beautiful lady too." he said taking your hands and shaking them, you tried to hold your distaste as he gave them a light squeeze ' Even if I didn't know what he had done I wouldn't like this guy.' you thought.

" Ah you're such a flirt~" you heard a woman say and your eyes almost popped out of their sockets when you saw the turquoise haired woman " Oi oi. Please tell me that she isn't his wife!" you whispered yelled to Sasaki as the Shogun run to the woman's side " No. That's Komurasaki, the most beautiful woman of the country and the only Oiran here." he said " What you're interested in her? She only looks for reach people so you better give it up. Not only you're not reach you're also our captive." said Page 1 as he let out a breath that he had been holding for a long time " Ah the emo boy speaks." you said giving him a look, the male flinched from the sudden eye contact and took a step back " Wanna bet that I have more of a chance with her than you?" you said and he just lowered his hat, someone chuckled " Beautiful isn't she?" asked someone and you met a tall blue haired man " Kyoshiro! I was going to come and look for you." said Sasaki and pulled you closer " This is ( Y/n) I told you about her last time." he said and you gave the man a little wave.

Kaido cleared his throat " Before the party we have to do something. Come." he said and you were grabbed and dragged away by King, you the top two of the Beast pirates and the Shogun walked down to a basement and stood in front of an iron door, you could hear the voice of the Poneglyph from the other side " A Poneglyph?" you mumbled and Kaido seemed pleased " So you can hear it even from this distance." he said as the door opened and you were faced with the cube. You blinked " That one is not red." you said and the man nodded " Can you hear what it says?" he asked and you moved closer " I hear a bunch of names..." you mumbled and placed your hand on it. You let out a panicked yell as the stone started sucking you in, you tried to pull yourself back but to no vail, you didn't call for help just tried to free yourself as the stone kept pulling your body in. Suddenly you were pulled back and held close to someone's body, you looked up to see King glaring at the cube, Kaido laughed " Seems like it's worth keeping you." he said and you gritted your teeth giving him a slight glare.

You were free to go back to the others as the three men stayed behind " King. Why did you help her without me ordering you to?" asked the captain and he caught his first mate hesitating for a bit " If anything happened and we lost her it would be troublesome to find another traveler that  could hear the glyphs." he said and Kaido gave him a harsh pat on his back " If you find the women here so boring you can have your fun with her." said the captain but King gave no reply.

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