Side Quest

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 After saying your goodbyes you set sail, leaving the mist behind “ Are you sure about this?” you asked Luffy hopping that he will change his mind “ About Ace? Yea don’t worry about it.” he said absentmindedly “ I can’t help it.” you mumbled “ Ace is strong. I’m sure he wouldn’t want you to worry either, he gets really pissed if he gets looked down like he is a weakling.” he told you “ I’m pretty aware of that.” you said and Luffy pasted your head “ So don’t worry about it, next time we meet we will be enemy pirates. For Ace that’s his adventure.” he chuckling a bit “ The Vive card grows smaller when the person is weak, once he grow back stronger it will also grow bigger.” explained Sanji “ Yea! Will meet him when that happens, that’s why Ace gave us that paper.” said you captain and later turned to the swordsman “ Oh Zoro you were asleep so you haven’t done it yet!” said Luffy “ EH IF THAT’S SO LET’S DO IT AGAIN! IN CELEBRATION OF THE EMBARKING OF OUR NEW NAKAMA MUSICIAN BROOK!” cheered Usopp raising his glass “ CHEERS!” you all yelled raising your glasses.

“ Are you sure it was the best idea to send our Devil Fruit users in a submarine exploration?” you asked Nami, you have been sailing for a few days and finally reached the Red Line, but finding a way to cross it seemed impossible. The small submarine came out and the Devil Fruit users gave their report, a monster shaped like a rabbit came out of the sea but was quickly taken care off by Luffy “ Huh? It spat something out.” said Sanji and you all looked at the silhouette falling in shock “ It can’t be!?” said Nami and you watched in shock as the mermaid fell on top of Sanji.

You all watched her as she stood up “ WAAAHHH I FLATTENED A HUMAN! I’M SORRY ARE YOU OK?” she yelled shaking Sanji who kindly dismissed her and wondered about her well being “ IT’S A MERMAID!” yelled the rest of the crew “ WAAAAHHH I’M SURPRISED! SO MANY HUMANS!” yelled the mermaid again “ ENOUGH WITH THE YELLING!” you yelled and she smiled at you “ Thank you very much for saving me before I got digested! I get easily eaten by marine animals, this is the 20th time.” she said still wearing a smile on her face “ Please try not to sound so happy when saying something like that.” you said sweatdropping “ I have to thank you in some way. Do you like Takoyaki?” she asked and Luffy nodded “ Takoyaki? That’s my favourite food!” said the captain “ Great, one will be 500 Beri.” she said causing the starfish that was with her to smack her “ This isn’t a store!” he scolded her.

Nami was about to ask for directions to fishman island but your captain having his priorities said that the takoyaki came first “ Oh yea, your takoyaki reward, let’s see if Hacchin can come and meet us.” said Camie taking out a small Den Den Mushi “ Hacchin, it’s me Camie. I’m sorry I got lost. Where are you now?” she asked when the other line picked up “ Oh it’s you Camie mohahahaha. Don’t you know who I am?” spoke a voice “ STOP WITH THE CHEAP GOST FACE IMITATION AND JUST SAY WHO YOU ARE!” you groaned.

Long story short Hacchin had been kidnapped by a group of people that wanted to get to Camie and sell her off because they had a high price in the market, so it was decided that you would go and save Hacchin. Camie had called some fish to lead you to the location of the “ Flying Fish Riders” but suddenly they swam away “ They say that this is as far as they’ll go!” said the mermaid “ I can see why.” you said pointing up at the sky “ Huh!? Are those really fish? How can they fly that high up?!” wondered Usopp as the three riders got ready to attack you but suddenly left “ What was all that about?” you wondered “ Maybe they got the order to retreat or showed up as a message.” said Robin “ I wanna ride one of those fish!” cheered Luffy.

Soon you found their base “ Be careful everyone the Maruko crew has captured me about 30 times!” said Camie and you patted her head “ If it’s you they shouldn’t be all that dangerous.” you mumbled. In the middle of the base, above the water hang a cage, inside it a dark silhouette “ Wahh Hacchin did they burn you?” cried out Camie “ No! This is emmm…never mind that! You have to go this is a trap!” said the captured fishman “ This is suspicious.” mumbled Nami “ You know him or something?” you asked seeing the woman frown “ Hey how is Arlong doing?!” asked Sanji “Nyyuu, oh Arlong, Chuu and Kurrobi are still held by the Marines. I managed to escape alone and achieved my dream of opening a takoyaki stand.” said the fisherman “ SO IT REALLY IS YOU!” yelled Nami and the monster trio.

Usopp explained to you that Nami’s island was under the oppression of a fishman pirate crew and that Hacchin was part of it, as Luffy was having an inner conflict about the Takoyaki and the others refused to help Camie turned to Nami “ I’m sorry Camie but I never imagined that your friend would be that guy.” sighed the navigator “ But then you won’t help me rescue him?” cried the mermaid “ FINE I’LL DO IT MYSELF!” she said jumping in the ocean “ Idiot don’t just jump forward, he just said that it’s a trap!” you said but it was too late, Camie was already captured by the other fishmen.

With the navigator’s approval you could intervene “ Are you sure about this?” you asked her and Nami nodded “ Yea, Hacchi is a harmless guy, plus we made a promise to Camie.” she said giving you a smile “ You’re planning something else aren’t you?” you asked and she gave you a wink “ You’ll just have to wait and see.” she said sticking her tongue out at you. Luffy grabbed Camie and landed on the base while Zoro freed Hachin who quickly took care of the other fishmen.

Losing no time the “ Flying Fish Riders” started attacking your ship, giving you almost non to little trouble, Luffy was trying time and time again to ride on one of the flying and ended up crashing at the top of the base and then running out. He was followed by a man wearing a helmet covering his face riding on a bull “ Who is that? The Down To Earth Bull Rider?” you asked “ That wasn’t a very funny joke.” mumbled Usopp only for you to flick his nose.

” TODAY IS A GLORIOUS DAY! THE MAN THAT I’VE WANTED TO KILL SO BADLY THAT I WAS SEEING IT IN MY DREAMS! NOW HE IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY EYES! THE MAN WHO ALL OF A SUDDEN SENT ME TO THE DEPTHS OF HELL. RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW! I WILL KILL YOU EVEN IF IT COMES DOWN TO STABBING YOU! YOU! BLACK LEG SANJI!” yelled the masked man and you all turned to look at the cook “ The hell did you do to that poor guy to send him into a villain arc spiral?” you asked him and the blond shrugged “ Maybe it was at your time in the restaurant.” said Nami and the cook tried to remember “ COME NOW BLACK LEG! DON’T JUST SIT THERE!” yelled the boss of the riders aiming a weapon full of harpoons at your ship.

Swatting the first and second wave of the harpoons away you flinched when one of them cut you “ Wait something is wrong with these harpoons!” pointed out Usopp “ THEY ARE POISONUS! ONE SCRATCH FROM THESE AND YOU WILL BE DEAD IN THREE SECONDS!” said Duval as your eyes shined gold, the poison fading away from your wound “ Ah! ( Y/n) you got scratched! Antidote! I got to find an antidote!” cried Chopper “ It’s fine, with my eyes active poison doesn’t work on me.” you said.

Luffy punched the mask off Duval and for a moment everything froze as the tearfull man stared another monologue “ I can’t believe this….Holy shit hehehehee” you mumbled trying to hold back your laughter and failing to do so at the man’s exact resemblance with the wanted poster that haunted your cook “ Sanji must be born under some lucky star.” mumble Usopp “ He will have an interesting death one day.” added Robin “ I feel os bad about that guy Duval.” cried Franky as you kept laughing to the point of tears “ WILL YOU STOP?” asked Nami and you shook your head “ I’m sorry, I hahahaha, I can’t hahahaha.” you laughed .

The rest of the fight was rather quick, Sanji after attacking the caricature looking man was dragged on the sea and saved by Camie before attacking Duval on the face relentlessly. Meanwhile the riders tried to throw a huge archon on the Sunny, Franky moved the ship back before charging a beam “ SUNNY CAN DO THAT!?” you asked amazed “ Of course I built this ship with top notch weapons!” said Franky and attacked the base, blowing it to pieces.

And that wrapped your small adventure with the reward being Duval’s friendship after Sanji reconstructed his facial structure with his kicks, your fill of takoyaki and Hacchin’s guidens to make your way to Fishman Island “ oh there is one thing I wanted to ask.” you said and the fishman nodded “ That tattoo on your head, Jimbe has it as well, I highly doubt that he will have his crew members attack and take advantage of a village. So what’s the story?” you asked him and his eyes widen “ YOU KNOW BOSS JIMBE!?” he and Camie asked “ Yea?” you mumbled “ We…we used to be on the same crew in the past but after a fall out, I decided to follow Arlong. If he saw me he would be ashamed of me.” he said lowering his head and you looked at him sadly “ I’m sure that if you manage to get Nami’s forgiveness and worked hard to repent for what you’ve done, he’d be happy to see an old friend.”you told him and he nodded smiling happily at you.


I did not like this chapter, it is a part of a story that I do not find so interesting as what is up to follow so I tried to fit it all in one chapter.

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