Prison Break

616 31 20

Trigger warning : Donflamingo 


You were thrown in the cell rolling to the side only to be met with Ace’s crushed look “ Why did you come here?” he asked shutting his eyes tight like you were some type of illusion, you sat up and leaned against the bars “ Even though I didn’t want to believe her.  I knew that this is some reckless crap that Luffy would pull. Why are you always making me worry.” he cried and you lowered your head “ Even if I wanted too I couldn’t stop him, you know that. And I….I didn’t want to stop him.” you said “ Why damnit?” asked the freckled male “ Don’t ask me stupid questions.” you sighed.

The fish man chained on the other wall looked at you with the same dispair as Ace and you couldn’t even bare to look back at any of them “ The moment  I saw the Vive card burning I wanted to rush and find you, Luffy said that you will get angry but when he heard about your execution he was focused only on getting to you.” you said “ And look where that got you.” he spat “ WHAT A BUMMER YOU ARE FIREFIST!” yelled an inmate “ HEY HOW ABOUT YOU COME OVER HERE! WE’LL SHOW YOU A GOOD TI-AGH!” someone yelled “ Shut your mouths” grumbled a familiar voice and your eyes widen “ CROCODILE!?” you yelled the man kicking the inmate he had stabbed away “ Long time no see.” he said and you could feel the other two looking at you wide eyed “ This could be worse.” you mumbled.

And it did get worse “ Is that how you ended up in Alabasta?” asked Ace but you were not responding, you were shacking “ ( Y/n)-san?” asked Jinbe but they soon felt it as well. A bunch of the inmates dropped unconscious “ Now this isn’t the reunion I imagined for us but I couldn’t hold myself from coming to at least see you.” said the Shichibukai stoping right outside of your cell, his shadow looming over you.

You did not dare to raise your head, eyes glued to the pink shoes outside your cell " What are you doing here Donflamingo?" spat Jinbe and the blond titled his head to the side " What I'm doing here? I came to see my wife. Just when I heard that they had you here I rushed, just for a bit. You will have to stay here until all this is over.” said Donflamingo placing a hand on your head and sliding it to the side of your face trying to get you to look at him.

” GET YOUR HAND OFF HER!” yelled Ace chains clattering as he tried to rush forward “ Ah….Fire Fist. The man of the hour….” drawled out the Shichibukai “ Can you be quiet? I’m trying to have a reunion with my-“ “ SHE’S NOTHING TO YOU AND YOU BETTER STAY AWAY FROM HER!” yelled the black haired boy and you could feel Donflamingo’s blood boiling. Ace let out a scream of pain and you span to him “ ACE!” you cried out, before you could move you were pulled back against the bars, strings digging into your arms and neck keeping your head impolised to stare at the bleeding boy, a fresh gush on his shoulder “ The only reason I’m not killing you is because the old man Sengoku wants to show you off and all the fun will get spoiled.” chuckled the Shichibukai “ ENOUGH OF THIS DONFLAMINGO!” yelled Jinbe as you felt tears gather in your eyes, breath becoming uneven as you unconsciously pressed agains the strings, blood starting to tickle down your flesh “ I’ll see you in a few hours.” he mumbled in your ear before pressing a kiss on your cheek, glancing at the tied up man while doing so.

OThe atmosphere was heavy, you could feel the two men stare at you but you couldn’t bring yourself to look at them “ ( Y/n).” mumbled Ace and you shook your head. Most of the inmates had fallen asleep, Jinbe had also closed his eyes but you couldn’t really tell if he was asleep or not. Ace sighed “ Can you come close to me?” he asked and that’s when you finally looked up at him “ I mean I would but, it’s kinda hard to move.” he said and you smiled sadly at the boys attempt to make the mood lighter. 

Sitting next to him he laid his head on top of yours and you lean against his shoulder “ I want to say a few things, but please don’t stop me if you do I don’t know if I’m able to continue.” he said and you nodded trying to fight back the urge to cry “ I wanted to keep sailing with everyone, to see the world and make Oyaji the pirate king. I wanted to continue sailing with you, I wanted to be with you more.” he said and you heard his voice break “ It hurt so much being away from you but now it hurts even more having you here.” he said and you closed your eyes letting the tears roll as he softly placed his lips on your cheek where Donflamingo had pushed his “ I’m sorry.” you mumbled and the boy shook his head “ I love you too and I have been always missing you.” you said turning to finally look up at him.

His tears fell on your face “ Can I have one last kiss?” he asked “ I don’t want it to be our last.” you sobbed and he leaned down. You could taste the blood in his mouth, his lips busted, even though you wished to you couldn’t  embrace each other so you tried to push your bodies closer to one another. You sighed resting your head n between his shoulder blade and neck, a shadow loomed over the cell “ Now then Portgas D Ace. You will be transported. To the execution site, Marineford.” said Magellan glaring at the two of you.

They moved you back as they untied him, gritting your teeth you side lanced the guards but Ace shook his head “ I’m going to drown you in poison if you try to make any rush moves.” said Magellan averting his gaze from the male to you “ ( Y/n)-san please.” hissed Jimbe and you backed away, back against the wall. You watched as they took him away “ AAAAAACCCCEEEEE. ( YYYYYYYY///////NNNNNNN)” you heard Luffy scream eyes going wide “ WHERE ARE YOU?” he screamed “ LUFFY!” you yelled running at the bars “ I’M HERE BUT THEY TOOK ACE!” you yelled.

Luffy slid in front of your cell “ They took him?” he asked and you nodded “ Yes, just a moment ago.” you said “ If you go up the lift you’ll catch up to them!” called Jimbe as a guy that had scissors for hands up your cell open and freed you “ Here you go.” they said handing you your swords. You rushed towards the lift, poison gas coming flowing down “ We have to back away.” you said as Inazuma cut the floor and used it to block the elevator “ HEY I WANT TO GO UP CRAB MAN! IF YOU SHUT OFF THE STAIRS HOW ARE WE GOIGN TO ACE!” asked Luffy “ There wasn’t any way to stop the gas. If we fall unconscious nobody is saving anyone.” he said.

You were stuck on Level 6 with no way out as Ace was getting transferred “ Even if we got out right this instant we wouldn’t be able to stop him boarding the ship.” you said as Luffy looked at Ace’s Vive Card “ We’re going to the Marien HQ.” he said looking at you and you nodded “ ARE YOU CRAZY? DO YOU KNOW HOW STRONG EVERYONE THERE IS?” asked Ivan “ IF I GIVE UP NOW I WILL REGRET IT FOREVER!” yelled back Luffy. A shiver run down your spine as a man spoke “ If you want to get out of here you’ll have to free me. I can open a hole on the ceiling.” said Crocodile “YOU! SO YOU WERE HERE!?” yelled Luffy in surprise “ So what do you say Strawhat?” asked the former Shichibukai.

” If we’re taking him with us we should free Jimbe as well.” you said looking at the fish man “ PLEASE DO! I CAN BE OF USE! I’VE KNOWN ACE SINCE HE JOINED THE WHITEBEARD PIRATES!” he called out and Luffy looked at you, you nodded “ If you think of hurting Oyaji….” you spat at Crocodile who just smirked at you “ WELL THEN! WE’RE SHORT ON TIME SO WE’LL HAVE TO FORCE OUR WAY OUT OF HERE! HIIIHHHAA!” announced Ivan “ I won’t let you lay a hand on Whitebeard.” said Jimbe to the other Shichibukai “ Then why don’t we settle it now?” asked the black haired man “ This group….is such a mess.” you sighed.

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