First Son Of The Sea

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It had been bothering you all those things that Kenny had said ' What is keeping attached to my cage....' you thought staring blankly ahead " What are you doing all alone out here?" asked someone and you turned around to see Teach " Hey." you waved and he sat down next to you " Thinking about your boyfriend?" he asked and laughed seeing your face turn red " NO! Wait did one of your teeth grow back?" you asked nd the man laughed again " I have been chuging down whine but you are the one talking like a drunk." he said and you you gave him a little shove " Now come on tell me what's on your mind? Feeling homesick? Or missing your friend?" he asked and you shrugged " A little bit of both." you mumbled and stared back ahead. You let out a yelp when a man grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder " OI TEACH LET GO!" you yelled and the man laughed " Zehahaha no way. I'm taking you back in to have some fun. Help me make a few bucks. You left me dirty poor last time." he said throwing the door of the tavern open.

" Got em!" you both cheered fist bumping while Skull and Jiru groaned, at that time Ace entered excitedly " Oi get up I want you to meet someone." he said pulling you from the chair and out the tavern " Hey stop pulling me like that." you said and after you were a little further the boy just held your hand " I want you to meet a friend of mine. I think you two will get along." he said and waved at someone " JINBEI!" he called. A tall blue skinned fishman with black haired and dressed in a kimono turned around " Ace-san I was wondering where you run off." said the fishman " Sorry but I wanted you to meet ( Y/n)." he said and Jinbe smiled down at you " Ah the famous daughter. It's nice to meet you in person ( Y/n)." he said and you shook his hand " Nice to meet you as well. I heard a lot about you." you said smilling up at him " Like wise." he replied. You looked at his teeth that were sticking out of his mouth ' Cute.' you thought and the fishman pointed to himself " Me!?" he asked and you just stared at him before making a run for it, Ace patted his back " She has a weird sense of what is cute." he said dismissively but still felt a pang of jealousy.

Thatch let himself drop to the ground while Vista tried to catch his breath a little further " Your stamina is on a completely other level." said the black haired man " Can't you go easy on the old men here?" asked Thatch and you huffed ' Still can't forget the beating I got from those two.' you thought and an image of a glasses wearing flamingo popped in your head ' That damn bird bastard!' you thought gritting your teeth " Who pissed her off like that?" wondered Deuce and his eyes went to Ace " Huh! It wasn't me." said the second division captain and the rest narrowed their eyes a bit " I SAID IT WASN'T ME DAMNIT!" he yelled annoyed. Feeling someone's eyes on you, you turned and saw Jinbe, you gave him a small wave and he nodded in your direction ' Oooohhh now that's interesting.' thought Thatch seeing Ace's gaze move from the fishman to you. The brown haired man smirked " I don't like that expression." said Namur " Whatever you're thinking please don't do it" said Rakuyo but it was to late, Thatch waved towards Jinbe " Oi how about you two have a match?" he asked pointing at you and you nodded " That would actually be very helpful. I wan to see what Fishmen Karate can do." you said and the man thought about it for a sec before nodding " I would also like to see if what I heard about your capabilities is true." he said getting.

You didn't have many spectators, Thatch, Ace, Rakuyo and Namur were the only ones there the others were in the village, the tavern or the ship. Jinbe got ready and stood across from you, your hands hovered over your blades as you inspected the man across from you from the bottom to the top, and then your eyes met. A blast of wind from the collision of your weapons and Jinbe's fist  made everyone  their faces ' If she wasn't using the back of her blades my hand might have gotten slashed off.' he thought as you gritted your teeth trying to push him back ' If he had hit my body with that force he would have broken my bones.' you thought twisting your grip on one and turning the hilt towards him. Jinbe's eyes widen when a bullet grazed his ear and you found the opportunity to push him back, he shut his eyes from the pain and tried to spot you ' Where did she go?' he thought and looked up, he smacked both of your swords together and held them away from his face before pushing you back.

The others stared with interest, sure you were using the back of your blades and the man wasn't using any powerful but the match fell intense ' I just wanted them to have some skin to skin contact to tease Ace but this actually turned serious.' he thought sweatdropping " Shouldn't we stop them? They've been at it for 2 hours already." said Namur but nobody answered. Jinbe avoided a rain of bullets towards him by stepping to the side ' That attack was meaningless.' he thought, he felt his stomach drop when he felt your presence behind him ' No.' he thought ' She just wanted to bring me to a certain spot.' he realized pulling his fist back. A cloud of smoke covered everything and your crewmates let out a worried yell, realizing the force that he had used the fishman panicked and rushed to the cloud of smoke " Are you alright!? I didn't mean-" the point of your blade was mere inches away from his face and he barely managed to title his head to the side to avoid getting stabbed. He managed to get a glimpse of you when you popped up behind him ' Her eyes-' sensing another attack coming he braced himself, the ground cracked, a blast of wind made the others back away while a cloud of dirt covered your ' training grounds'.

Rakuyo coughed and tried to swat the dust away " Huh?! JINBEI-SAN!" yelled Namur in shock seeing the other fishman laying on the ground " ( Y/N) " yelled Ace seeing you laying on a broken tree, the black haired male rushed towards you along with Thatch while Namur  and Rakuyo went to Jinbei. Ace picked you up and you coughed, opening your eyes with a groan you looked around " What the hell happened?" you mumbled as he helped you up " You over did it that's what happened." he said and your eyes widen seeing Jinbei getting up " Crap are you alright?! I'm so sorry!" you said running to his side " It's alright I should also apologize." he said and kept inspecting your face ' Did I imagine it?' he thought mind running to the last minutes of the battle " Are you sure?" you asked and he nodded " Yes, yes. Do not worry I'm quiet alright." he said with a chuckle and patted your head to lessen your worries.

You placed a small cup of sake next to him " Sorry again about earlier." you apologized sitting down " Hehe don't worry. How about you? Are you doing alright?" he asked and you nodded " Yes I'm fine as well." you said and the two of you sat in silence for awhile " So I heard you are a Shichibukai." you said and he nodded taking a sip from the alcohol " Do you know anything about Doflamingo?" you asked and the man narrowed his eyes at nothing " He is a powerful and dangerous man. I heard from the others that he attacked you on the ship. It is best to stay away from him." he said and you nodded getting up " I will leave you then. I just wanted to apologize again." you said and the male shook his head " There is no need for that and ( Y/n)-san I wouldn't mind if you kept me company." he said and you smiled sitting back down " I wouldn't mind either.'' you said.

Jinbei spotted something laying on the ground and picked it up " I think you dropped this." he said handing you the photograph and you thanked him " Is this your brother? Or a friend of yours?" he asked " Ah that's...that's....the only thing that is keeping  attached to my cage. " you mumbled and jumped up. Your eyes were wide with horror from what you caught yourself saying and sweat had begun to built on your forehead " Eh S-sorry but I...I have to go." you said and before your new friend could stop or say anything to you, you had run off.


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