One Step Closer To Freedom

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Donflamingo stared at you as you played with the red beads of your bracelet, laying on your bed on your stomach, legs softly kicking the air. You seemed more relaxed the past few days, talking more with Viola and Baby5, helping in the wedding preparations and being active in the town every time he went out making the people of Dressrosa warm up to you, because of that he had lossen the bracelets distance, allowing you to wonder around the castle.

"Your wounds are looking better." he said brushing some of your hair out of your face " Thanks to Law. He's a good doctor." you said and the blond man nodded a small stink of jealousy piercing his insides " I noticed you two get along well. A shame he wont be at the wendding." he said making you frown " I thought he would be leaving after the wedding." you said turning your head to face him " You have healed just fine so there is no reason for him to stay." he said and you turned back to messing with your bracelet.

' He's finally asleep.' you thought as the Shichibukai's chest rose up and down rhythmically ' No nightmares tonight.' you thought seeing the peaceful expression on his face ' Still sleeping with his glasses on....' you thought turning to crawl out of the bed. As your feet were about to touch the carpeted floor an arm snaked itself around your waist " Where are you going?" he asked voice groggy " Kitchen. I woke up but I couldn't sleep. I feel a bit hungry." you said trying to keep the beating of your heart down. The man hummed " Don't take long." he mumbled placing a kiss on your cheek and you nodded.
Once you were out the door you rushed to the corridor that you have been meeting with Law the past few nights. The male motioned to you from the shadows " We have a problem." You whispered but he shook his head " Its alright. He actually is making it easier for us." he said and you waited for him to explain " If I'm away he won't be able to suspect my envolvement in your escape. We know the day that you will be departing for Marineford. On your way there you will just have to go to the back of the ship, alone. Using my powers Ill transport you to my ship but since I cant use them underwater we will have to sumerge for a bit." he repeated the plan that the two of you came up with and you nodded still feeling unease by the fact that he'll be absent.

Law placed his hands on your shoulders " It will work out. You've been doing an excellent job on gaining his trust." he said and you nodded " Thank you. If it wasnt for you I might have done something reckless." You mumbled giving him a small smile " No need to thank me. I told you tge reasons I'm doing this for." he said taking his hands away and looking to the side " Killing me off would also had worked out, but you're trying to keep me and Matias  safe, so thank you. " you said and if it wasn't for the darkness you would have seen the man's cheeks turning a light shade of pink " Go. He mustn't notice that you're gone for too long." he said and you started heading back " ( Y/n)- ya." he called and you turned to face him, he hesitated for a bit " Hang in there for a little longer." he finally said and you offered him a small smile.

Placing the last bite of the pastry you had gotten to eat, some syrope sticking to your lips, you entered your room only to find Donflamingo awake. The man was sitting at the edge of your bed messing with a freshly open bottle of wine " Took your time." he said as you walked in " I still get a bit lost in-" the man suddenly grabbed you pulling you in front of him. You gulped as you felt his gaze under the pink shades, he run a finger over your lips feeling the stickiness of the treat you had just a few moments ago.

He patted your lower lip with his index finger " Dof-" " You have been so well behaved latly." he said cutting you off " But it wasnt because of our chat." he said pinching it " Law. He's the one that made you comply." he breathed out letting go of your lip and harshly grabbing you by your jaw. He inspected you for a bit and brought you closer, you frowned smelling the alcohol on him " I don't know what the deal is between the two of you. But whatever you have it wont last if you're far apart." he said and you sighed. Donflamingo shivered feeling your breath hit his skin, he let go of your jaw and wrapped his long arms around you.

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