Pirates Don't Always Look Like Pirates

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Vista narrowed his eyes " Seriously you little...." he spat trying to push you back, trapping his blade with the circular cut on your sword you moved it downwards sticking it to the floorboards and then jumped on the man's arm pointing one of the blades between his eyes while your other guarded your side from his other sword " Seems like I win." you huffed out panting heavily. The man nodded and you jumped down from his arm the sat at the ground panting " You seem to have a good grasp of learning technics but your stamina need works." he pointed out as you put the swords back in their case at the belt behind your lower back " The swords are heavy!" you whined and the man laughed " Obviously, they're made of metal and bigger than you. Try lifting see weights and move around with them more." he instructed and you nodded.

" Seriously?" you asked the man and Thatch gave you an apologetic smile " Sorry but can you really hurry to the market? We're leaving in a few minutes and I forgot to buy some essential stuff." he said and Marco patted his back " That's because your mind was on drinking and women. Next time do your tasks first." said Marco carrying two small boxes, probably medicine " I know, I know. But we can't leave without these!" said the cook and you huffed " Just give it here." you said taking the list and Thatch beamed at you " Thanks a bunch. How about I make your favorite dessert tonight as thanks?" he asked and you gave him a thumbs up. Marco noticed a piece of clothing on the chair " Eh!? She forgot it!" he said and Thatch laughed " She takes it off when we eat because she doesn't wanna get it dirty." he said.

The man looked at you up and down " Ah sorry, here you can have it." you said handing him the bag of coffee " Thanks I needed it for my special blend." he said rubbing the top of his head " Hhhhmmm, you may be lacking a bit but are you free tonight young lady?" he asked looking down at you " WHERE WERE YOU LOOKING AT WHEN OU SAID LACKING!" you barked " Oh how scary. Did you say something dirty again Kuzan?" asked another man while the first one denied it' He talks really slow.' you thought. You gave a look at the both of them, one had short black curly hair and wore a yellow striped suit along with some yellow glasses, the other one had also black curly hair but a little bit longer and wore a blue toned suit and a sleeping mask on top of his head.

" Did you find what you were looking for Kizaru?" asked Kuzan and the man shook his head " No, they seem to be out of bananas and fruit in general." he said ' That's cause we bought most of it.' you thought feeling a bit bad " Here, I have another one so you can have this one as well." you said handing him a bag of bananas " Oh, how nice of you. What's your name young miss?" he asked " ( Y/n)." you replied and the man gave you a small smile " This rude mister here is Kuzan and I'm Borsalino." he said pointing at his companion and then at himself " Borsalino? Like the hats?" you asked titling your head to the side. The men patted your head softly " Bye bye young miss." said Kizaru giving you a small wave " Next time we'll meet I'll have you try some of my special coffee blend." said Kuzan and you kept staring at them as they walked out ' Wait...they didn't pay.' you thought feeling the owners angry stare on you.

You groaned placing the groceries on top of a box on an alley " So heavy! Feels like my back will crack with those swords." you huffed and you heard someone snicker " Having a hard time handling them? My powerful high grade swords." asked the long limped man from a few days back coming out of the shadows " You don't rhyme anymore?!" you said " That's only part of the show! I have no interest in entertaining you anymore!" he spat pointing a finger at you " Another question. Why are you still only in your underwear? I remember leaving your clothes folded on the table before leaving."  you said and sweat started running down the man's face. You snorted " Did you forget your clothes?" you asked chuckling " SHUT UP! IT'S ONLY BECAUSE I WAS DEVISTATED FROM LOSING TO YOU!" he yelled " A clown and a shore loser." you said and he huffed " Mock me all you want! But today I'm taking my revenge!" he yelled.

In the blink of an eye you were in front of him, fist pulled back and ready to strike until something sticky was forcefully thrown at you making your hand stick to the wall streached behind your back " THE HELL IS THIS?!" you yelled trying to get your arm off " This is maple, I ate the Maple Maple fruit and became a maple human!" said another long limped man coming out of the shadows " Hahahaha! Not so confident now are we?" asked your attacker. Your free hand shot to the handle of your blades only to get stuck on the wall " DAMN YOU'RE ANNOYING!" you yelled at the Evil Fruit user. The two men laughed again " THIS IS REVENGE YOU BRAT!" yelled the man only in his underwear raising his hand, you leaned back resulting on his hand to smash the ground " WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" he yelled " LIKE I WOULD LET YOU HIT ME DUMASS!" you yelled back.

" Enough let's just settle this quickly and leave." said the devil fruit user ready to strike, a beam of light passed threw his shoulder and landed right next to your head breaking a hole in the wall " Oooohhhh how scary. Now why would two men gang up on a girl?" asked Borsalino morphing behind the man " VICE ADMIRAL KIZARU!" yelled the long limped men and the injured one tried to make a run for it only for half of his body to get frozen in place " VICE ADMIRAL AOKIJI!" they yelled as the other man came out of the shadows. You felt sweat run down your face ' These guys are Marines! I got to get out of here!' you thought " WHAT ARE YOU DOING ATTACKING US! SHE'S THE CRIMINAL!" yelled the Devil Fruit user clenching his wound " E-e-xa-a-actly, s-s-she's's wi-t-th the White B-Bea-a-rd pi-i-i-rates." yelled the other one teetch clattering. The two Marines turned to look at you again before laughing loudly ' Are these two... LAUGHING AT ME!?' you thought in anger, Kizaru whipped a tear from his eyes while Kuzan approached you " Stay still for a second." he said touching the maple with his finger and freezing it causing it to break ' COLD!' you thought, then he did the same to your other arm " Thanks." you replied rubbing your hands together " Don't mention it, now go on your way. We'll take care of these guys." said Borsalino and you nodded while their gave you a wave.

You placed the bags on the counter panting heavily ' Ah crap that was so close!' you thought holding yourself by the counter " What's wrong? Did you run a marathon or something?" asked Thatch " It's your fault damnit." you said finally catching your breath as Marco handed you your shas " Here, you forgot it, try and be more careful with your st- YOUR HANDS ARE FREEZING!" he yelled pulling back and rubbing his own hands together " Did you dive into the fridge to get the stuff?" asked Thatch with a laugh " Either way thanks for rushing. I got the desert ready." he said ruffling your hair and handing you a plate " Well guess it was worth it." you said taking a spoonful and shoving it in your mouth.

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