In The Forest Of Illusions

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You laid back on the comfy seat “ Are you ok?” asked Usopp and you raised an eyebrow “ I mean…You were hit by that pillar of lighting correct? Are you not hurt?” he asked concerned and that earned the attention of the two other male’s “ Yea, yea I’m fine. My powers are activated all the time for some reason so my defences are up.” you said and they nodded “ Don’t worry guys, ( Y/n) is strong.” chuckled the captain.

Soon the boat approached the giant forest “ Cool~ Is there a forest like that on the map?” asked Luffy “ Not really, there is a forest no specifically marked but there is a forest.” said the sniper “ Does it really matter? The guy probably a couple hundred years ago.” you said and Sanji nodded “ And even then that might have been an old map. It must have took more than 1000 years for those trees to get this big.” he suggested “ I wanna climb one.” said Luffy.

Usopp let out a shriek and held your arm as you approached the entrance “ Wanna go back?” you asked the terrified male “ If I could-“ “ LET’S GO!” cheered his captain “ YOU’RE NOT LISTENING!” barked the sniper and you chuckled. A bird yelled and Usopp yelped again “ There is something out there!” he shrieked “ Because it’s a forest.” argued Luffy “ No! Just look around us! Those are wrecked ships!” tried to logic the sniper “ That’s because it’s a forest.” repeated the captain and you sweatdropped “ What type of forests have you been too?” you wondered.

” HERE IT COMES!” cried the sniper and you felt it as well, swords out you managed to block the giant scythe a mere inches from cutting the boat, Usopp stared with wide eyes and mouth agape at the blade softly touching his nose you gritted “ A SCYTHE MONSTER!” cried the straw hat wearing boy in shock “ ANOTHER ONE IS COMING!” warned Usopp “ It’s not just one.” you said and the boys grabbed the paddles “ PADDLE AS FAST AS YOU CAN!” ordered the captain. More and more blades came your way “ DON’T JUST BLINDLY MOVE AHEAD!” you said as Luffy began to stretch his arms “ Take the wheel.” he said “ I DON’T KNOW HOW TO DRIVE!” you yelled and turned to look at Usopp “ BAZOOKA!” yelled the captain and the small boat flew threw the traps.

You sighed but your relief was short lived, you blinked seeing an open mouth with sharp teeth aiming for your head “ GET YOUR FILTHY GEELS AWAY FROM HER!” yelled Sanji kicking it away and then turning to you “ Are you ok ( Y/n)-swan?” he asked and you nodded “ Yes thank you.” you said and the blond swooned.

The captain gasped “ THERE IS A GIANT IN FRONT OF US!” he yelled and you stiffened but then sighed “ It’s just a statue. No a gate?” you said seeing the four entrances “ Trial of Swamp, Trial of Iron, Trial of String, Trial of Balls.” read Usopp and you chuckled at the end “ Ow! So God wants to play a game with us now!?” wondered Luffy happily “ What should we do?” cried Usopp “ Let’s go with balls!” said Luffy and your chuckle turned to laughter “ See ( Y/n) finds it funny as well.” he argued “ THIS IS A TRIAL! HOW CAN IT BE FUN!?” yelled the sniper in desperation “ But I chose balls too, it the only one that doesn’t sound violent. I hope.” sighed the cook “I’ll agree.” you giggled and Aida looked at you disappointed “ How can you be so crewed?” she wondered.

In the dark tunnel you went “ Eye open pinocchio.” you said opening Usopp’s eyes “ Hey doesn’t this remind you of something? There were four entrances right? What if some hit and some miss?” wondered the captain “ HUH! WHY ARE YOU SAYING THIS NOW!? WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MISS?” cried out the sniper “ Maybe you fall off?” you wondered and the tan skinned male shrieked in fear “ Don’t worry I was just kidding. What trial would that be then?” you said as the light shined upon you again, and the boat started dropping.

You all screamed eyes popping out of their shockets, but the boat landed back on a sky river “ I’m not saying anything again.” you breathed out trying to calm down your racing heart beat “ I thought I was going to drop 10.000 meters from the sky.” cried Usopp as you sat up. You looked around you seeing the floating white balls “ Hahaha~ They look like huge snowballs!” cheered Luffy “ The Milky Road goes up and down the forest.” noted “ What type of trial is this?” wondered the captain “ Maybe we have to avoid them? Like an old style arcade game?” you said as the small boat continued sailing peacefully.

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