Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful day. The sun blazing outside as people walked by and talked. Some of them going into different types of stores.

There was a little bakery store called SugarRush among the city streets. It wasn't very popular like the rest of the stores. But that didn't stop a certain H/c person with never giving up and working twice as hard. People who knew about this place so desperately came back just to get more sweet tasting pastries.

The person who ran this management was known as Y/n. They were very sweet, kinda ironic since they own a bakery. They had a very empathetic soul and was very calm in intense situations. They kinda picked that up when they've dealt with all kinds of karens that's stepped into their store.

But don't let that kind personality fool you, they may seem like they are totally defenseless, but in truth they can be very scary. They once took down a robber who wanted to steal from them, by breaking their arm.

Y/n was currently taking orders from their customers and heading back into the kitchen. They were the only employee so they had to do everything. But luckily since their store isn't as popular there wasn't many people to worry about. They immediately started baking a bunch of different baked goods, and very quickly too.

One they were done they put their hands on their hips and smiled proudly at their work.

"Order up!! We have the two red velvet cupcakes!! And then the lemon Bundt cake!!" Y/n said as They placed the two To go orders down on the pick up counter.

The customers who recognized their orders immediately sprang up and grabbed their food, thanking Y/n then leaving the store.

Y/n smiled and sighs as they wait for more customers to come through. They checked their phone for a specific time and as soon as 3:30pm hit the door was heard opening and then closing. Y/n smirked as they looked to see their most frequent customer.

"Hey Mk. Has Pigsy finally let you off today?" Y/n asked

"Nope!! I'm just stopping by to see my favorite chef of all time!! Don't tell Pigsy I said that...." He muttered the last part

Y/n only chuckles gently before getting Mk's special order ready that he always gets daily.

"Here you go Mk. Three Double Fudge Chocolate Chip Brownies. Just the way you like it."

"Aww yea!! These things are the best!! Thanks Y/n!! You are literally the best!! Ok I go deliver these noodles byeeeeee!!" He said as he paid for his food and then runs out the door just as fast as he came in

Y/n could only shake their head and laugh silently. Mk truly was a gem. Y/n stops laughing and then frowns a little, They've been noticing he hasn't coming around as much like he used to. Whenever they asked him about it he would just change the subject. But Y/n knows better than to pry into someone else's life, so they stopped asking. Mk will tell them when he's ready.

Y/n remembers when they had to leave the city for a bit to go do some personal stuff. They came back to a very destroyed city. When they asked the people about they said something about this Demon Bull King being back. From what Y/n knows from what Mk has told them, that's  the same guy who was trapped under a mountain by the famous Monkey King. But how did get free-

Y/n's thoughts were cut off by the door opening again and they immediately sprung up. This customer was wearing a red hoodie, the hood covering their face. They had their hands in their pockets as they walked up to Y/n.

Y/n clears their throat before smiling, "Hello. Welcome to SugarRush. What can I get you today?"

The customer scoffs in annoyance, "SugarRush? Really? What kind idiotic name is that?"

From what Y/n could tell by the voice, this person was a male. Y/n's fist scrunched up in anger but Y/n still calmly smile.

"I'm sorry sir that's just the name of this establishment. Now. Tell me. What is it that you want?"

The man flipped his hand in a sassy manner, "Give me the spiciest thing you have here. And make it quick. I don't have time to wait." He hissed

Y/n sucks in a breath before turning around into the kitchen making their Double Cinnamon Carmel Crunch Pastry.

The man waited and tapped his fingers impatiently on the table he was sitting at. He huffs before he walked up to the ordering station ringing the bell.

"Hey! Hurry it up!" He shouts

Y/n has wait for the pastry to cook since they weren't expecting to make this today because normally people don't like the spicy types of food.

Y/n stormed up to the counter and glares at the
Man. He glared back before he pointed at Y/n.

"Listen here you peasant! You're taking to long!! I don't have all day!!" He screams as he suddenly lit his hand on fire threateningly

"Either you hurry or I burn this place down to the ground!! With you in it!!"

Y/n finally having enough of this guy jumps over the counter, grabbed his arm twisting it behind his back. They then kicked his legs causing him to fall down on his face. The man's hood fell of revealing his red hair and his piercing yellow eyes.

"HEY!! GET OFF ME!!" He screamed as he wriggled around trying to get free

Y/n only glared at him, "No. You came into my bakery, insult me, then THREATEN ME. Tell me who you are or so help me I'll break your legs so you can't run away from my wrath."

The man gulped as he stares at Y/n with slight fear. Of course he wouldn't show it though. So he rolled his eyes in annoyance before answering Y/n's question.

"Redson. My name is Redson. Now can you get off me!!" Redson screeches

Y/n stayed there and didn't move, "Apologize and then I'll move."

Redson made a disgusted face, "Apologize?! To you!?Never you peasant!!"

Y/n then brought out a hammer out of no where threatening to break his legs in the next 5 seconds if he doesn't apologize

Redson quickly let go of his ego, "Fine!! I'm sorry random person for being a jerk!!"

Y/n huffed then let him go then kicked him away from them. To which Redson grunted in pain.

Y/n put their hammer away then went back into the kitchen finishing Redson's order. When they came back out Redson was still on the floor and Y/n could roll their eyes.

"Here. Take your order and get out." Y/n said as they pick up Redson like he was nothing but grapes and handed him his food.

"And have it on the house. It will get rid of you faster." Y/n muttered angrily

"Hmp. Whatever you peasant. I hope you have a terrible day!!" Redson shouts as he disappears in flames

Y/n groaned as they know have a headache because of that man. They closed up their bakery and started
To head to their apartment which was a very long walk. Once they got there they immediately went straight to their room. As they walked to their room they stopped at one door and stared at it with a sad frown.

"Goodnight Freya..."

Y/n then continued on their way to their room and opened their door. They got unchanged and put on some comfy pajamas. They walked towards their bed and as soon as their head hit their soft pillows they were out like a light.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now