Chapter 13

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Here is some more art of Redson in my style!! Remember no stealing or reposting!!

Here is some more art of Redson in my style!! Remember no stealing or reposting!!

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Ok let's go chapter 13!!

After the whole DBK thing the city was pretty destroyed, so it's been taking a while to repair itself. But it was manageable. The hospital was the first to be repaired which didn't take to long since it wasn't as damaged. Of course, as much as she hated it, Freya had to go back. I for one would have loved to keep her longer, but the stabilizer equipment I brought wouldn't have last. So with heavy heart she said goodbye to all of us. But Pigsy promised that they'll come visit every once in awhile. They made her brighten up.

My apartment was unfortunately not so lucky and was destroyed, somehow the only thing that I found that survived was my f/a plush Redson won me. Pigsy is allowing me to stay with him and Mk since they didn't want me spend more money on a hotel. I was very grateful for their hospitality.

Currently I'm walking to my bakery to check on it. I deeply hoping that nothing to bad was destroyed. But once I got there I widen my eyes at the sight of Redson's mother staring at it. What caused me more shock is that the bakery was completely fine. Nothing was shambles at all.

Redson's Mother noticed me and started to walk towards me, I panicked a little but I didn't show it. She finally stops in front of me and stares. This caused me to become a little uncomfortable but I returned her gaze. Finally after some silence I spoke up.

"Hello Miss. Is there something that you are looking for?" I ask politely. She suddenly smiles at me. But not in evil kind of way more like a motherly kind of way.

"My, my...Dear you are absolutely stunning! I can't believe he still hasn't noticed his feelings...." She mutters the last part. I widen my eyes and nervously chuckle at the compliment.

"Um. Thank you Miss..."

"Please, the whole miss thing makes me feel old. Just call me IronFan." She said chuckling. I honestly have no clue what's going on. But if she wanted to attack me then she would have already done it by now.

"So are wanting anything to eat at my bakery? It may take a while but I can bake something up quick?" I ask her. She shakes her head.

"No, dear. I'm here for you actually. I want you to come with me to my new home, for dinner. After you saving my son, My husband and I decided that a proper thank you is in order."

"Oh! Uh..Yea!! I'd love to! What time do you want me to come over??" I asked surprised. Also How did they get a new home that fast???

"Be ready around 3:00pm. I'll come pick you up here at your bakery. Our home is a little far." She said as wind started surrounding her and then she disappeared. I stand there for a while processing her words before freaking out.

"AH!! WHAT IM GONNA DO!! I LITERALLY HAVE NO CLOTHES!! AND ITS ALREADY 11:00!! " I scream people were giving me some weird looks as they passed by. Then I decided to call the only person I could in this situation, Mei.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now