Chapter 33

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So long story short we crashed into the ocean, no surprise there. At first things were ok nothing was happening and it look like we were safe. Some cracks were present in the windows which made me very anxious.

"We're alive....We're ALIVE!!" Tang cheered and immediately the cracks began worse as water began filling up into the small space.

"Way to jinx us Tang." I said with blank as I felt water dump onto my head. I tried closing it up with my hands but it was really no use in trying. Freya was trying her best as well but became soaked.

"We finally get away from a gag!! And now we all get to drown!!" Pigsy said angrily trying to avoid the water

"This drone. It's not water adventure friendly!!" Sandy said smacking his head

"Monkey King you gotta do something!!" Mk begs

"Huh? Why? A little Water never hurt anyone!!" He says bathing in the ocean water

"WE'RE NOT ALL IMMORTAL LIKE YOU!! PLUS I CANT EVEN SWIM!!" I scream him as more water splashed onto me

"Oh right. Mortality...." He hums in realization. Red started flashing as something beeped catching everyone's attention.

"What's that??" Mei panicked

"Something big." Mk freaked out as he saw something swim across outside.

"Oh this is not helping my fear of deep water..." I mumbled as I hug onto myself trying to breathe any oxygen I could get. Freya looked at me worriedly trying to help me breathe.

"Everyone relax!! I'm pretty sure this is just an old friend of mine come to help out!!" Monkey King said confidently and I rolled my eyes in disbelief

Suddenly where I was sitting I looked back to see to glowing, peering eyes causing me to scream and back away immediately from the window. I clutched onto Tang as he tried to calm me down. Freya also jumped away as she growled at the peering eyes.

"Actually...friend might be stretchy..." Monkey King continued

"We're all gonna die..." I mutter to myself in despair

We were suddenly thrown and we all hit the ground causing the ship drone to completely bust up. I groan as I layed down on the floor in pain. Freya licked my face as she whined for me to get up. Man am I super glad to be away from drowning. I felt someone picking me up off the ground, which turned out to be Pigsy, and then widen my eyes at the sight of a palace.

"Wow..." Everyone including me awed at the sight. I then noticed that above is a water dome surrounded us. I see many sea creatures a like swim by causing my skin to crawl. God I hope it doesn't pop or something...

"The Dragon Palace of the East Sea!! WERE IN THE DRAGON PALACE OF THE EAST SEA!!" Mei said shaking my shoulders back and forth with excitement

"Mei please. I'm going to puke." I said dizzily and she backed off immediately, but still was excited. I picked up Freya in my arms as she continued to lick my hand comfortingly

"Anyway. Yea!! This is kind of sort of my old buddy's house!! This is where I got my staff!!" Monkey King said pridefully

"Got or..." Pigsy started with a knowing glare

"Took. Right? You took it?" Mk finished

"Oh boy. That's exactly what we need, more enemies..." I said sarcastically

"What's got you all angry squirt? You've been acting like The pig since we escaped?" Monkey King grinned. Pigsy turned around and glared at him ready to hit him if it wasn't for Tang holding him back.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now