Chapter 5

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Ok once again a little something before the chapter starts. I drew like a little mini comic from the ending on Chapter 3 I believe. Again no stealing or reposting!!

Ok let's go 5th chapter!!😌————-————————————————————

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Ok let's go 5th chapter!!😌

I was once again in the bakery giving out orders to my customers. They all came and left, you know nothing out of usual. Mk came a little bit more earlier today which surprised me by a great deal. But I didn't question it. He once again asked for a dozen peach cream puffs along with his daily order. I guess his friend really loves his peaches.

I hear the door open and I immediately smiled for the customer. "Hello!! Welcome to SugarRush! How may I help you??"

I look to see another hooded person and internally groan.

'This person better not be another Redson. I don't feel like having my mood ruined...'

"I want two dark chocolate cream puffs. Please." The voice was pretty deep but also had a very sinister feel to it. I don't what but this dude makes me very unnerved....

Without breaking my smile facade, I tell him to wait there as I go into the back to grab his preferred order. I could practically feel the burning stare at the back of my head as I get his order. Ignoring it, I turn around with smile coming back to him as I hand him his food.

"Two Dark chocolate cream puffs ready for you to enjoy sir. That will be $5.67."

I could see him smirk ever so slightly as he reached into his very ancient looking hood, he then brought out some money, handing it to me. I take it slowly and hesitantly, putting it into my cash register. I look up at the man with one last smile.

"Have a sweet day sir!!" I strained to say

"Of course. But first..." he suddenly grabbed my arm as I see a single glowing purple eye from his hidden face.

"What do you now of that kid that comes here a lot? What's his name? Oh right. Mk?" He said with a slight sinister chuckle

My eyes widen in fear before I hardened them with a glare. "I don't know who you are. But if you think for one second that I'll just tell you what you want. Then you're crazy!!"

He only chuckles making me freeze.

"I knew you would say something like that...." Suddenly he could see a figure walking towards the entrance and he immediately let go of my arm. I step away from him as far as possible. He only sighs and shrugs.

"Oh well...guess I'll have to go back the original plan...See you around...Y/n..." He smirks at me as the mysterious man left by somehow sinking into the ground.

I was terrified. How did he know my name? Why did he want to know about Mk? What did he mean by 'back to the original plan'? My thoughts were racing to fast for me to comprehend what was going on around me. That's until someone started to shake my shoulders and heard a familiar voice.

"Hey!! You need to calm down!!"


I just then realized I had tears rushing down my fast and that my breathing was a little to fast for normal. Redson looked at me like he was actually concerned.

"Are you alright? What was with the whole....crying thing??" He asks me

"'s nothing....I just had a....stressful morning. That's all." I lie as wipe my tears away stepping back from Redson.

He nodded in some sort of understanding. Then we didn't speak to each other. That's when the awkward silence settled in. That was before Redson coughed getting my attention.

"So...uh...I would like to order something. If you don't mind." He said with a glare but even I could tell it wasn't really that real.

"Uh of course!! What would like??" I ask him ready to get him whatever he wanted

"Hm let's see....I'll need a Hot Fudge Cake, Vanilla cream cookies, and then for me what I got last time...." He mumbled out

I nodded and immediately got him his desired food. When I came back with his food in a bag, I was quite curious why he had order more, or why he even ordered here again. I thought for sure he would not come back again for like the 3rd time.

"So...Why did you come back here? I love that people come here don't get me wrong!! But I honestly expected you to not...come...back...?" I ask hesitantly

He rolls his eyes, "I guess when I came back home my parents wondered why I had the same baked good twice. They got curious and all that junk. So they wanted to actually try it out themselves. So here I am. I guess it technically a mini celebration for getting that skeleton key...." He mumbled the last part

"Well...Tell your parents they can come here whenever they please. Also tell them I said Hello." I said ignoring his mumbling. He only could scoff and he chuckle sinisterly...or tries to...the random dude was a lot better at it....

"Hah!! Judging by your words you have no clue who my parents are!! They are only the evilest, meanest, and most diabolical people on this puny Earth!! They are the on and only Demon Bull King and Lady Iron Fan!! Mwhahahah!!"

Redson looks at me for some sort of reaction but I just give him this blank look instead. He deflated a bit as he was expecting more of screaming in fear type of reaction.

"Ok?-" I was cutoff by Redson's screaming, to which I cover my ears because it hurt.


"Look dude, sorry that I'm not the type of person to runaway screaming at a name. Plus I don't know about your dad as much as other people do. Also stop screaming, people are gonna think there's a murder scene happening or something..." I groan as I wince at my poor ears, the hands did not help at all

Redson could only seethe with anger as he glared. Before he told himself to calm down. He then finally asked for the payment of his order before he was late for the opening of the chest.

"For total? It's gonna be about...$27.80." I tell him. He brings out some money and hands it to me before stomping out of the store. I sigh as I continued to wait for customers. When it was finally closing time I turned of the kitchen lights. But before I went home I counted up all of the money I've earned today.

"Ok today's count wasn't as much as usual...but that's will all be worth it in the end for you Freya. It's all gonna be ok....I promise sunshine...." I tell myself as I prepare to leave the bakery, unaware of the eyes watching me from the shadows

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now