Chapter 25

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So today I had a uh...brick thrown at my bakery window. That I just replaced. To say that I was pissed was understatement. Freya growled at the brick before noticing a piece of paper on it. Picking it up I realized it was a challenge from this weird restaurant called uh "Speedy Panda." In my opinion that is worse than my bakery's. Funny thing is, is that it wasn't just me they challenged it was also Pigsy's Noodles. I decided to go back to see if Mk or Pigsy had any idea what this paper meant. I picked Freya up and began closing up the bakery.

Just as I was about leave I bumped into Redson who was just coming in. He looked at me in confusion.

"My dear you never leave this early? Did something come up? Are you ok?"

You know ever since we began dating, which has been 4 weeks now, he was more calmer than normal. He still had his moments of course but not as much. He also gained the habit of calling me My dear and love. Which I think he got from his Mother. But it honestly makes my heart melt. I find it really sweet of him.

"It's just uh...a brick was thrown at my new window. Some other restaurant challenging me to some Food...War...? I'm heading to Pigsy's to see if he knows anything about this."

"Ah I see. My mother and I are actually participating as a judges. I personally find the whole ordeal pointless but whatever. She needs to close a deal and I'm just tagging along." He shrugged nonchalantly as he holds the happily wagging Freya as she licks his face.

"Well then guess you'll have to cheer me on then huh?" I smirk as I nudged his elbow playfully. He raised an eyebrow but smirks as well.

"You're participating in the event?"

"Eh why the hell not? I mean I don't have any intentions on winning. I just want join in for fun." I chuckle

"Well I know your food will personally be my favorite. Anyone else who disagrees must be insane!!" Redson exclaimed proudly

"Says the guy who thought I poisoned said food." I smirk as I brought up an old memory. Redson blushed as gives me a glare and shouts.

"Ok!! That was one time!! ONCE!!"

I just laugh as he continued to pout. I lightly grabbed his shirt bringing him closer to me giving him a kiss on the cheek. He blushed even more as his hair burst into flames. Freya jumped back onto my shoulder as soon as the flames came to close.

"I'll see you later Red." I said as I walk out the door heading to Pigsy's or we'll technically it's my home. For now.

After a 10 minute walk I finally arrived. I looked at the broken window and give it a blank stare.

'Seems like they got their personal brick to.'

I walk through the door hearing Pigsy accepting Speedy Panda's challenge. Tang noticed me and smiled.

"Ah, Y/n!! What are you doing here Hm?"

Pigsy and Mk turned around to look at me and Mk immediately gave me a hug. Freya jumped onto his shoulders as she nuzzles him happily. I turn to Pigsy and tilt my head.

"So you accepted huh? Same."

"Wait...Your going too?" Pigsy asked surprised. I shrugged and smiled

"I might as well. Besides I'm not really in it for the competition. I just wanna have fun. So you don't need to worry Pigsy." That seemed to calm him down a bit and he smiled.

"Alright then. Let's do this!!" He declared determinedly

*Time Skip*

"Welcome one and all to Food Wars!! Today We have 3 teams that will compete in 3 rounds of food combat!! In order to be crowned supreme restaurant champion!! Introducing our first team is Pigsy's Noodles!! With Pigsy and his assistant Mk!! Second team is SugarRush!! With Y/n and their little companion Freya!! Our third and last team Speedy Panda!! With Yin and Jin!!"

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now