Extra Chapter 4: Meet Quill Everyone!!

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Redson and I were at the mall shopping for some clothes and needed necessities for growing child. Quill somehow attracted many men and women saying how cute they were and they look just like Redson and I. It was funny to see Quill give a confused face at all the compliments.

"Should we get this...?" Redson ask pulling out a cute little f/a onesie. I awe and let Quill decide if they wanted it or not. Quill looked at it and grabbed it. Then they put it in their mouth.

"Ah. Quill. It's not food. It's clothes. See like what I'm wearing." Redson explained pointing to his clothes then pointing to Quill's clothes. Quill's ears perked up and they immediately understood. They turned to me jumping up and down holding up the onesie.

"Ok then!! It's a yes!! We'll get it just for you." I giggle picking them and carrying Quill on my hip. We walked to the checkout area buying all the clothes we just bought, adding to the the other bags of kid stuff that Redson offered to carry.

We walk out of the store and started heading over to a eating area to get some lunch. That's when a familiar voice reached both Redson and I's ears. Redson tensed up already knowing that this was gonna be awful.

"Kid!! I know I just did not see you heading to a fast food area when you could eat my noodles!!" Pigsy huffed

I look over to see him sitting in a booth with Tang and the others before he made his way over to me. Quill stared at the pig man finding his floppy pig ears funny.

"Come eat over here!! It's been a while since I've....seen...you..." Pigsy trailed off as he made eye contact with Quill. Then he glared creepily at Redson making Redson internally cry.

"Who's. Kid. Is. That?" Pigsy asked through clenched teeth

"Wait!! Y/n and Redson had a kid?! OH MY GOD IM A GRANDPA!!" Tang screeches running over and picking up Quill from my arms.

"You are just the cutest thing!! Oh you look just like Your parents!!" Tang said hugging the crap out of Quill making them wiggle from Tang's grip.

"Awww they are so tiny!! Then again I'm a big guy!! Hey tiny!! I'm your Uncle Sandy!!" Sandy said bending down to Quill's height and patting their head gently.

"Uh...Guys?? They're still getting used to people so maybe don't surround them...?" I say cutting in when I noticed Quill's freaked out face.

Immediately Tang and Sandy backed and apologized to Quill. I then turn my attention to the angry Pigsy smiling nervously.

"So. When we're you planning on telling us?" Pigsy seethed

"U-uh well you see there's more to the story than you think. Let's go sit down at talk about it with some noodles. Quill is hungry." I said walking over to Pigsy's mini food stand.

Pigsy sighed and agreed fixing up some lunch for everyone, even though he didn't want to with Redson. But Y/n's glare made him do it. Pigsy picked up Quill and sat him his lap since there were no high chairs, and helped him figure out how to use chopsticks.

"Alright kid, explain now." Pigsy demanded

I began explaining exactly what happened and how we found Quill. I told him how we were gonna take care of them and make sure that they have the best life possible. Pigsy sighed and nod.

"I see. And uh, you sure you're up for this? I know you can do it don't get me wrong!! But, raising a kid can be stressful. Take it from someone who had to raise Mk. Boy was he a mess." Pigsy snorted and Tang chuckled

"Oh he was a handful alright. Getting into all sorts of trouble." Tang said agreeing with his husband

"I took care of Freya ever since she was 3...I think I'll be able to handle this little rascal. Redson on the other hand may need some work..." I say smirking at Redson

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now