Chapter 7

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TW: Kidnapping read at your own risk!!⚠️

Today was not technically my day off but after taking in some consideration with myself, maybe I could use a break. After talking to Redson I realized how stressful this situation really got me so to help me cheer up I'm visiting Pigsy's Noodles. Not only to actually eat, but to visit Pigsy, Tang, and Mk. And possibly Mei to if she's there today which I don't doubt she isn't. It would also be nice to see Sandy again as well.

I see the Pigsy's Noodles sign and I smile happily, man has it been a while. The funny thing is that Mk had to practically drag me out the bakery years ago so I could meet all his other friends. This was before I found out Freya had cancer and she loved meeting new people so naturally she was a huge extrovert. We used visit a lot but then we just...stopped.

I walk through the door with a tired smile. I see Pigsy and Tang talking with one another, and of course Tang is slurping on noodles irritating Pigsy with the sound.

"Hello sir, may I please have your finest noodles?" I say waiting from them to turn around

"Oh yea, It'll only be-Y/n?! Is that you kid?!" Pigsy said looking shocked to see me. Tang chocked on his noodles as he looks at me with the same shock. The two immediately ran over to me and pulled me into a hug which I happily returned.

"Ha! Hey! Glad to see you guys missed me!!" I tell them

"Of course we did. You're the only other sane person I can talk to." Pigsy huffs which Tang gave him an offended gasp and look. I roll my eyes and chuckle as we let all let go of each other.

"Let me take a look at ya kiddo. Man are you taller than before??" Pigsy asks as inspects my face. Tang gives me a sad look.

"You look tired Y/n...."

Pigsy then looks at Tang then back me realizing he was correct. He then took my hand and sat me on the stool.

"So what kinda noodles you want kid?" He asks

"Any cheap paying noodles please..." I say as I was about to take out some money. I want try and spend as little as possible. Pigsy suddenly stopped me from taking out wallet which I gave him a completely baffled look.

"On the house kid. You must be working yourself to death with how tired you look. Take it as one chef to another." He winks as he ruffled my hair to which I laughed a little.

"Wow!! Since when did YOU give free orders willingly?" Tang teases. Pigsy then gives him angry look and throws a spoon at his face to which Tang screamed like a little girl. I laugh at his scream as I clutch my stomach. Man I missed this....

"So how are you and your sister?? It's been awhile since we seen you. Those sad excuses of adoption parents giving a shit ton of problems for you??" Pigsy asks me as he cooked my noodles. Tang also perked up wanting to know as well. I open my mouth to say something, maybe they could help me pay for Freya's  cancer surgery? No. No Y/n you can't ask them for that. That's just selfish. They probably have their own problems to deal with and I shouldn't add myself to that list.

"Nope. Nothing new. We've just been uh....busy..." I lie while smiling.

"So where's Mk and Mei?? They're usually here??" I ask Tang not wanting to interrupt Pigsy's focus.

"Oh Mk went to trai- I mean!! He went to deliver noodles!! And Mei is house sitting again for her parents!!" Tang said nervously which I found suspicious but I didn't question it.

"Your noodles should be done soon Y/n!" Pigsy calls out and shout back telling him thanks.

"So Tang. Do you have any explanation what that huge weird purple thing was yesterday?? The one in the sky?? I saw it and it was pretty freaky..." I ask turning to Tang once more. Seeing as he knows more history maybe he'll have some sort of explanation on what was in the air.

He hummed and closed his eyes before answering, "I don't know...."

I give him a blank stare and roll my eyes seeing that was a bit over dramatic. That's when Pigsy slid over my order of noodles to which my stomach was ready to digest.

"Ah don't worry about it kid. I'm sure whatever it was, it was nothing." He said to me with a comforting smile. I shrug and started to eat my food and man did I miss the delicious taste of Pigsy's noodles. Don't get me wrong I love my baked goods. But you get sick of eating sweets after awhile. After I was done Pigsy took my bowl to put into the sink.

"Thank you Pigsy. I truly do appreciate it." I bowed slightly in appreciation. Pigsy only chuckled as he ruffles my hair again.

"Anytime Kiddo. Anytime."

"Well I better get going...It was nice seeing you guys again!! Bye Tang!! Bye Pigsy!!" I tell them as I wave goodbye

"Come back to visit us more we all miss you Y/n!!" Tang says as he waved goodbye as well

"And get more sleep before I knock you out myself and force you to!!" Pigsy half jokes as he smirks

I laugh nervously at his statement before I finally walked out the door into the streets. I didn't leave my house for a good while so right now it's only like 6:00pm.

"I need to get back home. I have to visit Freya tomorrow morning..." I mumble to myself as began walking back to my apartment. For some reason I felt paranoid. Like something or someone was watching me. Trying to play it off as my imagination, I began to walk towards a crowded area so if my paranoia was true, then maybe the person will lose me.

Walking in a little bit faster pace, I began to scan the streets for a huge crowd. Usually around this time of day people go back home so I wasn't finding anyone. Plus Pigsy is not a really populated area like my bakery.

I realized that my breathing started to get heavier and heavier. My ears felt like they were ringing. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I bumped into someone, falling to the ground. I immediately get up to start apologizing.

"I'm so sorry!! I didn't-"

"Wow you're pretty clumsy aren't you~?"

I freeze at the voice. It's him. The guys from the bakery. The one who....who....

I look up slightly with wide terrified eyes as I see the glimmer of purple shine from his hood. I could practically feel his smirk.

"You know Y/n...this could have been so much easier....if you just came with me the first time....But know I have to resort to violence~" his taunting voice said as he reached out to grab me.

With my flight or fight response kicking in I punch him in the face, causing his hood to fall back revealing a....monkey...? He smirks as a little bit blood dribbled down his nose and wipes it away.

"My turn...." He says dropping the smirk

I stare at him as gives me a deadly look. I practically force my body to run in the opposite direction. I huffed and panted as I ran and ran. Having no specific destination but just to keep going until I lose him. I accidentally turned into an deadened alleyway and was about to turn back when I heard his footsteps get close. I immediately dove behind the dumpster, holding my breath as I prayed he didn't find me.

It's only been a few minutes but it felt like HOURS to me...I heard his walking disappear but I know it's just a trick lure me out. I continued to sit there and wait for any sudden movements. It wasn't until I realized there was a vast of shadows below me pulling me under to which I gasped and tried to get out of, with no luck.

I felt myself drop down in front of the creepy monkey as he smirks down at me.

"Found you~" he says and that was the last thing I heard when he suddenly punched me hard in the face.

Knocking me out immediately......

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now