Chapter 34

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Warning ⚠️  Some blood Mention!! Read at your own risk!!

When I arrived at the cell I was pushed in before all the security to the door closed up. I let Freya out of my arms by setting her on the ground, but not before I checked for any injuries of course. I then turn around to see Pigsy on the floor....with a spoon....

"Why is Pigsy on the floor with a spoon?"

"He thinks that he'll be able to break us out of here by digging." Tang said as he gave a blank look at his husband's dumb idea

"There's nothing a spoon can't fix!! Oh this baby we'll have us out of here in no time!!" He said breaking the spoon before grabbing another from his pocket. Monkey King then realized the collar on my neck and glared.

"They put that collar on you?! I swear when I see that old bastard again I'm going rip off his hair!!"

"Why? Can't you just take it off??" Mk asked confused to which I nodded no.

"I tried. If I try to take it off or use my power it tightens around my neck more. And I'd prefer to live thank you very much." I responded as I sat down on the floor with huff. Freya joined as she sat on my lap.

"Aw that sucks!! Your power would have came in handy right now..." Mk muttered and I just roll my eyes

"Speaking of Power. Squirt, are you ok? I mean I was angry the old dude too but you were...out of control!! You've never really been this furious this frequently so is everything alright?" Monkey King asked me sincerely worried. Everyone stopped and looked at me curiously, even Pigsy stopped digging!!

"I....I'm fine. Like I said just this whole Lady Bone Demon and Blue Eyed Maiden shit is spiking my anxiety levels right now. I just need to...relax for a second. Im going to take a nap." I said as I turned over on my side, away from them.

"Well...ok if you say so. Get some rest Y/n." Mk said softly as everyone returned their attention to Pigsy. Monkey King's gaze lingered on Y/n's form before hesitantly turning away.

I closed my eyes as I hugged Freya close before letting myself fall into a deep sleep.

"Haha!! Can't catch me!!" A random child scream towards their friends as they were being chased.

"Hey!! No fair!!"

A teenager at the age of 16 watched as the others in the orphanage play as they set next to their sister, who was 3. The two were making flower crowns and giving them to each other.

"Do you think we're gonna be adopted today?" The teen asked and the child clapped her hands happily

"Heh yea...maybe who knows?" The teen said doubtfully as they stare at the other kids once more. They felt a hand grab theirs and they looked down at their sister's concerned eyes.

"Mmm?" The child hummed tilting her head

"Heheh yeah im ok. Thanks for being there Freya..."

Suddenly a voice called out to the two siblings, "Freya and Y/n L/n!! Come here!!"

Y/n sighed as they gently picked up their sister and walked to the orphanage building. When they arrived they look to see a woman and man. The man had a suit on with black hair that was obviously greying. The woman had long brown hair and a warm smile.

"Y/n, Freya, this lovely couple would love to adopt you!!" The orphanage worker said happily

Y/n widen their eyes as they felt their heart beat in their chest, either nervously or excitedly. Y/n took a breathe a step forward still with a babbling Freya in their arms.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now