Chapter 28

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I woke up a little late this morning and I began stretching as I get up. Suddenly the apartment shook as I lifted into the air for a split second before falling back down onto my ass.

"What the hell? Is there an Earthquake going on?" I mumbled to myself. I began immediately getting ready as it happened once more but this time I was able to catch myself. I left Freya as she slept peacefully on my bed as I quickly rush down the stairs so I don't end falling down then if it happens again.

I hear the others talking and I grew curious to what they were speaking about.

"Yea we think they might have been cursed..."

"Wait what? What's going on??" I asked confused before I was answered by Mk hiccuping causing me to fall backwards before being caught by Sandy.

"Mk out of all the thoughtless adventures you could've done...This takes the cake!!" Pigsy grumbles angrily

"We tried everything!! I tried burping his belly!! Hitting him with a good scare!! And hitting him in all his pressure points!! But nothing worked!!" Mei said exhaustedly

"Has he tried holding his breath or drinking water? That usually works for me??" I ask and they just ignored me completely as Mk continued to hiccup while being lifted into the air.

"Oh Mr. Tang!! You gotta know some ancient techniques for food curses!! Right???" Mei asked leaning on Tang who was eating his noodles

"Right noodle guy? Huh?" Mk joined in as they continued to lean on him as he gave them an annoyed glare

"I find when I'm not feeling so hot!! A special brew of tea will perk me right up!!" Sandy interrupted

"That actually sounds pretty good Sandy." I smiled as he thanked me.

"Oh Sandy is in this one I see...." Tang mumbled and I look at him like he's crazy

"What-" Mk hiccuped again causing me to lose my train of thought as everyone fell over from being blasted. Mei and I groan in pain.

"Sandy...Something tells me that a little bit of loose leaf is gonna help us in this particular scenario!!" Pigsy shouts

"Pigsy chill. Screaming isn't gonna help either." I say to him as I stand up

"Don't underestimate the power of the tea leaves!! Besides. I'm not talking about any old tea leaf...I'm talking about the tea made from the wild Crimson Chimson Weed!! An ancient and powerful flower, said to be influenced by immortality itself!! In the wrong hands deadly...In the right ones DEADLIER!!" Sandy explains while pulling out a book from his orange beard showing us pictures of this flower

I stare at in wonder admiring the Flower's beauty from the pages of Sandy's book. It's not any old flower I've ever seen.

"Uh we're not trying to kill him Sandy...we just wanna cure his hiccups." Tang stated confused

"Cure, kill. You say potato I say potato." Sandy said nonchalantly

"Um that's not how the saying goes-" I was once again cutoff. Im starting to get annoyed every time they do that.

"However the Crimson Chimson flower only grows in the mystical forest of the Emerald Lakes. So who's gonna get it?" Sandy asked but everyone just kinda stared at him blankly

"I'm not doing anything today. I could go find it??" I said volunteering myself as tribute

"No, not a chance your going alone kid. Take Sandy with you." Pigsy huffed sternly

"What?? No, no, no, no. I'm strictly a water adventure kind of guy..." Sandy said nervously

"Mk's life is at stake!!" Tang said pointing out a great point

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now