Chapter 22

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Ok so from the comments I've read majority of y'all wanted to name the pup after Freya. So seeing that is what is wanted the most, the name will be Freya!! This is gonna be angsty mwhahaha for the future.....😈 Also this chapter is very long so hope you're comfortable!!
"So what do we do now?" I ask the others as we finally leave the celestial realm.

"We find a place to lay low. Make the antidote. And save everyone!!" Mk says cheerfully. Redson scoffs in annoyance.

"You're back to your disgustingly enthusiastic self? What happened?"

"I gained a new power!!" Redson widens his eyes as he leans in to here what it could be. I look at Mk with the same curious look.

"The power of....Self Reflection." He said while making some weird face. Redson groans and rolls his eyes. I give Mk a blank look. That was very anticlimactic.

"Onwards!! To Flower Fruit Mountain!!"

"Time Skip"

I stare out into the sky as we fly towards Flower Fruit Mountain. Since we're giving the chance to relax I was thinking of names for the pup. It was proving to be difficult.

"Star??? No not that one either...Ugh this is so hard!!" I groan outloud.

"Still trying to figure out a name for her?" Mei asked. I nod as I continue to think about any possible better names. The unnamed pup would cringe at every single name Y/n came up with immediately shaking its head at the names.

"What would have Freya called you...." I said. Freya was always better at naming stuff then I was, after all she was more creative than me. Most of my baked goods were ideas from her. The pup's ears perked up at the name and barked happily.

"Huh? You like the name Freya? I...I don't know..." I trailed off a bit. Mei gives me a sad smile. The pup nods her head jumping around before climbing on Y/n and licked their face.

"Haha!! Ok!! Ok!! Fine. Freya it is then." I laugh as I set Freya down.

"You're naming her after Freya? Are you sure Y/n?" Mk asks as he walks up to Mei and I. I nod confidently.

"If she likes the name then I'm fine with it. Besides, I'm sure Freya would be happy that I named this cutie after her." I say petting Freya as she nuzzles my face.

"We're now arriving at Flower Fruit Mountain!!" Sandy announces from control center. We all rushed to the front of the ship excited to finally free the people and save everyone. Freya jumps on my shoulders and wags her little nebula tail. As soon as we landed we immediately got to work. I help Redson carry the furnace out as the others grabbed the other ingredients. We place the furnace down in the sand and we both take a moment to breathe.

"So. Pastry Lover. I've never really gotten to really ask how you've....been after the whole....well you know..." Redson said unsure as he turned to me. I smile at him and chuckle sadly.

"I've been doing a lot better. Healthy even. I know I won't ever truly get over Freya's death, but....I need to move on. For her and for myself."

"You're tougher than you look. Mentally and Physically. It's surprising to say the least but I guess even peasants like you can be strong." Redson said with a very sincere tone. I laugh shaking my head.

"Thanks Redson. I guess even demons like you can be nice and charming." I said winking at him with a knowing smile. He blushed and was about to retaliate but that's when the others finally showed up.

"Alright let's save the world!!" Mk shouts happily. Redson began his work chuckling to himself evilly.

"I!! Redson!! Will create an antidote by binding the celestial realms artifacts with the Spider Queen's own venom!! Save my father!! And reforge this world as I see fit!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!"

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now