Last Chapter 8: Wedding Day

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I pace back and forth in my room as I began feeling myself hyperventilate from the stress and overthinking. I haven't even gotten dressed yet!! I stopped my pacing as Tang and Pigsy came into the room with soft smiles.

"Hey kid how ya holding up?" Pigsy asked as walked towards me.

"Haha!! Me?! I'm doing amazing!! Perfectly fine." I laugh nervously as I internally go into a midlife crisis. Tang sighs and pats my shoulder gently.

"You know Y/'s ok to be nervous. It's only natural. Trust me, Pigsy was way worse than you on our wedding day." Tang informed making me calm down a bit and giggle. Pigsy huffed as he blushed from embarrassment.

"Shut it you free loader. I remember you dropped the cake and had to go buy a new one. A dollar store one."

Tang just shrugged and gave me a tiny wink helping me calm my nerves down more. The door burst opened again and Mei and Mk came through with excited smiles. They rushed up to me and gave me a hug and I returned it quickly.

"I can't believe it's finally time!!" Mei squealed

"You know you can still bail. Blink twice if you want to leave." Mk said in a serious tone and I roll my eyes.

"No Mk, I could never do that to Redson. I love him too much, and he's then one I want to spend my life with....but..." I trailed off with a frown

"But what...?" Mei said wanting me to continue and I sigh hugging myself.

"What if he...just doesn't feel the same anymore? What if he see's me and decides that this was a mistake? I just don't know if he'll-"

"Squirt stop with that bullshit." Monkey King's voice broke me from my doubts and I look up to see him and Macaque wearing formal suits. Monkey King walked up to me and stared me dead in the eyes.

"If there's anyone that the son of the Demon Bull King wants to be with, it's you. Even though it grosses me out, I could tell how much he loves you and how he still loves you."

"Hate to admit kiddo but he's right. We paid the little shit a visit first, and Redson was just as paranoid as you were. But by the looks of it, he really wants this, just as much as you do." Macaque said leaning on the door frame. Monkey King gave him an offended look.

"What do you mean you hate to admit that I'm right?!" He screeches making Macaque wince at his volume and he immediately shut his mouth up with his tail.

"Better get ready kid. Wedding will be starting soon." Macaque said nonchalantly dragging the angry muffles of the Monkey King away.

"Well we'll be waiting for ya. Also are still you sure you want Tang and I to walk ya down the aisle...? I mean we're not really..." Pigsy was cutoff when I gave them both a big hug.

"Of course I want you two to walk me!! You guys have been there for me since I arrived in the city. You both are practically my parents." I said firmly which made Tang tear up a bit.

"Crybaby." Pigsy snorts making Tang punch his shoulder with a playful glare.

"That makes Mei and I the siblings!!" Mk cheered bringing me into a group hug again and I laugh. Mei then shoved Pigsy and Tang out the door.

"Now let the experts of fasion prepare Y/n for their big day!!" Mei said with a smirk and I nervously chuckle.

*With Redson*

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god." Redson said as he practically had a mental breakdown to himself. He couldn't find his dress!! He didn't feel like wearing a suit and decided to wear a wedding dress instead. He was worried that Y/n would judged him but they were immediately supportive of his decision. How did he end up with someone like them?

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now