Chapter 8

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HAHA DIDNT EXPECT ANOTHER CHAPTER DID YA?! There's gonna be a bit of a time skip specifically when Mk is stuck by the staff. Also I don't remember the dialogue so most of this is me improvising. Also, also, this is mostly Mk's and Monkey King's pov. Alright lets goooooo

Mk's POV:

I struggled against my own staff as I was trapped against a huge part of a mountain. I tried to push it off over and over and yet it still seemed like it was pointless. What did Macaque do to my power?

"OhohohohohoNo!! What? Can't hold the magic staff anymore?! Well you know what that means!!" I hear Macaque's voice call out as he floats. I stare in fear as he suddenly appears right in my face with a evil smirk.

"You're just some kid with a heavy stick!!" He laughs in my face and I look down in shame feeling tears welling up into my eyes.

"And to think that baker is friends with such a loser!! They don't have a single bit of training and they managed to punch me!! But are just pitiful." He sneers

My eyes widen when he said that and my shame was immediately replaced by anger.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO Y/N!! IF YOU HURT THEM I SWEAR I'LL-" I was cutoff by his haunting laugh

"You'll what Mk? Look at your situation. No one is gonna help you now....especially with the way you have been treating them~"

I feel my heart break at his words and yet....he was right. I feel awful....

"You know....I almost feel bad for kidnapping the baker, Y/n was it? Who's gonna help pay for their sister's cancer treatment with them gone...."

"What? Freya doesn't-" I was cutoff once again

"Oh!! That's right!! Y/n didn't tell you!! Oops guess I spoiled the surprise. See friends are nothing but liars....they act they're there for you forever but then lie and stab you in the back...." He said almost sadly but it was gone just as soon as the emotion appeared.

But Y/n wasn't like that!! And know it!! They must of a perfectly good explanation on why they didn't tell me!!

"Why do you want Y/n anyway!? This is between you and I!!" I shout at him as starts playing with Monkey King's power he stole from me

"They have this power I want. They don't even realize they have it yet!! Might as well take it before they figure out about it." He shrugs nonchalantly

"IS THERE ANY MORE SURPRISES I SHOULD KNOW ABOUT?!" I shout as I struggled against the staff again

"Yes!! Me!!" I hear a familiar voice shout. I gasp as Monkey King appears ready to fight

"Monkey King I'm so glad-" I was cutoff by his glare he gave me which I nervously laugh at. He turned back to Macaque with a scowl.

"When are you going to stop living in my shadow Macaque!!" Monkey King shouts

Macaque rolls his eyes as smiles irritably, "Same old Wukong."

I see Monkey King get ready to fight him and before he does I shout a warning.

"Monkey King he stole my power!! Also he has my friend hostage!! You have to save them!!"

Monkey King nods as the two immediately start fighting switching from animals and clones. Just basically beating each other up with equal strength.

"Ok...guess I'll just sit here....yep...." I said to myself watching the fight

Monkey King's pov:

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now