Chapter 15

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"Y/n!! I need you to come with me to Flower Fruit Mountain!!"

Well that's one way to certainly wake up. I groan as I get up from my mattress. I glare over at Mk as his face held excitement. I grabbed my phone I groan once more.

"'s like...2am in the morning. I'm used to waking up early...but not this early." I yawn as I cover my head with my blanket preparing to go back to sleep. Mk immediately ripped off the blankets causing me to go with them. I fell onto the ground and hiss in pain.

"Mk what the hell?!"

"No time to explain!! Monkey King needs to see you!!" He said as picked me up off the ground placing me on my feet.

"I have to work Mk!! Whatever this Monkey wants he can wait..." I mumbled. Mk explained when I first woke up from being knocked out that this Monkey King saved me from the hot topic version of him. As much as I want to thank him, I've been skipping to many work days.

"Please Y/n???" Mk said as he gave me the puppy eyes. I grimace as I try to resist the puppy eyes. Only him and Freya are able to get me to listen whenever they do that.

"Ugh...Oh Alright!! But at least let me get changed..."

Mk nodded leaving our shared room as he goes downstairs to wait for me. I get changed into something comfortable which was just sweatpants and a sleeveless shirt. I was not going to sit for an hour to think of something to wear because I'm tired. Once I was done getting ready I walk downstairs where Mk was waiting.

"Ok so We're gonna take this jet here to get there!!" Mk said proudly. I looked around like he was crazy.

"What Jet....?"

Mk then realized he forgot that the jet was at Sandy's place and smacked his head.

"That's right!! I left it at Sandy's place for safe keeping!! Here hang on I'll get there in a jiffy!!" He said. Before I could ask him what he was talking about he grabbed onto me as he pulled out his staff.

"Mk I swear to god if you-" I was cutoff as He launched us into the air. I scream as I basically crush him. He found this funny and started laughing.


He immediately stopped laughing and nervously chuckled. But in the in we got to Sandy's place. Of course no one was up since it was 2 AM IN THE MORNING.

Mk sat me down the ground and immediately punched hard in the arm.

"Ow!! Hey!!" He whined rubbing his arm in pain.

"That's what you get for doing that." I huff as I walked forward. Mk led me to this supposed jet, and we both get in. Mk started it up and I could only put on my seat belt as I clutch onto the seats, hoping Mk won't recklessly drive like Pigsy. I was wrong. I was so painfully wrong. He immediately shot forward going super fast. I felt my stomach drop as I closed my eyes tightly.

After an hour of not so smooth flying we finally arrived at the legendary Flower Fruit Mountain. As soon as the jet was on the ground, I jumped out and basically just laid there on the ground.

"Oh my god...never again..."

"Come on I wasn't that bad!!" Mk tells me as stands over my form. I couldn't even glare at him because I was to focused on trying to breathe. I finally stand up and hit the back of his head.

"I'm driving when we go back home!!" I shout. Normally I wasn't like this but he woke me up way earlier than he should have, I'm hungry, and he almost gave me a heart attack twice.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now