Chapter 9

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Y/n's Pov:

My body felt pretty heavy and my head hurt like a shit ton of bricks was just dropped on me. I groan as slightly opened my eyes and start to lift my head up. Once my eyes adjusted to my surroundings I realized that I was back home in my apartment.

Wait. How did I get here? Wasn't that emo monkey gonna kill me or something?? Ok that's enough thinking I feel like my head is going to just explode at this point.

I swing my legs over the bed and I tried to walk but I immediately fell forwards. Accepting that I was just gonna fall on my face. That was until I felt someone catch me and set me back down on my bed. I looked up to see who caught me, hoping that it wasn't the monkey, I was surprised to see Mk.

"Mk.....? What are you doing here....?" I spoke slowly

"Hey Y/n....Try not to move as will all be better for you to just relax." He told me gently

"I don't did I...get here...?" I ask him. He sighed and was silent for a moment before nodding to himself.

"You know how I said that I was getting peach cream puffs for a friend...? Well I lied. I lied about a lot of things to you, hoping that it will keep you safe from harm...but guess that didn't work out huh...." He briefly explained confusing me even more. He once again sighed.

"Ok. Get comfortable. This is gonna be a long story about what I've been doing this past month." He then begins explain to me from very beginning on how he found the staff, fought the Demon Bull King, and became Monkey King's successor. He explained all the adventures he went through and how the monkey I saw was Macaque. And that he tricked him so he could get the Monkey King's power that he held.

"Wait...So you've been fighting demons this whole month....? Mk...Are you alright...?" I asked him as he stopped explaining. He looked at me perplexed before furrowing his eyebrows.

"No. The question is, Are you alright? I don't know if this is true but...Macaque said something about....Freya having cancer....? Is it true Y/n? Tell me is it true?" He asks me which I widen my eyes. I stare at my hands in shame as clutch them tightly. Tears pricking my eyes.

"Yes. Yes, it's true....I've been so busy trying to pay for her treatment....I haven't been able talk with someone about how all of this affects me...I'm sorry..." I said slightly lying since I Know that I've already talked with Redson about it. But I'd rather keep that a secret for now.

"You know you could have told me....You could have told Pigsy or Tang!! Any of us!! Y/ don't have to go through this alone!" He said as put a comforting hand on my shoulder giving me a sympathetic look. I sigh in shame as I look at him.

"I just...don't want to burden you or any of the others...from what you've just told me, you had your own problems you had to deal with. I can't let my issue become your issue...."

"Y/n, I can fight demons everyday and get through it, but If I know that one of my friends is hurting my conscious won't let me relax. You're not a burden, I will do what it takes to help you anyway I can. Because as far as I know, losing someone important can never be replaced. So don't let me lose you or Freya. Let me help." He told me stubbornly. I look into his stern eyes, this is the most serious I've ever seen him. Knowing that he won't back down I nod. He smiles and hugs me before letting me go.

"Ok then I have Noodles to deliver. You stay here and rest. If I find out your walking about the city I will find you. Ok byeeeeee!" He said as he leaves me alone to myself.

"Pft-What a dork..." I say out loud as I lay back down to get some extra sleep. I grab my stuffed F/a plushie, the same one Redson won for me, and start to slowly drift to sleep.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now