Chapter 45

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I pace back and forth anxiously as mumbled to myself about what this chilling feeling was. I rub my hands together as I continue to overthink everything. Freya whined lowly as she watched Y/n pace.

"What's up with Y/n?" I hear Mei ask Redson

"I...I don't know...I've never seen them this anxious before...something must be up..." Redson said glancing at Y/n with a concerned gaze

I began pulling at my hair because of stress as the chilling feeling increased that every second that passed by. It felt like I was in a daze...I didn't even notice Redson grabbing my hands.

"Y/n!! You're absolutely freezing!! Do you have a fever?!" Redson said as he felt Y/n's cold hands and pressed his hand against their forehead.

"What? I'm fine!! Not sick or anything...something is just not-" I flinch as it felt a crushing weight in my chest falling to my knees, Redson quickly catching me. Freya immediately also being there to help me stand up.

"Y/n!!" Redson and Mei call out my name, Mei running over extremely concerned.

I shake as I felt like I was sent to Antarctic itself. I look down to my hands and widen my eyes as frost began to cover my finger tips. Redson noticed this to and immediately took action as he lifted me up and quickly grabbed his red coat wrapping me in it. He rose his body temperature as he held me tightly.

"What's happening to them?!" Mei screeched as she and Freya grabbed all the blankets placing them on me.

"I don't know!! We just need to keep them warm ok?! Go get some warm water and a rag for their head!!" Redson snapped as he rose his body temperature even more. I let out a ragged breathe as felt the heat warm me up.

"R...Re...d? Wha...What's happening" I said wincing at every word. I felt Redson tense as he clutched onto me. Freya snuggled up to me trying her best to keep me warm.

"I don't know. Don't talk. You'll only lose your energy. J-just..Don't die on me...Stay awake ok? Can you do that?" Redson said running his lightly heated hands through my hair making me smile.

At that moment Mei came running back almost tripping and dropping the water. She is placed down as she panted.

"There!! Hot water!!" She said with a thumbs up. Redson lightly dipped his hand in the water before squinting. He suddenly lit his hand on fire while still in the water making it a bit hotter.

"That's much better." He said taking the hot wet rag and placing it on my head. I hummed at the heat that enveloped me snuggling closer to Redson.

"How are they doing?" Mei asked making Redson sigh

"Better...but not great..." he mumbled look down at Y/n's face. He shook his head then gave Mei a stern face.

"You shouldn't waste any time!! You need to be training!! Go!! I'll sit with Y/n...." He demanded making Mei groan as she began to train and train.

It was an hour or so and Mei was now balancing herself with a bunch of plates while holding two buckets. I was able to heat up enough and could actually move my head and breathe, but despite that Redson still refused to put me down. For my safety.

"Hmmm...Not bad Dragon Girl. It's been nearly 5 whole minutes since your last explosion. Keep this up and you'll be ready to wield the Samadhi Fire in no time." Redson said with a bored look as Mei continues to struggle

I hear bushes move and I tap Redson's shoulder. He looks at me then looks to what I was pointing at. We both saw the Bush ruffle and he glared at it. Freya ran towards with a growl, her protective instincts kicking in.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now