Extra Chapter 3: A...Child...?

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A mysterious man watched as Y/n and Redson battled with training. Their powers clashing against each creating powerful blasts of  plasma and fire. He smirked to himself maliciously as he pulled out two strands of hair. One H/c one and a red one.

"Soon I'll be more powerful than the two combined~" he cackles to himself as he disappeared from where he was hiding.

The man walks with hands behind his back, his cloak flowing behind him as he continued to smirk to himself. The sounds of his shoes hitting against the ground filling up the silence around him. He even hummed creepily as he arrived as a ginormous door covered in ancient markings. He put his hands out chanting creepily before his eye burst with life.

The ancient markings began to glow a bright red as the doors opened to reveal a singular pot. The man walked up to it as he took out Y/n's and Redson's hair before holding it above the boiling liquid.

"Finally...Hehehe FINALLY!! ILL BE ABLE TO RULE THIS WORLD AS THE SORCERER I AM WAS MEANT TO BE!! People will fear me!! Respect me!! With the power of a thousand suns!! And the power of the plasmic lightning!! I SHALL BE UNSTOPPABLE!!" The man laughed to himself before dropping the two pieces of hair straight into the pot. The liquid then began over boil and steam.

"Yes, YES!!"

But suddenly the boiling stopped, confusing the deranged sorcerer as he perked over the pot. He growled with anger as he kicked it.
"Come on you piece of junk!! WORK!!"

Then there was a blast of Flames and electricity that broke through the ceiling causing debris to fall. The man barley moved away from it in time and rushed over to cover waiting for it to die down as the power was out of control.

That's when it stopped. And there was nothing but silence. The sorcerer cautiously stood up and made his way over to the know cracked pot. He looked over once more and widen his eyes at the sight of a child. Who seemed to be at least 3 years old.

They looked exactly like Y/n and Redson.....

"No!! No!! NO!! THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANTED!!" He screeches making the child flinch and rub his ears. The man began to throw a tantrum as he threw stuff around slamming and yelling out curses. The little child with their e/c and yellow eyes, quivered in the pot, not only because they were completely naked but out of fear.

The man heard the child's sniffing and glared at them with hatred. He began to walk towards them.

"You...THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT BRAT!!" He said grabbing them by their flamed and partially h/c hair. The child cried out and pain making noises of distress.

Y/n's voice called out with anger. The man immediately let go and gave Y/n smirk as Redson as behind them just as angry. Mk and Mei were also there prepared to attack the sorcerer.

"Ah~ Well if it isn't the 'Protector' and their lap dog!! Ooo~ and I see the Samadhi Fire girl and the absolute failure!!" He said with a cackle


"Ohoho~ I would like to see you-" The sorcerer didn't even get to finish his sentence as immediately Y/n and Redson charged straight at him with no remorse, he was getting his ass kicked. Mei and Mk kind of just...watched not really having to help. It wasn't before the two walked up to the little child, Mk giving them his jacket to keep him covered.

The child watched Y/n and Redson beat the absolute shit out of the mean man. They felt a flicker of feeling, admiration. They also felt like they could trust the two, despite not even knowing them until now.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now