Chapter 37

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"Y/n? Hey you awake...?"

Y/n looked up from their rusty, smelly bed at the little child, who was a bit older than Freya. He was thin, due to lack of food and other nutrition. He was also shivering because it was cold down in the cell rooms.

"Oh...Eli...Didn't know you were awake...What's the matter kid?" Y/n yawned as they stretched

"I'm scared...she's in my dreams...she won't stop haunting me!!" He whispered as he cried making
Y/n sigh and give him a soft look.

"Eli come here...You know what my dad used to do when I was scared?" Y/n asked as Eli came over to them sitting in their lap clutching onto their shirt sniffling.


"He sang me a little song. And boy did it make me smile, made me feel braver. I sung it to Freya all the time during thunderstorms..." Y/n said ruffling his black hair gently also frowning at the thought of their sister

"What song was it?" Another little kid woke up rubbing her eyes and as they asked Y/n.

"Well, Aria, I can't quite remember the name but I do know that it was quite beautiful." Y/n answered

"Can you sing it to us?!" Two twins, Denise and Dustin, asked excitedly surrounding Y/n. One by one more kids woke up wanting to hear Y/n sing

"W-well I don't know...It's been so long since I've heard it-"

"Please Y/n?" All the kids asked in sync. Y/n sighed as they all gave Y/n puppy eyes. Y/n smiled and nodded making the kids happily gather around.

"Okay you guys win, I can never say no to you all....Well the song goes like this..."

(This Song, Love like you from Steven Universe. I love this song it's so relaxing. Also I'm not writing the lyrics cuz I'm lazy lol)

"Wow...That is a pretty song..." Calama said while her hazel eyes glowed with happiness. Y/n nodded before giving them a playful glare.

"Alright you troublemakers, bed time come on. We need to get some rest for tomorrow."

They all groan in disappointment and go back to their beds. Eli being the only one who stayed.

"U-um...I want to be brave like you Y/n...but can I...sleep with you? I don't want to have nightmares..." he said embarrassed

"Of course kid, come over here. Comfortable?" Y/n asked as he cuddled next to them with a smile

"Yea...thanks so much you killer..."

Suddenly Eli was changed to a dead corpse, with cold eyes. Blood flowing out of his mouth as he still smiled at Y/n, holding their hand.

"You did this to me..."

I flinched as someone shook my shoulders, waking me up. I immediately lift up from the comforts of the bed I was on as gasped for air setting my one good arm into attack mode by punching. But I felt my fist be caught making me glare before gasping at the sight of Redson. Immediately he grabbed my fist and held it.

"Are you alright? You were crying in your sleep..." he muttered. I shake my head riding my thoughts immediately as I removed his hand off mine and clutched onto my casted arm.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now