Chapter 26

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Today I something was happening or is about to happen. I don't know how to really describe but...Ah I guess I just feel paranoid. I continue giving out orders to my customers bidding them farewell as they leave. Sometimes I would daydream before snapping back into reality. When Redson came over, like usual, he noticed I wasn't really paying attention like normal. And naturally he was worried.

"Y/n? Are doing ok? You seem...distant...?"

"Hm? Oh yea I'm ok...just a little paranoid is all..." I tell him simply. He came behind the counter and put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Are you absolutely positive?"

"I don't know...something just feels...wrong. I mean last I felt like this I got kidnapped by that emo monkey so-"

"Wait. WHAT?! When did this happen?!" Redson exclaimed worryingly and angrily. Not at you of course, but the person who kidnapped you.

"Ah right...remember when I was gone for 3 days straight and I told that I was just taking a break? Well truth is...I actually was kidnapped by some Hot Topic version of the Monkey King."

"Y/n...why didn't tell me this sooner?!" He asked me

"Well at the time I didn't think you'd care. Plus I didn't think it really mattered either." I shrugged

"Well I do care!! And I don't need my lover to be in any sort of danger!! So if something like this happens again or you feel like your being watched!! Tell me!!" Redson basically demanded. Y/n could only giggle. It's sweet how much he cares.

"Ok, ok. I promise I will Red." I said holding my pinky out. He looks at me with an raised eyebrow

"It's a pinky promise...? Have you never made a pinky promise?" I asked shocked. He looked down for second and I realized he hasn't

"Oh...Well here. Let this be your first one then!! So stick out your pinky and lock it around my pinky." I instructed to him. He nods and locks his pinky with mine. He scoffs

"I feel stupid. This is so childish!!"

"Yea, but that's what makes it fun!! Now, we both then kiss our hands, still locking pinkies, then boom!! Pinky promise made!!" I smile as I kiss my hand. Redson rolls his eyes but kisses his hand so he could please Y/n's wishes. We both let go and I smile at him.

"See! Simple!!"

He could only huff as he blushed, "You're too damn adorable for your own good. You know that pastry lover?"

I stick my tongue out at him playfully as he shoots me a playful glare. The rest of the time was spent chilling with him and ever so offen a customer would come in. Redson even helped with taking orders as I prepared the food, it was nice. Finally it was closing time and we began cleaning up the bakery before closing and locking it up. Redson holds my hand as we walked down the streets.

"Hey you never told me where Freya was? Usually she's with you?" Redson suddenly asked

"Oh!! I gave her to Sandy for today!! Her and Moe wanted to chill out together. I'll probably pick her up tomorrow." I responded

It was a nice comfortable silence before Redson began searching through his pocket before realizing he left his phone, that I bought him to contact me, back the bakery.

"Shit!! I left my phone!! Y/n I'll be right back, do you mind staying here for a couple of seconds...?"

"Uh...Yea I don't mind!! Do you need the keys or..."

"Yes, I wouldn't want to accidentally burn down your bakery by teleporting in." He said jokingly. I hand him my keys and he began booking it back to the bakery. I just chuckle in amusement before waiting patiently for him to return. But then the paranoia began to creep back in my veins. I began hearing whispering...

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now