Chapter 2

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Y/n POV:

I groan as I hear my alarm beeping obnoxiously in my ear. I open up my eyes and slowly but surly get out of the comfortable blankets. I hit the stop button on my alarm and sigh.

"Another day of getting up..." I yawn as I stretched my arms hearing a satisfying pop. My feet touch the ground as I walk to my closet and pick out what I wanted to wear. Since I literally own the bakery I don't have to wear more formal clothing or we'll work clothes.

Once I gathered all my stuff, Plus my pocket knife for any muggers, I look at a photo and smile sadly. On the photo it was a little girl and I smiling brightly. The little girl looked to be at least 7 years old and had bright shining e/c eyes but her hair was a nice dark brown color. She had very pretty tan skin with freckles covering all over her face.

"I think I should visit the hospital...besides it's been awhile since I've seen her...I bet she misses my baked goods...." I chuckled to myself as I set the photo back down.

Immediately I quickly made some pastries and all sorts of goods in the kitchen keeping them in a tray and then placing it into a bag. I walk out of my apartment and lock it behind me. Then I started my journey to the hospital. Since it was very early in the morning, barley anyone was out besides people who also get up at this time.

I finally arrive at the local hospital, taking a step into the building walking toward the receptionist.

"Patient's name?" She asked not even bothering to look up at me as she types away on the computer

"Freya L/n." I responded. The lady nodded handing me a slip of paper before letting me through

I get into an elevator waiting anxiously until the floor I needed to get off at. Finally the elevator dinged and I got off heading into Freya's room.

I take a deep breath before entering the room with a smile.

"Hey little sis! Long time no see!" I state

"Y/n!! I'm so happy to see you!!" Freya shouted happily before coughing painfully

I immediately rubbed her back to try to comfort her, "Hey...I'm excited to see you to sunshine. But you need to chill."

She could only nod and I hand her a cup of water to help get rid of her coughing fit. Once it finally went down she turned to me with the smile I know and love.

"I've waiting for so long for a visit! What was the reason hm?" She said looking into my soul with a serious expression

"Well you know bakery management and all that...I still need to help pay for your surgery..." I tell her sadly

She looks at me with sad frown, "Y/n...I know you want to help cure my cancer...but don't kill yourself by overworking!! It's not good for you!! Besides im strong I can fight back the illness!!"

I could only chuckle at her determination. Ever since we came back from visiting our adoption family she fell in love with fighting movies and games. Nothing too specific just anything that was cool and had action. But we also found out how she had cancer and it immediately got bad. She can't even leave the hospital to go home anymore. That's why I've been working my butt off at the bakery to help pay for my sister's cancer surgery.

I snapped out of my depressing thoughts as Freya nudged me and asked me why I had plastic bags. I immediately smiled at her.

"Oh you know just delicious food I brought no biggie~" I tease her as I open up a whole tray of yummy food

Freya's mouth watered immediately as she reaches for a couple of my mini s'more cupcakes.

"You have no clue how much I missed your food." She said muffled with her stuffed face as she cry's with joy

"No talking when your mouth is full." I scolded her

For 3 hours I spent with Freya talking about whatever that crossed our minds, catching up on lost time. Freya has eaten half of the food on the tray, I mean I would too if I had to eat the disgusting hospital food everyday. Freya's doctors came in and told me that I would have to leave to which I nod sadly.

"Bye little sis. I'll try and visit again soon." I say as I give her a hug goodbye

"Bye Y/n. I love you!!" She said as she hugs me back with a smile

I smile at her, "Love you to sunshine. Be good for your doctors you hear."

She chuckles and nods. I wave goodbye to her as I make my way out the room. After I closed the door I look down with a frown and immediately started making my way to my bakery shop. I know Freya wants me to relax, but until I know she'll be ok, I won't rest.

I walk down the now more crowded streets, just minding my own business. I suddenly felt this stare at the back of my head. Instead of looking or slowing down I act like I didn't notice. I casually walk down a random alleyway acting as if I was looking for something. I heard a something drop down and then heard some light steps.

I quietly take out my pocket knife holding it in my pocket. Once I heard the footsteps draw closer I immediately threw the knife and then hearing a scream.

I finally looked up to the same guy from the bakery shop. Redson. I glared at him as he was in shock I just threw my knife at him.


" glad that I missed..." I tell him as roll my eyes and walk past him picking up my knife from the ground. He only grits his teeth in pure anger before scoffing.

"Why are you following me exactly?" I asked him, annoyed that this guy was stalking me or something

"Because you have to cure me!!" He shouts

"What." I am completely and utterly confused

Redson rolls his eyes as he continues, "Whatever. That so called food of yours did something to me!! Once I took a bit my mouth watered and made my stomach want more. You obviously poisoned it!!"

I cannot believe what I am hearing. He can't be serious can he? But judging by his face he is. Is he an idiot? Or does he not know how eating food works?

I groan as I pinch my forehead, already feeling a headache coming. "I didn't poison you. That's just your stomach and brain telling you that my food was good. There for you don't need a cure. Now if you'll excuse me. I got a bakery to open up."

I walk out the alleyway immediately continuing my way back to the shop. I hear Redson's voice call out as he started walking after me.

"I don't believe you're telling the truth!! I will find the cure in your poison factory!! It's in there for sure!!" He shouts

I just ignore him and roll my eyes. Redson just kept blabbering about random junk that I didn't even bother to listen to. I would have hoped that he would leave me alone after I basically threatened to break his legs but I guess that wasn't enough.

"It's gonna be a long day..." I groaned to myself

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now