Chapter 29

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I groan as I open my eyes. My head and body hurts like hell. I hear this slight beeping noise before I finally woke up completely. I hiss as I lift my head to look around but found myself, in a hospital bed?? How did I even get here?? The door was suddenly opened and in came a doctor.

"Oh!! You're finally awake!! That's good, you've been unconscious for a week now. Glad you're friend got you here in time." He said as helped me sit up straight. I raise my eyebrow in confusion before I remembered what happened.

'Thats right...that spider henchman gave me a concussion...I guess Sandy brought me here...'

"I'm gonna ask you a few questions ok?" He asks me as he takes out his clipboard. I nod prepared for the questions.

"What's your first and last name?"

"Y/n L/n."

"Ok good. What do you remember before waking up here?"

"I was...uh slammed into the ground 3 or 4 times. And then I blacked out."

He nods, "Hm I see. Well I believe there is no memory loss...Do you have someone I should call to come here? Your friends have been very worried."

"Um actually can I call my boyfriend? You see I own a bakery and he comes over everyday as I work. If I was unconscious for a week he's probably really worried." I say already knowing Redson has been internally panicking for the past week.

"Of course. Would you like to call him or do you want me to?"

"I'd rather call him. If the hospital calls him about me then he'll probably assume the worse...." I say nervously and the doctor nods understandingly as he  hands me my phone that Sandy left for me and then leaves to tell the front desk that Redson will be arriving.

I sigh as I look through my contacts and immediately see Redson's name. I click on his contact name and the phone started ringing. It took about 5 seconds for him to answer.

"Y/n!! Oh thank the celestial gods your ok!! Where have you been?! I've been worried sick!! Did that creep kidnap you again?! Do I need to kill someone?! Just give me a name and I'll-"

"Redson chill. I'm ok and no I wasn't kidnapped. I went with Sandy to the Emerald Lakes to get a special flower for Mk. We ran into one of Spider Queen's henchmen and he kinda...gave me a concussion and I was knocked unconscious...I'm alright now though!! I just wanted to make sure you knew so you wouldn't worry." I quickly explained before he could start preparing a murder

"WHAT?! ONE OF THOSE EIGHT LEGGED FREAKS HURT YOU?! I swear when I see those arachnids...THEY'LL ALL BURN BENEATH MY WRATH!!" Redson screams into the phone and I just chuckle nervously at his angry bantering, pulling the phone away slightly.

"Uh..Red...I'm ok seriously. I don't need you to avenge me, though it's nice of you to consider it. I just want to see you...if you're not busy that is?" I asked softly


"Where are you?"

"I'm at the same hospital where Freya used to be...I think uh my doctor already sighed you in as a guest so you'll just ask for my name and they'll tell you which room I'm in-"

My door was flung opened and there stood a worried Redson. My eyes widen in surprise before I giggled and hanging up my phone.

"That didn't take long now did it? Missed me that much Red?" I asked jokingly but Redson just walked over with a mixed expression as he hugged me tightly like I was the last thing in the world he cared about

"You're making jokes?! I can't believe you!! Do you know how much I worried for you!! Absolute imbecile!! I...I...." Redson was physically shaking as held onto me. His hair absolutely going crazy with emotions. My once playful mood was replaced with guilt and worry. I carefully hug him back as I softly rubbed his back to comfort him.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now