Chapter 21

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Thanks to this amazing person here @rosaamor20 I'll be able to watch season 2 and 3. So hopefully I'll be able to make the episodes more accurate without blindingly guessing what happens. Thanks again rosaamor20!!

I watch as Redson continues to make a gateway to the celestial realm in wonder. What he said early was really agitating me because I have no clue what he means by 'he thought it was hot'.

'Was he calling me hot or was he just trying to uh...I don't know be nice?? Ugh...emotions are hard...' I think to myself as I grumble in annoyance. Redson spares a glance at the grumbling Y/n, he was still flustered over what he said so he looked away quickly. The symbol he drew started glow and he smirked at his handiwork.

"So's does this exactly work?" Tang asks confused. Redson scoffs and turns to the group.

"If I try to explain mystical inter dimensional travel to a bunch of...Peasants! It will melt your brains."

Pigsy gives an annoyed look and rolls his eyes. I stand up and get ready to go.

"What other choice do we have guys?" I say mostly to    Pigsy and Mei.

"We're just gonna have to trust him." Mk added with a nod. Redson once again scoffs.

"Great hero speech you two. Super motivational." He then proceeds to turn around and begin transporting us to the celestial realm. The ship started to spark up as this was happening.

"Uh you are sure mortals can cross through right?" Tang asked interrupting Redson's focus. Redson glares.

"Yes I'm sure." He tried doing it again but was interrupted by Pigsy this time.


"Yes. Probably." Redson muttered and began to open up an inter dimensional portal to the celestial realm.

"PROBABLY?!" Everyone shouted. Before anyone could question further Sandy's ship was suddenly shot forward causing everyone to be pulled back by the force. I grabbed onto the ship's ledge as I held on with all my might. I see Mei fly by me before getting grabbed by Sandy. Finally it stopped and I fell forward on my face.

"Ugh. Remind to never travel through dimensions ever again..." I say as I get up off the floor dusting myself off. I then realized that flames were everywhere.

"See. I told explaining mystical inter dimensional travel would melt your brains." Redson says in 'I told you so' tone. I roll my eyes at him but smile anyways. I finally take in my surroundings and widen my eyes at the beauty. Redson stood next me admiring as well.

"Wow....This place is absolutely gorgeous...Freya would loved to see this..." I whispered softly. Redson looked at Y/n before having a internal battle with himself before sighing. He gently grabbed Y/n's hand and held it. Y/n stared at him with a confused, blushing face.

"What? I was told that hand holding makes people better. We need everyone to be at their A game if we want to get those ingredients." Redson huffed as he too blushed and his tail behind him wagged a tiny bit.  I could only chuckle as I held his hand tightly, until it was ripped away.

"Alright hands off!! We need to focus!! So we gotta get some special pills, a fancy peach, and furnace!! Where we gonna find that stuff huh?!" Pigsy said staring Redson down for holding Y/n's hand. Redson glares and went to speak but didn't actually know where to find those things. Mei gasped and teased him about it.

"Red boy doesn't know!!"

"I know there're somewhere!! I'm a demon it's not like I've been here before!!"

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now