Chapter 31

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Ever since I got that warning note I've been put on edge. Even the slightest sounds would make me jump out of my skin. Mk once spooked me accidentally and I grabbed his wrist and flipped him over me, crashing him into the floor. When I realized it was just him I felt guilty and immediately apologized. Mk of course didn't mind and thought it was actually cool that my training was paying off.

Speaking off, since Monkey King was gone and all I've been training mostly by myself or with Mk and Mei, for the past few weeks or so. Sometimes even Redson would pitch in and teach me some of his family's fighting techniques. I was glad I had some help from them but they all found it strange that I was already good with some fighting and defending. Only I know why and I would like to keep it that way...... for now.

Again Speaking of training I was walking out to the desert to join Mk and Mei to train with them. I decided to just walk instead of using my plasma, cuz I'm still not good with long distance drains my energy a lot. But that's ok because Freya was keeping me company as she sat a top my shoulders just enjoying the sun. I pet her gently as she nuzzled my hand happily wagging her tail.

That was when I heard was painful as it blocked out every other sound. I wince at the burning sensation on my head, feeling like it was splitting in half. My breathing was becoming hard and shallow as I try to shake off the pain. And just as soon as it left....

The whispering died down and disappeared, but the headache still lingered. Freya looked at him worry as she whines. I pet her head trying to assure her that I'm fine, but I'm mostly trying to convince myself more than anything....

Now on edge I began walking even faster now to get to Mk and the others. My knuckles becoming white with how hard and tense I was clutching them. Finally after a long walk, I arrived but it seems I was a little too late because they were already on a lunch break. Tang noticed me approaching and waved hello.

"Ah decide to finally join us?" He asked as he slurped his noodles. I nervously chuckled as Mk gave me a scolding glare.

"Your not late because of Redson, are you?!"

"No, Mk Im not. I just decided to walk instead of teleporting. Besides I can't rely on my powers ALL the time." I say rolling my eyes. He continues to give me a suspicious glare but eventually just shrugs and continued to eat his bowl of noodles. Pigsy then hands me my own bowl of noodles surprising me.

"What? You think I wasn't gonna feed ya too? Jeez how low do you think of me kid?" He snorted with a smirk. I take the bowl gratefully and began eating as well. Freya jumped off my shoulders as she went to go play with Moe, the two chasing each other around happily. We all chatted as we just enjoyed the sunny day.

Suddenly a burst of blue light was seen from the city, the wind pushing my hair backwards as we all squint at the light. I widen my eyes as that same feeling paranoia creeped up my back. My body felt paralyzed as I watched the light.

"That's probably not good..." Mei said worryingly as her bowl of noodles flew into Mk's face. We all got up and rushed to get a closer look. Freya was staring at the light with apprehension look as she growled. Suddenly a blue spider mech came bursting out of the ground as it towered over the sand with hostility. Staring at it I felt the whispering come back as I feel my hands shake. I cover my ears trying to stop the sounds from continuing, which wasn't helping.

I see Mk also wince as he clutched his head closing his eyes in pain. Tang began hyperventilating as Pigsy and Sandy tried to calm him down. Mei looked at the mech fearfully.

"Is it the Spider Queen?!"

I shake my head, "I don't think so. Something isn't right...."

"Y/n's right....This is something way worse." He said seriously as he jumped over Sandy's ship heading straight towards the mech. My eyes widen and my heart began to speed up

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now