Chapter 30

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Another day, another dollar. Today has been peaceful. Too peaceful....I don't know what it is but something just doesn't feel right. Maybe it's because of returning nightmares of her. But they are becoming even more terrifying...I now hallucinate and have nightmares about Freya's corpse among the bodies of the bloody children....her blood stained upon my hands....even though I know for a fact I didn't even....

Shaking my head riding the thoughts that plague my mind, I continued to wait for customers. Mk and Mei asked me to train today but I told them I needed to get some work done, which they understood. They also stole Freya from me again claiming she needs some outdoor time. Mk and Pigsy would always ask how Redson and I are doing...probably waiting for the perfect chance to kill him honestly.

Ever since they found out we were dating they truly have been might I say? I find heartwarming though. Sometimes. It's nice to see that they care. Speaking of Redson he apparently has been occupied with some family business and hasn't been able to visit me, which is a shame really...I miss him so.

The door to my bakery was heard opening and I put on a smile. I raise my eyebrow in confusion, I've never seen these people in my life. They seemed to be couple seeing they are holding hands and all. One was pretty short like maybe 5'2. They had long dark brown hair that faded into a blonde. They had these golden brown eyes and a pair of glasses sat upon their face.

The other one holding their hand looked nothing like a human. He was pure dark grey with piercing yellow eyes. Pointy ears,a tail , and had a very noticeable scar on his face, he also had no mouth. He was very tall about 6'1 ft. Yet he seemed to be shy and looked non threatening whatsoever.

Deciding to stop judging their looks I continued smiling as they finally made their way up to the counter.

"Hello!! Welcome to SugarRush!! I'm Y/n here to serve you!! What would like?"

"Ah wow...Can't believe I'm actually writing this in..." the brunette muttered. I gave them a confused stare looking at their companion for any sort of answer.

"Um...Is your lover here ok or...?"

He seemed to blush as hid behind the brunette trying to block out my gaze. This just made me even more confused. The brunette finally realized they were revealing to much.

"Ah sorry!! Just muttering about this story in writing!! Also my boyfriend here he doesn't he chooses to. And he's also very anxious so sorry if you're confused heh..."

I totally Nailed it. Wait what? Shit. Go back to you Reader!!

"Um...Ok? What would like to order?" Y/n said continuing to smile but feeling kind of awkward.

Yea considering I wrote it this way-GOD DAMNIT NOT AGAIN READER!!

"I'll have a Carmel Crunch Cake slice...and Vlad what did you want again?" The brunette asked their boyfriend. He bent down to their height and whispered their order which Y/n found odd since he...didn't have a is he supposed to eat?

"Ah that's right...He wants a 4 Dark Chocolate chip cookies please!!" They said smiling while grabbing their card out. I nodded shaking of the weird vibe I got for them, not like bad, but just strange.

"Your total is $10.67." I say as they paid for their food. I then realized that I forgot to make a Carmel Crunch Cake and slapped my forehead in annoyance. I turn to them and apologized

"I'm so sorry I just remembered that I forgot to bake The Carmel Crunch Cake. Do you mind waiting for a little? Or do you want something else and it will be on me."

"Nah it's cool and I can wait." They shrugged nonchalantly. I nod and I hand them the cookies they ordered and then ran into the kitchen to quickly preheat the oven and put the ingredients for the cake together. After doing that I made sure to gently place the cake batter into the oven before leaving it to rise. I returned to the court area where I see the couple just sitting and talking. Deciding that it would be awkward to just stand here I made the decision to try and talk with them.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now