Chapter 24

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So a lot of stuff happened this past week. Mk told us apparently one of Spider Queen's henchmen made this app where it put everyone in the city to sleep. Seeing that the first thing I woke up to was a worried boyfriend as he looked panicked. I was in the middle of the floor in the bakery. When I asked what was wrong he just told me that I wouldn't wake up. He first thought I was just tired but he started to panic after 5 hours of me just laying there. He wouldn't let me out of his sight for the rest of day.

But that's not all that happened apparently Monkey King was having talk with the celestial gods or whatever and uh they apparently dropped a huge bun on us. So Tang and Mk had to quickly find some artifact that could stop it before it killed everyone. I always did say I was gonna die by food one day...luckily we survived so hurray. Mk was training with himself and his hearing. I guess to rely on his other senses so I left him to it as Pigsy yells at him for not working. I decided to train with Monkey King today. I pick up Freya and place the little pup in my backpack, her little head poking out of the top.

Sandy let me borrow one of his mini motor boats so I could get there. I thank him then take off to Flower Fruit Mountain. I sighed as felt the air rush by my face and feel the occasional splash. Freya jumps out of my bag and sticks out her tongue happily and I chuckle at her.

"You like the breeze to huh?" She barks and continued to stick out her tongue. We eventually arrived to our destination and I make sure the boat is safely secured. Freya jumps on my shoulders as we begin walking forward. The little monkeys saw that I was here and happily came over.

"Hey you guys it's nice to see you again!!" I said as they climb all over me. Freya glares as them but I tell her that they are friendly and won't harm me and she immediately understood. The little monkeys finally climbed off and ran off up the mountains waiting for me to join them above.

"Alright time to get climbing...." I groan to myself. Every time I do this I like to time myself so just before I climbed the mountain I took out my phone and times myself. Immediately I put my phone up then began climbing quickly. At first when I climbed it, it was difficult. But after doing it so many times it's become easier. Finally I reached the top, sat down and hit stop button on my timer.

"Huh not bad this time. I'm getting pretty fast." I mumble

"Well. Are fast enough to dodge me?" I jumped at the sudden voice before realizing it was just Monkey King. Freya also jumped and growled but then gave him a blank stare.

"Jesus!! Don't scare me like that Monkey King!!" I say as I grasped onto my chest.

"Sorry. Sorry. It was a too perfect opportunity. And hey I told you could call me Sun." He said as clue came over and ruffled my hair. I just rolled my eyes and playfully push him away. I get up from the ground dusting off my pants. We both walk to the training area he and Mk use all the time. I let Freya down as she went to go down play with the little monkeys.

"So you ready for some training? Remember it's gonna be A LOT more difficult."

"Yea, yea. I'm ready Sun."

"Great!! First, we'll be starting with power control today. Relax and focus. You were able to stop whenever you went over board but today, no stopping." He said in a serious tone.

I nod and sat crisscrossed and began focusing on my plasma power. I felt my body become tingly as sparks shocked my arms. I breathed in and out as continued holding up this process for two hours. I could already feel my nose bleeding heavily but I continued to let the plasma course through my veins.

"Now I want you to imagine something diabolical. I want you to get angry." Monkey King said which I opened my eyes in confusion but still continued using my power.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now