Chapter 43

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I woke up to the feeling of Redson's arms around my waist, as his tail was wrapped around one of my legs. I open my eyes sleepily as I stared at Redson's peaceful face, light snoring coming from his form, his long hair flowing around him.

I smile as I lean into his chest wanting this moment to last forever. Everything was quiet and peaceful....until Mei came in.

"HEY!! RISE AND SHINE LOVERS!!" She screamed holding Freya in her arm as she practically gave Redson and I a heart attack. Redson growled as he rubbed his eye sleepily before glaring at Mei.

"WE WERE SLEEPING!!" He yelled making Mei playfully stick out her tongue. It's good to see her upbeat again. Freya jumped out of her arms licking Redson and I in the face

"Well it's time to wake up for my training!! So stop being all lovey dovey and come outside the temple!!" She says smirking as she left us alone. Freya following after her.

We both groan as we lie on our backs trying to find any motivation with getting up. I felt Redson's hand slip into mine making turn to him with a soft smile, him already looking at me.

"Good morning love..." He mutters drowsily as he kissed my hand making chuckle

"Morning Red. Ready for training?" I ask him with a smirk making him roll his eyes

"In all honesty no. I want some good sleep after yesterday." He groaned as he sat up from our sleeping bags

"Speaking of we still need to talk about a lot of stuff." He continued looking at me making me sigh as I sat up too.

"Yeah I know....Well let's not waste the day laying here. Even how much I want to. I'll make some breakfast for us while you start training with Mei. I'll join later." I say getting up before being pulled back by Redson's tail.

"Uh without my Good Morning kiss? How rude my dear." Redson said with a fake hurt look. I roll my eyes before placing a kiss on his lips making him hum happily.

"There you go you big baby. Now come on let's get this day started." I said playfully as I walked to grab some eggs that I took from the van secretly along with a pan. I set up a little fire place with sticks, getting Redson to ignite it with his powers. Freya watched me with an intrigued look.

I sit patiently making Redson, Mei, and I all eggs and some fruit as well. I watch as Redson trains with Mei trying to get her to not just control the flame, but be the flame. I wince as she accidentally caught the grass on fire causing Redson to panic trying to put it out quickly.

After a while food was finally done and I call over Mei and Redson for a break. They sat down thanking me as they dug into the food. I gave Freya some food as well and she happily ate it wagging her tail.

"Wow Y/n!! These eggs taste delicious!!" Mei said with a mouthful of eggs

"Mei. Thank you. But I've told you before, don't talk and eat at the same time. It's rude." I tell her making her nod as she continued to eat the eggs.

Redson chewed silently as he enjoyed his eggs, once he was done chewing he gave Mei a look.

"As soon as we're done eating you'll be sparing with Y/n. I want you to use the Samadhi Flames against them. Understood?"

"But what if they get hurt?!" Mei said with a scared look. I gently pat her back as I give her a comforting smile.

"Mei, I'll be ok there's no need to worry. I think it will be good for you to use the Samadhi Fire against someone. Who knows one day something might just happen and you'll be forced to fight your friends. Even if you don't want to. Besides I need to work on my powers as well."

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now