Chapter 27

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"Y/n do what you're told!!"

"P-please!! I d-don't want hurt them!! They are just kids!! They don't deserve this!!"

"You do what you're told!! You know the consequences if you don't listen...."

"Listen to your mother Y/n~"


"....Oh hun~ I think Freya hasn't seen some guest in a while, she needs a little visit~"

"I believe you are correct Yánjùn...."

"No!! Please!! Don't!! I'll do it!! I swear!! Just don't hurt Freya!! Please...."

"That's what I like to hear my little assassin~"

"NO!!" I screamed out as my breathing was uneven and shallow. My body was covered sweat as I shake uncontrollably. I place my hand over my heart trying to steady my breathing as look around.

"It's ok Y/'re safe your not back at that hell of a're gonna be fine..." I tell myself as I began to calm down. Freya who was sleeping on top of Mk, who was still snoozing away, which is understandable since he played 32 hours on a video game at Monkey King's home. Also did I even Mention that he left for vacation which was weird considering I saw him for training that one time Mk was focusing on listening to people. I guess he forgot something I don't know.

(This is just the author realizing they messed up a bit because they, at the time, didn't see Season 2 and completely forgot Monkey King left in the episode of Sleep Bug....🥲)

Freya immediately recognized my beating heart and came rushing over immediately to help comfort me. She nuzzles my face and gives me a sad look. I chuckle and pet behind her ears as she leans into my touch.

"I'm fine Freya...Just got some things going on in my mind right now..."

Suddenly the door was swinged opened and I saw a tired looking Tang being carried by his pig husband.

"We heard screaming!! What happened?!" Pigsy demanded worryingly and then he noticed I was already up.

"Kid!! You ok?? No one broke in or anything right?!"

"'s to early for this let's go back to sleeeeep." Tang mumbled drowsily

"Yea I'm fine Pigsy...uh Freya just....Almost broke my phone!! Heh yea...sorry for waking you up...." I lied. He just gives me a blank look before grumbling as he took Tang, that was still in his arms, and walk back to bed.

I sigh in relief and turn back to Freya who gave me a 'are serious right now?' Look. I grimace and apologize to her. She rolls her eyes before laying on my stomach going back to sleep. I sigh and then look over at Mk.

"Man he sleeps like a rock...I hope he's ok....he's been working himself too hard..." I mumble before heading back to bed unaware of the very awake Mk who slightly turned his head to look at Y/n with worry. He knows for a fact you didn't just scream out in pure fear because of Freya almost breaking your phone....But he eventually just sighed before trying to get at least some sleep.

*Couple Hours later*

"Come on Mk it's this way." I said leading Mk to what we're doing today.

"Ooo!! I can't wait to see this movie it's gonna be so awesome!!"

"Actually it's not a-" but I was ignored as he rushed off to where we're going. I roll my eyes and continue walking with the others, Freya happily on my shoulder.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now