Chapter 35

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We all finally stopped to rest for while, Monkey King went into some sort of meditation thing. Mei, Sandy, and I watch Mk as he tried to regain his power some more. Freya decided she wanted to stay and hang around with Pigsy and Tang, sleeping a top of Monkey King's head.

I sit down on the ground and sigh. I see Mei and Sandy Hype up Mk and I smile softly. I then get into a mediation position as I myself focused on my own powers. I inhale and exhale softly as I close my eyes, seeing Sandy's, Mei's, and Mk's auras behind my closed eyes, a trick I picked up on. I then began to let the plasma flow through my veins, increasing the voltage of my sparks to challenge myself. I was in complete focus as I heard nothing but my own breathing.

That's when it began again...the whispering...the screams....


'Why did you do it?! You had a choice not too!!'

'How could you...How could you!!'

'You really are no better than her...'

'Y/ were too late...I thought you loved me...? I'm your little sister!! You could have SAVED ME!!'

"Join Your Destiny Y/n~"

Immediately I broke from my focus as I widen my eyes in fear. The electricity from my body immediately dispersing. I look at my shaking hand as my breath became shallow. My whole body trembled and I hug myself to keep myself from breaking down. Shaking away the memories as I look up to a sad Mk.

I get up, stumbling a bit with my shocked nerves, as I walked over to him, trying to get whatever happened off my mind....

"Ugh!! How am I meant to fight the Lady Bone Demon AND the Blue Eyed Maiden..."

"That's why we're gonna find those fancy pantsy rings yo!! Light her up with Samadhi Fire!! Bing Bang Boom!!" Mei said poking his cheek playfully

I come up to him and crouch next to him, messing with his hair, "Besides, you have us right? And there's nothing we can't do when we fight together." I said smiling softly

He smiles back before pushing off my hand, "Argh!! Alright!! You're messing up my perfectly spiked up hair!!" he then began to try and fix it to its normal look making all of us giggle.

"Hey you four!! We're leaving!!" Tang shouts out to us.
"Tang!! Don't just yell!! I can do that!!" Pigsy screamed after Tang.

"Welp we better get going before Pigsy leaves us behind." I say starting to get up from my crouching position. Mk agreed and started walking in the opposite direction.

"Wrong way Mk!! They already pulled up!! Get a move on!!" Mei exclaimed

"Wow that was surprisingly quiet and fast...especially when Pigsy is driving..." I muttered to myself as I get into the vehicle, Mk joining after me.

We began to drive off into the uh...desert?? I guess that's where we're going. I was searching for Freya and couldn't find her anywhere at, which was starting to worry me...Same with Moe and Sandy was starting panic as well.

"Freya!! Moe!! This is no time to be playing hide and seek!!" I shout trying to find them. I suddenly got a shudder up my spine as I felt eyes watching our moves...I know that paranoid feeling almost too well....

"Mk I think something is REALLY wrong..." I tell him and he nods in agreement and began calling out for Pigsy and Tang.

"Pigsy!! Tang!!" He opened the curtains only there to be no one

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now