Chapter 4

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I was sleeping peacefully in my bed. This was my day off which half time they either spend sleeping or visiting Freya. Half the time is visiting Freya but once she noticed My state, she immediately sends me back home to sleep.

I could easily give themselves more break days, but I was absolutely to stubborn to. So I only have one day off, which is on Saturday. The rest of the week is used for working.

My peaceful slumber was suddenly cut off by a knock on their apartment door. It took awhile but I begrudgingly opened my eyes and got up. I didn't bother to look good as they walk to the door and then opening it.

"Good morning Y/n!! You ready to hang out with Mei and I??" Mk's cheerful voice asks

I then realized they promised to hangout with them and internally groaned. But I put on My best smiling face as I try to rub the sleepiness off. I didn't want cancel the plans especially when it's been way to long.

"Yep!! Just uh...let me get dressed and stuff. I'll meet you down the apartment floors in a sec." I told him. He smiles and nods then leaves. I close my door and groan as I walk back to my room to get changed into something that was comfortable.

Once I put on my outfit I grabbed my wallet and my apartment keys. I walk out the door, making sure I locked as well, then made my way downstairs to where Mk and Mei was I guess.

"Hey Y/n!! Long time no see!!" I hear Mei call out to me soon as I arrived. She runs up to me and tackles me into a hug. I laugh at her antics as I hug her back.

"Hey Mei, it's good to see you." I tell her as she smiles at me. She then let's go of me with only her hand on my shoulder.

"Ok now that the trio is back...Let's head to the arcade and play so games!!" She shouts excitedly.

"Yea!! Whoop!! Whoop!!" Mk shouts as well. The two immediately take off running to the direction of the arcade. I could only chuckle softly as I walk behind them. Seeing as I'm extremely tired, I don't feel like running, then again even when I'm not tired I don't like running anyway.

"Hurry it up you slowpoke!!" Mei shouts out to me

"I'm coming at my own pace Mei!!" I laugh out as I continued to walk.

Time Skip

The three of us finally arrived at the arcade and boy has it been to long. I see that added a lot more games then what there used to be that's for sure. We all got an equal amount of coins so we could play on the arcade machines.

"Alright what should we play first!!" Mk asked me excitedly. I think before pointing at my favorite arcade game.

"I think I'm gonna check out my F/A/G."
(favorite arcade game btw!!)

"Aw man!! But that one is so boring!!" Mei complains. I only shook my head with a small smile.

"You guys can go play whatever. I'm not forcing you to play with me. Go have fun!! I'll be over here if you need me." I tell them. The two smiles at me before sprinting off to probably play that one Monkey Mech fighting game. Or whatever it's called.

I walk over to my F/A/G and insert my coins. Immediately I was hit with nostalgia as began I playing. It's only been about 15 minutes and I was already about to beat some random person's high score. All the other people gathered around me and watched as I absolutely destroyed the game levels like they were nothing. Eventually I got to the very last level and easily defeated it.  The people around me cheered and clapped at my victory.

The screen told me congratulations and told me to into my name or nickname so keep my high score on there for everyone to see. Without thinking I put
N/n and it saved. Then it immediately went back to beginning screen telling me to insert coins play again.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now