Chapter 42

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I continued to watch Mei struggle in Macaque's grip, the panic never leaving my chest. Redson left my side to help Mk up, even though he was not willing. I watched as Pigsy, Freya, and Sandy become even more encased in ice.

"Do it!! Finish the ritual!!" Macaque's voice demanded encasing ice Mei even more. Tang looked down with tears before glow was present. He watched as a golden cicada fly away. He then nodded with a determined face.

"Alright!! win...." Tang said locking eyes with me with a sadden expression making my panic go into overdrive.

"Tang!! Don't do it!!" I shout at him

"It's just like you said before Y/n!! Is it really worth Mei's safety and now possibly her life??" He told me with sad eyes. I went silent before shaking my head.

" it's not..." with that Tang went to finish the ritual. Tang let out a deep inhale of breath before exhaling. Suddenly his glowed a golden color as he held his hand outwards. My eyes widen in shock but that's something we can figure out later.

Suddenly the whole area began glowing gold making step back surprise. Redson came limping over to me with a very injured Mk. Seeing as Redson may have sprung his ankle, I help take Mk's other arm holding him up as he groans in pain.

Suddenly the ring turned into dark flaming colors as Mei stares at them in fear. Redson clutched onto my hand the best he could as he watched with a fear stricken face. Fearing as if I would be taken away by the flames.

"No wait!! I-I wanna get off this ride!!" Mei said struggling as tears began filling her eyes. I feel my chest clutch in pain as I watched her cry out. I wish I could do something but I'm not strong enough to go against him!! Especially with the Lady Bone Demons Power!!

Suddenly a bright light emitted itself from Mei's chest causing light to explode out.

"Yes!!" Macaque cheered with an almost relieved smile before turning his head towards the barreling Monkey King.

"STOP!!" But he was too late to reach them...the last ring burst into flames as Mei once again cried out in pain as she suddenly was engulfed into flames.

"NO!!" Monkey King cried out as the wind pushed everyone backwards. Redson grabbed onto me, making sure I wouldn't get blown away. I looked up at Mei in distraught.

"MEI!!" I cry out about to run forward but once again was held back by Redson.

"DONT!! You'll get yourself killed!!" He scolded making me yank my hand back away from him.

"If being killed means helping Mei then so be it!! I can't stand seeing her in pain!!" I glare as take another step forward, but again was stopped. But not by Redson...but by Macaque.

"Let. Go." I seethe with a glare

"No. You'll die. I guarantee it." He seethed back. I was about to respond but was distracted as I heard Mk groan as he finally got back to reality making letting my guard down.

"KID!!/MK!!" Both Monkey king and shout in relief

"What...? Mei?! What's happening?! Don't worry I'm coming for you!! SOMEONE GET SOME WATER!! STOP DROP AND ROLL MEI!!" He said immediately noticing how Mei was not exactly herself, making Mei perk up. He then lunged forward to her before being quickly stopped by Monkey King.

Redson walked over quickly where Macaque held me before shoving him off with a glare.

"I thank you for stopping them. But after what you've done to them, I don't trust you. Stay away you hear me?" Redson growled out making Macaque look down ashamed for a second before he just backed off.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now