Chapter 12

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We finally made it to the mountain, driving past the do not enter sign. I still feel bad for making Sandy watch Freya. Then again he did offer. I just hope they'll both be ok. We were flying through the streets making me clutch onto the seat.

"PIGSY TRY NOT TO KILL US!!" I shout. He ended up skidding to stop at the lair of the demon bull king. I immediately get out and breathe heavily.

"Next time. I'm driving." I glare at Pigsy. He just shrugs and smirks. I roll my eyes.

"Alright what's the plan?" I ask Mk.

"Uhhhhh....I don't know. I was just gonna wing it?" He said nervously. I glare at him for not thinking ahead.

"Alright then let's do this!!" Mei said pumped up.

"What!! No!! I didn't mean you guys too!!" Mk screeches

"You thought you were going without us." Tang said

"Mk we get it. You're the monkie kid. It's your job to go fight the demons." Pigsy continued

"I didn't just sit in this truck so Pigsy could just recklessly drive. No, No. I'm helping either you like it or not." I said smirking as I get back into the truck.

"And we're going get you there. No matter what!" Mei said finishing our little speech. Mk looks at all of us and smiles softly. Pigsy immediately started the engine again and raced off. We were being hit by some other car. We suddenly flew up into the air due to an explosion. I grabbed Mk's and Mei's hand as I started to run towards the destination.

I jumped in the air throwing Mk as he destroyed the bull clone's car with his staff. We all land on the ground and suddenly More Bull clones appeared just like before when I was surrounded. Mk and Mei widen theirs eyes as they were surrounded. That's when it happened again.

I started to spark up once more as blasted the bull clones into bits. Mk's and Mei's jaws flung open in shock. Once again I felt blood dribble down my nose but my veins luckily didn't pop.

"No time to explain come on!!" I said as started to run once more with them following behind me. Mei grabbed both of us jumping in the air.

"Let's gooooo-" she realized she jumped into a huge hole. I deadpan the whole time as Mk started screaming very loudly. Mei suddenly brought out a jade sword stabbing it into the mountain I quickly grab Mk as I hang onto Mei. We eventually stopped falling and were now just hanging.

"Now what??" Mk asked as I groaned.

Redson's POV:

Father was angry and I could tell. It seems that the Noodle boy, Dragon girl, and Y/n has somehow managed to get passed our defenses!!

"Father!! Allow me to go up there and destroy
those-" I was cut off by his deranged laughter

"AHAHA!! YOU?! WHY WOULD I TRUST YOU?! You have brought me nothing but failure time and time again!! Nothing but disappointment!!"

I look down in shame, saying nothing to him as he yells about my failures. He was about to turn around when he suddenly froze with wide eyes.

"Traitor? Yes perhaps!!"

I look up at him in shock at what he was saying, "Wha-No Father!!"


I stare at him conflicted, that's when he brought his fist back to go in for a punch. I stare as the fist came close. That was until Mother caught his fist.

"Come to your senses!! This power has poisoned your mind!!" She said bringing out her fan.


SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now