Extra Chapter 5: Lego Ninjago meets Lego Monkie Kid??

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It's a nice day today. The sun is shining, birds are singing, and flowers were blooming. The perfect day for picnic. Which is exactly what everyone was doing.

Y/n, Redson, Quill, Mk, Mei, Tang, Pigsy, and Sandy were all enjoying themselves with a picnic at the park. Y/n made some deserts. Pigsy made the lunch. And Sandy brought some delicious tea.

Currently Redson was helping Quill learn how to catch and throw a ball. Quill was slowly getting the hang of it, but wasn't quite there yet. But Redson has learned to patient when it comes to children, which Y/n is super proud of. Redson truly has come a long way.

"Hey Y/n what are those??" Mk asked looking at one of the sweet treats made by me. I look down to where he was pointing and smiled.

"Oh these? Their my special Pumpkin Spice Cream Puffs. I usually don't make them until fall but I decided to try something different. You want one?" I ask Mk making him nod immediately. I chuckle as I handed it to him and he happily munched on it.

"Ooo!! Can I have one please?!" Mei asked excitedly

"Of course Mei!! Anyone can have one!! I did make make it for you all after all." I smile handing her the plate and she took two.

"Here Y/n!! I know how much you love this type of tea so here." Sandy said handing me my favorite tea blend and I smile.

"Thank you Sandy I appreciate it." I said sipping on the tea. Redson ended up coming back with Quill in his arms. He let Quill down and they waddled towards Pigsy and Tang to hang out with them.

Redson laid his head in my lap and sighed.

"You tired already Red?" I ask making him look up at me.

"Well when you have a kid who has energy 24/7 you tend to get tired more often." He said with a smirk and I chuckle. I bend down and kissed his forehead.

"Maybe we can get either your parents or Pigsy and Tang to watch Quill one night. We can go have a date night together." I tell him making his bull ears perk up.

"That would be lovely my dear." He sighed happily. It was peaceful for a spilt moment before the wind started to pick up making everything go everywhere. They sky began to become darker than normal. I look at Redson with wide eyes, him doing the same. We stood up from the picnic blanket and grabbed Quill holding them securely and safely.

Everyone else too stood up and was put on edge as we looked around. Looking for the source of this problem. Suddenly a huge hole ripped opened from the sky, dark blue swirling around it. We all began to get into fighting positions as we glared into the hole.

It wasn't until 6 figures fell from the hole and onto the ground that we really began to have spiked anxiety. The hole began to close, I heard voices shouting at it, but the hole closed completely.

"What. Was. That." Pigsy asked with a shaky tone. But no one responded.

"I don't know. But whoever fell from it must have information about it." I said beginning to walk towards where the 6 figures fell. I peeked over the hill I widen my eyes to see 6 teenagers wearing what seemed to be ninja outfits.

"Good going Jay!! You dropped the travelers tea!!" I hear the one in black yell at a blue one.

"Well I'm sorry that you guys handed the least qualified ninja TO HOLD THE MAGIC TEA!!" The blue screeched back

"Stop yelling you two!! We don't have time for this!!" A female voice scolded pushing the two back.

"Zane!! Can you tell us where we are?" The green one asked the titanium one

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now