Chapter 23

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Since I've been healing up my wounds I haven't really been able to get out as much, which was absent boring. Freya has been keeping me company most days. Pigsy and Tang basically forced me to lay in bed until I was better. Mk would tell me everything he did with Monkey King whenever he came back. Mei stops by to check on my every once in a while, same with Sandy. Monkey King himself would fly all the way here just to drop by. As much as I appreciate their concern I wish they could understand that I'm not a little kid who needs protection 24/7. So that's why I decided sneak out.

It was around 1am in the morning and everyone was asleep. Freya was watching me as I carefully sneak over to the window lifting it up successfully and quietly. I bid Freya goodbye as she lays back down to sleep. I then closed it gently as I began climbing down slowly. Once my feet reach the ground I sigh in relief before walking down the messed up streets. I feel bad for all the times this city has been destroyed now. Speaking of which I need to check on the bakery, I haven't been able to work in so long. Walking in the direction I needed to go to, I felt eye's staring at me but I tried to ignore it.

I finally arrived at where my bakery was at seeing that it wasn't too bad in shape, just a broken window and some chairs flipped over. I walked through the door turning on the lights and see how dusty and nasty the place is.

"Ugh. Looks like I'm gonna have to clean this place up." I say to myself.

"Would you need help with that?" Out of instinct I quickly turned and punch the person behind me. They fell to the floor holding their now bleeding nose.


"Redson? Oh my god I'm so sorry!! What are you doing up so late?!" I ask as I help him up. I quickly grabbed so paper towels helping him with his bloody nose as I apologized once again.

"I should ask you the same thing pastry lover." He groans as he holds the paper towel.

"Well...Mk and the others won't let me leave the apartment because they think I'm...'to weak at the moment'. When In truth I'm completely fine." I say sneeringly

"Tch...Of course they would think that. They really need to realize how strong you truly are and stop treating you like a baby." Redson says agreeing with me.

"That's what I'm saying!! So all in all, I decided to sneak out and just walk around. What about you?"  I ask him as I take the bloody paper towel, throwing it away. Since Redson is a demon it didn't take long for his nose to heal.

"I couldn't sleep. Some....internal feelings have been keeping me up these past few days." He says avoiding my eyes. I give him a concerned look as I gently touched his hand and smiled. His head whipped around so fast as he looked down at our intertwined hands.

"Hey...if you wanna talk I'm right here you know?"

He glares at me before snatching his hand away, "I don't get it with you!! Why are you so...nice to me?! I don't understand why you even tolerate me!! Especially since we're supposed to be enemies!!"

"Redson...just because you're enemies with the others doesn't mean we can't be friends." I whispered lowly as I try to calm him down. That seemed to make him even more upset

"See that!! That's what I'm talking about!! I'm yelling at you like a jerk and you don't seem phased!! And the word 'friends' it's just-ugh!! It's just-How can someone so adorable be so nice to me?!" Redson gasped as he covered his mouth at his last sentence. I widen my eyes in shock as I felt heat rush to my face.

"You...think I'm a-adorable...?" I stuttered as my face was becoming as hit as the sun. Redson's hair was starting to burn as his face was a tomato.

"Yes!! I mean-No!! I mean-Shut up!!" Redson shouts as he turned his face away from me. It was silent for a moment, the tension was very high. I took a deep breath before standing in front of him, gently grabbing his face to look at me.

"Redson....The truth is...I'm nice to you because deep down I know you're not the 'bad guy' you say you are. In all honesty At first I...didn't really like you all that much...But as time passed I started seeing you in whole different light. I began to care for you and wanted to know you better. I'm sorry if I caused you any....issues."

Redson looked at Y/n with admiration, he can't do this anymore. Keeping his feelings hidden away was starting to become a problem. At first he just wanted to forget them and lock them up but it's proving to be difficult. He hasn't been able to sleep without Y/n plaguing his thoughts. Every little thing he did Y/n would suddenly cross his mind. Hell even certain smells reminded him of them.

Redson backed away from me suddenly causing me to tilt their head in confusion. Suddenly he pinned Me to the counter, trapping them, he had a serious face. I was blushing like crazy as I stared into Redson's yellow eyes with my own. He looked like he was having a mental battle before he groaned.

"Damnit...Y/n I have to tell you something...Just promise me you won't hate me please...." He said with a surprisingly soft, pleading, voice. I gulped nervously before nodding slowly. He sighs as he grabs the back of my head gently.

"Y/n...I like you. And it's been driving me crazy."

I stare at slack jawed and wide eyed. Even more blush filled my face. I didn't know what to say. I mean him liking me? What's so great about me? I'm just...Y/n....

"But...wouldn't you prefer someone better than me? I'm not..." I trailed off as Redson grabbed my face gently as he caressed my cheek.

"Y/n there's no one else I'd rather be with. You're just so nice and so loving. And those qualities managed to steal my heart. You...You don't have to agree with anything if you're not ready....I just really needed to get this off my chest..." He said as he began to let me go. He then was about to leave before I stopped him.

"Redson!! Wait!!" He turned to look at me and give I him a huge smile as I hug him. He became shocked as he cautiously wrapped his arms around me. I look at him with soft smile as I let him go but I still hold his hands.

"I...I think I want to try us out...I don't know why but recently I've also been having these feelings...just your smile, laughter, and your confidence really made me feel drawn to you."

"Wait-so then-" he blushed as his tail began wagging rapidly as the flames on it burning brightly. I chuckle as I kiss his cheek which makes him blush harder.

"Yes. I'll go out with you."

Redson smiles as he lifts me up in the air hugging me. He then realized what he was doing and placed me down back on the ground coughing pretending he didn't just do that. I could only giggle at his embarrassed face as nudged him.

"Come on let's get to cleaning Red. Oh by the way was it you watching me walk down the streets earlier?" I ask while taking out some cleaner stuff.

"No? I just teleported and I saw you walk into your bakery. Why do you ask?"

"Hm. Never mind. Must have been my imagination." I said as the two of us began cleaning up the bakery unaware of the blue eyes watching from the shadows.

Yay finally they confessed!! Here have visual representation!! Art is mine no stealing or reposting!! Also don't mind the terrible background I got lazy

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Yay finally they confessed!! Here have visual representation!! Art is mine no stealing or reposting!! Also don't mind the terrible background I got lazy. Also also, I made Redson have a little more bull features with his tail and ears cuz well you know DBK💀

Just a warning for you guys my dad put downtime on my phone so I won't be able to post as much until I go back to my mom's house. They only time downtime is off is 9pm-1am. So I'll see if I can make chapters through those times. Ok have nice day/night!!

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now