Chapter 14

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I thought their house was cool on the outside but IronFan was correct about it being absolutely gorgeous on the inside. I could only stare in wonder as I looked around. IronFan seemed to be pleased with my awe. She then turned her head back around continuing to walk forward.

"Hun. I'm back home." She calls out. It was then I had the sudden realization that I was gonna have dinner with THE DBK....Oh god I am not prepared. I started to become nervous but I tried my best not to panic as I finally stopped walking and looked up to where DBK stood.

I clear my throat before politely bowing my head, "Hello Sir. Thank you for allowing me to have dinner with you."

He hummed before crouching down to my height, "It's no issue. You already know who I am. May I know your name?"

He didn't sound as scary as when I first met him which was a huge relief for me.

"My name is Y/n. Y/n L/n."

He nodded before once again standing up. He then called out very loudly, "Redson!! We have a guest!! Show them around!!"

Suddenly flames appeared next to DBK, and there he was, Redson himself who had some oil on his face.

"Who Is the guest this time Father? Another buddy of yours?" He asks as he wipes off the oil on his face.

"No. This is someone you already know." IronFan commented. Redson looks up at his mother confused before staring right me. He widens his eyes in shock.

"Pastry Lover?? What are you doing here??"

"Hey...Redson." I wave to him shyly.

"Your Father and I wanted to thank them for saving your life. So we invited them for dinner. Speaking of that, we need to go check on it. Redson be a dear and show Y/n around." Then DBK and Ironfan walked off.  It was silent for a moment before Redson rolled his eyes.

"Follow me." He said walking forward. Immediately I listened as I jogged up to him to catch up. He began showing me the different corridors and rooms that he had. For some reason he even had guest rooms. But he told me  he thought it was pointless since no one ever stays over.

"Your home is wonderful." I tell him and he could only scoff

"Yea so wonderful...It's to big in my opinion. All these empty rooms, basically worthless."

"Hey you never know, one day they may be needed." I shrug and just hums at the thought. It was silent again, so I decided to break the awkward tension

"So...Why was their oil on your face earlier...?"

"Why do you want to know?" He glared slightly

"Well I'm just curious, that's all!!" I smile. He huffs before showing me another part of the house which seemed to be filled with different types of metals, tools, and all other sorts of neat stuff.

"Wow!! This place is so cool!!" I said as I looked around, though I refrained myself from touching anything. Redson blushes at the compliment before smirking.

"Of course this place is amazing!! This is where I invent all my inventions to help my father rule the world!!"

"Wait. Wait. You invented all that stuff before?" I asked him

"Uh Yea? Who else would have?"

"That. Is. So. Freaking. Awesome!! How many things have you invented?! Were you more intellectually advanced as a kid?! How long does normally take you to invent?! Oh have you ever-" I cut myself off realizing I was ranting. I chuckle nervously as I apologized.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now