Chapter 6

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"Haha!! Uno!!" Freya shouts as she slams her last card down. I groan as I put my deck down as well seeing that I have lost once again.

"This is the 10th time you've won!! I swear...I'm starting to regret showing you all my secrets to this game..." I tell her. She just smirks and sticks her tongue out at me.

"It's not my fault that I'm totally way better at playing Uno than you!!" She says. I roll my eyes at her antics and playfully nudged her.

"Ok then Missy. Let's talk and do something else before your ego gets to big." I chuckle

"Hm...Oh!! How's Mk and Mei?? I haven't been able to see them since in awhile...They never visit." She said looking a little down. I sigh as I give her a side hug.

"That might be my fault squirt...With me trying to pay for your surgery I haven't really been able to talk about it with anyone...But maybe I should do that for your sake. You need more visitors!!"

"It sounds to me like you need therapy." She told me bluntly. I did a double take at her words. I was not expecting that to come out her mouth.

"What do you mean??" I asked with a nervous smile

"Well it's obvious you haven't been getting a lot sleep, you refuse to take breaks, you haven't talked to anyone about how you feel, and you are way to hard on yourself..." she explains as she counted on her fingers

I stare at her before smiling, "Man since when did you become a smarty pants Hm?"

She looked down at her hands and I suddenly heard her sniffing. Then see tears fall down her face, which immediately caused me to stop smiling and go into full sibling mode.

"Hey what's wrong sunshine?? Why is the rain falling Hm?" I say trying to comfort her in anyway possible

"Are you like this because Is it my....fault...?" She said as she looked at me with tearful face. This absolutely broke my heart. I hate it when she cries it hurts my soul to watch her be upset.

"Hey no, no. It's not your will never be your fault. Look at me, look at me....It's not your fault sunshine....Sometimes fate likes to just kick people and bring them down....But you know what?" I say as I wipe her tears away and smile.

"No, matter how many times fate kicks me I'll only kick right back. And you can to, you are so strong and you probably don't even know it!! But I'll know everything will be ok when I'm with you...So don't be sad and just keep smiling for me ok sunshine??" I tell her as I hug her tightly, yet gently.

She sniffs a couple times before she nods her head. Once we let go of the hug she looks up at me with smile and chuckle as I wipe the remaining tears away from her eyes.

"There you are....there's my sunshine..." I say as I smile wide. She only giggles softly. We then heard a knock on the door and Freya's doctor came in.

"Y/n. I need to speak with you please." She said calling for me. I nod and get up from Freya's hospital bed. I kiss her forehead telling her goodbye. I walk out the door where the doctor seems to hold a sad expression.

"Y/n...I'm afraid your sister is starting to run out of time...if we don't preform the surgery soon she may not be able to make it..."

My heart freezes at her words as I felt tears bubbling in my eyes. But I somehow managed to keep my composure.

"Are you absolutely certain that there isn't any extra time...anything....Anything at all....?" I asked hoping for any type of solution.

The doctor nodded her head No with melancholy look. I nod and thank her for the info. Once I was alone and outside the hospital, I just couldn't handle it anymore. I fell down to my knees, hugging myself tightly as I cried to myself. I've already lost my birth parents and now I'm was going to lose my little sister.

'There's no time for me to make more money before it's too late...what...what am I going to do....?'

"Huh? Pastry Lover?? What are you doing here??" I perked up at the oh so familiar voice.

'Redson?? Why....why is he always the one to find me in these situations...?'

"Oh...uh Redson....Good....morning...." I said wiping my tears quickly and standing up. It was like 4am, so he probably finds me sitting here crying very suspicious.

"I was just...walking by and had to tie my shoe!! I'm gonna just-" I felt him grab my shirt before I could even escape. He then turned me around seeing my tear stained face.

"You're an even worser liar then Noodle Boy. Tell me the truth. What happened?" He said surprisingly soft. His sincereness really stumped me. Did someone clone Redson or something?? Or am I going crazy??

Redson noticed the silence I was giving him so he tried to connect the dots. He looked at me, then the hospital, then back me before he finally opened his mouth.

"I see. You were visiting someone from the hospital and judging by your teary face something didn't go so well. By my guesses it most be that little girl right?"

"How did you-" I was cutoff by him speaking again before I could make any accusations

"When I was rummaging in your kitchen I saw a photo you and this little girl. I just connected the dots since I've never actually seen this little girl around you at all. But what do I know. It's just guess."

I stare at him with wide eyes before sighing. Might as well get it off my chest....for Freya's sake....

"No. You're correct. That little girl is my little sister. And she means the world to me....we....we lost our birth parents to a car crash and we're sent to an orphanage for awhile before getting adopted. We've only had each other through those years and we're super close....But we found out she has cancer a year ago and I've been trying to pay for her didn't work back home so we moved to the city so I could have better business...and I just found out that she doesn't have much time left..." I said feeling more fresh tears fall down my face and get some part of me felt relieved that I'm finally getting some of this off my chest

Redson looked at Y/n with a slight sympathetic look. He could only imagine how it would feel to lose both his must be horrible...he didn't exactly know what to say but he tried his best to comfort Y/n by just listening and patting their shoulder. He was not used to helping other people.

"I'm sorry..." that was all he could say

Y/n looked towards Redson then smiled.

"Don't be...You've actually been a big help...this has been eating away at me for a while what I'm trying to say is...Thank you Redson...."

Redson felt his heart jump at Y/n's gratitude. This was second time that they have expressed grateful appreciation towards him. He has no clue what this feeling is but he doesn't know if he wants to hate it or like it...he was snapped out of his thoughts when Y/n started to walk away.

"I should really be going. I have more hard work to do if I want to help my sister...Take care Redson...and stop by the bakery !! To chat or to just get some food!! Cya!!" The shout as they smile at Redson before turning away from him

Redson didn't even know his hand was subconsciously waving back or the fact his hair was starting to become more vibrant. He quickly grabs his waving arm with his other and pulls it down, as he tries to calm his flaming head down. He looks back to where Y/n was noticing they were gone.

"Tch stupid Pastry lover...." He growls but wasn't as angry as he normally would be. He then once again disappeared in his flames.

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