Extra Chapter 2: What if Redson and Y/n met as kids??

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"Y/n hun!! Don't be out to long ok!!"

"Ok Mama I promise I'll come back!!" I said as I ran into the big mountain forest giggling happily to myself. I stopped to see the river I always go across before jumping upon a log and balancing myself as I walked over the river stream.

Once I got to the other side I hopped down off the log and immediately began sprinting once more as I laughed. I ended up tripping on my face, my nose hitting the dirt, but instead of crying I just giggled and stood up just to take off once more. I stop by a big tree and climbed my way up to where a hole was.

"Hello little squirrels!! I found you guys some nuts!! Hope you like them!!" I said looking in the tree of squirrels. I held my hand out and they began sniffing my hand before snatching the nuts quickly running to the corner of the tree. I giggle as I watch them all eat and stuff them in their mouths. I waved goodbye as I climbed down the tree before starting my journey once again.

I arrived at my favorite area in the whole world and sit down gently in the grass. The flowers surrounding me as I just sat there admiring each one. I hummed a little tune as I began picking the flowers turning them into flower crowns, something Papa taught me how to make!!

But I suddenly freeze as I heard the sound of twig snap behind me making me stop my humming. I cautiously stood up making my way over to the bushes that had made the noise, reaching out my hand. I squeal in surprise when a figure ran straight into me knocking me into the ground. I ended skinning my hands on a rock making me hiss in pain.

"Hey!! Watch where your going peasant!!" A little voice said pushing me to the side. I rub my head with wince before glaring at a little boy with flaming hair, small bull horns, a bull tail, and laid upon his face was circular glasses and a scar.

"Me?! You're the one who ran into me first!!" I huffed out as I stood up angrily. Just who does this boy think he is?!

"Well then move out of my way next time!!" He said smugly making me growl. I pout and grabbed a handful of dirt throwing it at him making him gasp in offense.

"HOW DARE YOU?! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!" He shouts the flames on his head burning as he tried to intimidate me with the tiny fire in his hands.

"No. And I frankly I don't care Flame-breath."  I said sassily as I turn to walk away


"What? Would prefer Angry Elmo? Hot Tamale? KOOLAID MAN?!" I said with a sly smirk

"My name is Redson!! The son of the Demon Bull King!! You shall respect me or you shall perish!!" He screeches making me give him a blank look.

"Right, who is this supposed, Demon Bull King?" I asked rolling my eyes. The boy, known as Redson, froze as his form deflated into a sad one.

"He was my father before he got trapped under a mountain by that stupid Monkey!!" He pouted as he sniffed, I could tell tears were bubbling in his eyes but he refused to show it.

"Why were you running anyway?" I asked trying to change the subject. He may be a jerk but I know when to not cross lines. Before the Boy could respond I already got my answer from more older sounding voices.



I looked to see Redson quiver in fear as he looked around anxiously. It didn't take me long to figure out what was wrong. Bullies.

I sighed as grabbed Redson's hand making him fight against me but I just told him to hush it or I'll let him be found. Seeing that they were coming closer I quickly pushed Redson's little body into a bush making him yelp but he just sat there quietly with glare, not wanting to risk getting found.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now