Chapter 47.....

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⚠️ Tw Blood Mention⚠️

"Y/n wake up!!"

"Oh my gosh...Are they gonna be ok?!"

"I don't know..."

"Shh Quite everyone...they're waking up..."

I wince as I I open my eyes to find myself surrounded by nothing but darkness. I lift my body upwards before jumping at the children that surrounded me. I also noticed blue chains was once again on my wrists and legs.

"Is this another sick trick that the Blue Eyed Maiden is doing to me?! Hasn't she done enough already?!" I shout trying to scoot back from the children I could never forget the faces off.

"This isn't a trick!! We're really here!!"

"Yeah!! What ever that crazy lady showed you wasn't us!!"

"That was her way of lowering your guard so she could possess you!!"

"Guys!! Give Y/n some space!!"

"Jiang...?" I muttered confused. The little kids backed away from me apologizing. Jiang sighed as they walked up to me and pat my shoulder.

"How...are you feeling Y/n?" Jiang asked me

"W-What's going on?? I don't understand??" I say looking around confused. Before Jiang could say anything another familiar voice spoke

"Yánjùn took over your body...Your kind of...unconscious...? But in your own mind." I look behind me as I saw Freya, glowing and all.

"F-Freya..?" I stuttered out as she came closer. Upon further inspection she had the same marking as the celestial wolf Freya...

"Hey Y/n...Long time no see? Well in my human body that is..." she nervously chuckled. At that moment I grabbed her and held onto her as I cried. I felt her hug me back she as she clutched onto me.

"I don't-How are you-" I couldn't figure out what to say everything was too much. I held her face as she teared up with a smile.

"I'll explain everything to you another time ok? But right now we don't have enough time. I just need you to breathe..." she said as she rubbed my back

I inhale and exhale before finally calming down my ragged breathes, wiping my tears. I look to the other children that watched with concerned faces. I looked down ashamed as I hugged myself.

"...I...I'm sorry...You kids were so young and I...I should've have just-I should've done something to avoid all your deaths caused by me!! I'm really am just a monster..."

"Y/n it's ok we forgave you a long time ago..."

"We know that you were forced to do it!!"

"You were only trying to save your sister."

"We all would've done the same if we were in your position."

"We knew immediately that you were acting strange...and you were always so kind to us...we knew there's was a reason why you did it..."

"We all saw how upset you were, tears in your eyes...we knew you didn't want to do it..."

"So we forgive you!!"

They said as they gave me a big hug. I hug them back as I felt like a crushing burden was just lifted from soul. Once again I teared up as I smile slightly.

"Thank you...I really needed to here that..."

"Y/n...You need to fight back against the Blue Eyed Maiden's control before you fully disappear. I've managed to save a piece of you before she could eradicate your very being." Jiang said as she put hand on my shoulder

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