Chapter 44

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Redson and I both hide in the trees as we stare at Mei's cloaked form. I spin my spear in my hand before looking at Redson. We both nodded and began making are way towards Mei.

Redson gave a silent count down to three to signal us both to throw the spears towards Mei at the same time. This is how training has been for the past couple of days we've been here. And Mei was improving fast.


Redson and I both throw are sharp weapons straight at Mei to distract her from our true attack. She quickly dodged the two before even more were thrown by Redson and I. She fluently dodged as she kept her emotions in check, something her and I have been working on together.

She suddenly let her emotion of frustration get the better of her as the Samadhi Flames engulfed the area as she blasted the spears away. It began to become to much for Mei to control making her struggle. I barley dodged some of the Samadhi Flames if it wasn't for Redson redirecting the fire...somehow...I'll ask him later, right I need to focus!!

Redson and I watch from afar as Mei tried to get the Samadhi flames back into her control, we couldn't hear a thing she was saying.

'Come on Mei...Control it!! Be the flame!!' I say mentally encouraging her to fight through the Samadhi Flames control. And as if she heard me, the flames disappeared and the spears we threw was melted and fell to the ground.

She suddenly flopped onto the ground in exhaustion breathing deeply. Redson and I took that as a wrap and stood as he top of the roof of the shrine, looking down at her tired form. And I just appeared from thin air. Freya, who was from a safe distance came running over licking Mei's face making her laugh.

"Not bad Pony Girl!!" Redson said dramatically dropping down onto the ground making me roll my eyes as I simply walked towards Mei with a soft smile. Freya barked as her tail wagged at the sight of me making pet her.

"But no great either. Do you know how hard it is to source authentic 7th century spears?" He lectures taking one of the melted spears that's was stuck in the wood showing it to Mei making her mock his words. I had to hide my smile as I tried so hard not to laugh at Mei's mocking.

"So think about that next time you want to lose control-" the part of the roof collapsed onto Redson's head making him cry out in pain as he fell over. Both Mei and Widen our eyes and wince. Freya immediately grabbed the rubble off him and threw it away, sniffing him to make sure he was fine.

I make my way over to him lifting his head up gently looking at the already forming bruise on his head. I lightly trace my finger on it making him hiss.

"Hm...Mei please get some ice. He needs to make sure it doesn't bruise any longer." I say making Mei salute and run off to the cooler I have, Freya joining her.

"Now, can you tell me your name?" I ask Redson

"Are you serious? I'm not gonna die my dear." Redson sassed making me pinch his arm and he once again cries out in pain with a glare directed to me.

"I want make sure you don't have a concussion Red. Tell me your name and what was the first thing you did when you ate my baked goods for the first time?" I said with a smirk

"You're never gonna live that down are you? Fine. My Name is Redson. And when I ate your food I thought it was poisoned because it was so delicious. There you happy?" He said with a playful glare.

"Very." I smirked. I then lifted him up in my arms making screech with a blush as his hair burned, yet he didn't fight back. I then easily walk him over to the steps as I sat him down gently, and just then Mei and Freya came back with some ice. She gave it to me and I handed it to Redson who immediately placed it on his bruised forehead and sighed in relief.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now