Extra Chapter 1: Task failed successfully??

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It's been about a year now since the whole Lady Bone Demon and Blue Eyed Maiden fiasco went down, the city was once again built up from the ashes. Y/n finally got their bakery back in business after they had the place rebuilt since it was demolished by ice...and!! They managed to buy their own living space once more!! Mk was sad that he no longer had a roommate but that doesn't mean Y/n won't stop visiting him and the others.

Redson and Y/n were still going strong even after they've been through hell and back. Redson still sometimes forgets that Y/n was now immortal like he was. Mei once tried firing a bazooka at them to "test" their immortality making both him and Y/n freak out. But nothing happened Y/n was completely fine. Mei wasn't though. Redson screeched the poor girl's ears off.

Moving past that....Redson decided to help Y/n out with the bakery and he ended getting a job there. Not only to change his ways but to also spend more time with Y/n. Almost losing them made him realize that he needed to spend every ounce of time with them as possible. Because who knows what may happen in the future.....

"Hey Red do you mind heating up the cakes in the back for me?" Y/n said snapping Redson out of his thoughts

"Of course My dear!!" He stumbled behind the counter quickly as he used his flames to heat the cakes up. Speaking of fire Y/n and him...talked about what happened...Redson finally admitted that he may have accidentally absorbed some of the Samadhi Flames because of his armor which caused an argument between the two. Y/n was just upset that he was hiding it resulting to Redson firing back with how they hid stuff from him as well. They ended making up though, they couldn't stand being angry at each other for long.

"Hello Mk, Mei, and-Oh!! Hi Bai He!! I'm glad you're doing well." Y/n said smiling at the little girl who shyly waved her hand hi. Redson came back through with the cakes as he started to put frosting over them making sure everything was completely perfect.

"Heyooo Redboooyyyy~" Mei said smirking at his direction with mischief

"I'm not gonna respond to your pestering Dragon Girl." Redson said bluntly to focused on the cakes making Mei roll her eyes.

"What can I get you guys today?" Y/n smiled patiently

"I'll take your Green Tea Boba and some Mochi please!!" Mei said excitedly

"Hmm...I'll have a box of the Peach cakes for Monkey King and for me I'll have the Double Fudge Brownies please!!" Mk said as well.

Y/n looked over at Bai He as she looked down shyly making Y/n smile softly.

"And for you sweetheart?"

Bai He looked up before inhaling a deep breath,
"U-Um I want s-some of your Stuffed Marshmellows...and M-Macaque said he would like the Dark Chocolate c-cream puffs....please...?"

I chuckle softly ruffling her hair gently making her smile, "You got it sweetie. I'll get cooking right now. Redson look over the counter please and Thank you hun." Y/n said going into the kitchen and began their work.

Mei and Mk then slid over the counter with smirks on their faces.

"Sooooo When are you gonna do it?~" Mei said smugly making Redson blush and shush her

"Quite!! They might hear you!! I don't want to ruin the surprise...it has to be perfect!! Nothing can go wrong!!" Redson practically screeches

"Oh come on Redson!! Y/n doesn't care if it's perfect!! As long as you do it then boom!! Everything works out!!" Mk rolls his eyes making Redson glare at him.

"M-Mk does have a point Mr. Red...Y-Y/n seems like the person to love anything perfect or not...but maybe don't just do it without care like he saying..." Bai He said softly trying to be encouraging making Mei give her a thumbs up

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